Project Section Environmental Documents
Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) has prepared the Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Section of the California High-Speed Rail (HSR) Project. The Final EIR/EIS has been prepared and is being made available pursuant to both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being or have been carried out by the State of California pursuant to 23 U.S. Code 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated July 23, 2019, and executed by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the State of California. Under that MOU, the Authority is the project’s lead agency under NEPA. Prior to the July 23, 2019, MOU, the FRA was the federal lead agency. The Authority is also the project’s lead agency under CEQA.
Following the Authority’s publication of the Draft EIR/EIS in February 2020, the Authority learned that the California Fish and Game Commission advanced the Southern California and Central Coast mountain lion (Puma concolor) populations to candidacy for listing under the California Endangered Species Act. The Authority also learned that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) determined that listing the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) under the federal Endangered Species Act is warranted, but that listing is precluded by other priorities; therefore, the monarch butterfly is now a candidate species under the Endangered Species Act. As a result, pursuant to both CEQA and NEPA, the Authority published a Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS (Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS) in February 2021 to address potential impacts to mountain lion and monarch butterfly. The Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS was circulated for a 45-day public comment period. Responses to comments received during the review periods for both the Draft EIR/EIS and the Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS are provided in Volume 4 of this Final EIR/EIS.
The documents identified below are available electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have a copy of this free software, you can download it from Adobe at Link. If you already have a copy of this software, simply click on the links and the documents will open automatically. Note: many of these files are very large and could take several minutes to download.
The previously published Draft EIR/EIS and Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS are also available on the Authority website. You may also request an electronic copy of the Final EIR/ EIS, the previously published Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS and Draft EIR/EIS, and the associated technical reports by calling (213) 457-8420 or emailing
In addition to posting the Final EIR/EIS on this website, printed and/or electronic copies of the Final EIR/EIS, as well as the previously published Draft EIR/EIS and Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS, have been placed at the following public libraries and can be viewed during hours the facilities are open (open days/hours may be reduced for compliance with COVID-19 public health and safety directives):
- Bakersfield
- Kern County Library, Beale Memorial Branch, 701 Truxtun Avenue
- Kern County Library, Rathbun Branch, 200 W China Grade Loop
- Kern County Library, Baker Branch, 1400 Baker Street
- Bakersfield College, Grace Van Dyke Bird Library, 1801 Panorama Drive
- California State University, Bakersfield, Walter W. Stiern Library, 9001 Stockdale Highway
- Kern County Library, Wilson Branch, 1901 Wilson Road
- Kern County Library, Holloway-Gonzales Branch, 506 E Brundage Lane
- Kern County Library, Northeast Branch, 3725 Columbus Street
- Kern County Library, Southwest Branch, 8301 Ming Avenue
- Lancaster
- Antelope Valley College Library, 3041 W Avenue K
- County of Los Angeles Public Library, Lancaster Branch, 601 W Lancaster Boulevard
- Mojave
- Kern County Library, Mojave Branch, 15555 O Street
- Palmdale
- County of Los Angeles Public Library, Lake Los Angeles Branch, 16921 E Avenue O [#A]
- Palmdale City Library, 700 E Palmdale Boulevard
- Quartz Hill
- County of Los Angeles Public Library, Quartz Hill Branch, 5040 W Avenue M 2
- Rosamond
- Kern County Library, Wanda Kirk Branch, 3611 Rosamond Boulevard
- Tehachapi
- Kern County Library, Tehachapi Branch, 212 S Green Street
Printed and/or electronic copies of the Bakersfield to Palmdale Final EIR/EIS, along with electronic copies of the previously published Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS and Draft EIR/EIS and associated technical reports, are also available for review during business hours at the Authority’s office at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA; and by appointment at the Authority’s Southern California Regional Office at 355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2050, Los Angeles, CA. To make an appointment to view the documents, please call 323-610-2819.
Document Organization
The Bakersfield to Palmdale Final EIR/EIS includes the following volumes:
- Volume 1: Report
- Volume 2: Technical Appendices
- Volume 3: Alignment Plans
- Volume 4: Responses to Comments
The purpose of environmental documents is to disclose information to decision-makers and the public. While the science and analysis that supports this Final EIR/EIS is complex, this document is intended for the general public. Use of technical terms and acronyms has been limited. Terms and acronyms are defined the first time they are used, and a list of acronyms and abbreviations is provided in Chapter 15 of this document. The Executive Summary provides an overview of all of the substantive chapters of the Final EIR/EIS. It includes a table listing the potential environmental impacts for each environmental resource topic and directs the reader where to get details in the rest of the document.
Approval Documents
- Final Approved Resolution #HSRA 21-05 CEQA Certification of the Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact StatementPDF Document
- Final Approved Resolution #HSRA 21-06 Approve the Preferred Alternative and Related CEQA Decision Materials for Alternative 2 with Refined César E. Chávez National Monument Design Option, Avenue M Maintenance Site and Maintenance-of-Way Facility, and Palmdale StationPDF Document
- Final Approved Resolution #HSRA 21-07 Direct the Authority CEO to Sign the Record of Decision for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Selecting Alternative 2 with Refined César E. Chávez National Monument Design Option, Avenue M Maintenance Site and Maintenance-of-Way Facility, and Palmdale Station and Complying with Other Federal LawsPDF Document
Educational Materials
- Executive Summary for the Final EIR/EISPDF Document
- Informe Final de Impacto Ambiental/Declaración de Impacto Ambiental, Resumen (Executive Summary En Español)PDF Document
- Guide to Reviewing the EIR/EIS (now included in Volume 1 as Preface)PDF Document
- Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Footprint Mapbook (now included in Volume 2 as Appendix 3.1-C)PDF Document
Volume 1: Report
- Volume 1 CoverPDF Document
- Signature PagePDF Document
- PrefacePDF Document
- Volume 1 Table of ContentsPDF Document
- SummaryPDF Document
- Chapter 1 Project Purpose, Need, and ObjectivesPDF Document
- Chapter 2 AlternativesPDF Document
- Section 3.1 IntroductionPDF Document
- Section 3.2 TransportationPDF Document
- Section 3.3 Air Quality and Global Climate ChangePDF Document
- Section 3.4 Noise and VibrationPDF Document
- Section 3.5 Electromagnetic Interference and Electromagnetic FieldsPDF Document
- Section 3.6 Public Utilities and EnergyPDF Document
- Section 3.7 Biological and Aquatic ResourcesPDF Document
- Section 3.8 Hydrology and Water ResourcesPDF Document
- Section 3.9 Geology, Soils, Seismicity, and Paleontological ResourcesPDF Document
- Section 3.10 Hazardous Materials and WastesPDF Document
- Section 3.11 Safety and SecurityPDF Document
- Section 3.12 Socioeconomics and CommunitiesPDF Document
- Section 3.13 Station Planning, Land Use, and DevelopmentPDF Document
- Section 3.14 Agricultural Farmland and Forest LandPDF Document
- Section 3.15 Parks, Recreation, and Open SpacePDF Document
- Section 3.16 Aesthetics and Visual QualityPDF Document
- Section 3.17 Cultural ResourcesPDF Document
- Section 3.18 Regional GrowthPDF Document
- Section 3.19 Cumulative ImpactsPDF Document
- Chapter 4 Section 4(f)/6(f) EvaluationsPDF Document
- Chapter 5 Environmental JusticePDF Document
- Chapter 6 Project Costs and OperationsPDF Document
- Chapter 7 Other CEQA/NEPA ConsiderationsPDF Document
- Chapter 8 Preferred Alternative and Station SitesPDF Document
- Chapter 9 Public and Agency InvolvementPDF Document
- Chapter 10 EIR/EIS DistributionPDF Document
- Chapter 11 List of PreparersPDF Document
- Chapter 12 ReferencesPDF Document
- Chapter 13 Glossary of TermsPDF Document
- Chapter 14 IndexPDF Document
- Chapter 15 Acronyms and AbbreviationsPDF Document
Volume 2: Technical Appendices
- Volume 2 CoverPDF Document
- Volume 2 Table of ContentsPDF Document
- 2-A Road Crossings, Closures, and DetoursPDF Document
- 2-B Railroad CrossingsPDF Document
- 2-C Operations and Service PlanPDF Document
- 2-D Applicable Design StandardsPDF Document
- 2-E Impact Avoidance and Minimization FeaturesPDF Document
- 2-F Summary of Requirements for Maintenance FacilitiesPDF Document
- 2-G Emergency and Safety PlansPDF Document
- 2-H Detailed Plan Consistency AnalysisPDF Document
- 2-I DRECP Applicability AnalysisPDF Document
- 3.1-A Standardized Mitigation MeasuresPDF Document
- 3.1-B Evaluation of Engineering and Design Refinements since the Publication of the Draft EIR/EISPDF Document
- 3.1-C Footprint MapbookPDF Document
- 3.2-A Vehicle Miles Traveled MethodologyPDF Document
- 3.2-B Traffic Mitigation LocationsPDF Document
- 3.4-A Noise and Vibration FiguresPDF Document
- 3.4-B Noise and Vibration Mitigation GuidelinesPDF Document
- 3.5-A Pre-construction Electromagnetic Measurement Survey along the Bakersfield to Palmdale SectionPDF Document
- 3.6-A Energy Analysis MemorandumPDF Document
- 3.6-B Technical Memorandum: Water Usage Analysis for HSR Bakersfield to Palmdale Project SectionPDF Document
- 3.7-A César Chávez National Monument Design Options Aquatic Resources MemorandumPDF Document
- 3.7-B Potential Additional Section 1600 Resources Memorandum Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- 3.7-B Potential Additional Section 1600 Resources Memorandum Part 2 of 2PDF Document
- 3.9-A Geology, Soils, Seismicity, and Paleontological Resources Figures and TablesPDF Document
- 3.10-A Sites of Potential Environmental ConcernPDF Document
- 3.12-A Socioeconomics and Communities Figures and TablesPDF Document
- 3.12-B Relocation Assistance BenefitsPDF Document
- 3.12-C Children’s Health and Safety Risk AssessmentPDF Document
- 3.12-D Bakersfield to Palmdale Footprint MapbookPDF Document
- 3.13-A Station Planning, Land Use, and Development TablesPDF Document
- 3.13-B Station Planning, Land Use, and Development FiguresPDF Document
- 3.14-A Natural Resources Conservation Service FormsPDF Document
- 3.14-B Parcel Severance Methodology and ResultsPDF Document
- 3.14-C Agricultural Farmland and Forest Land FiguresPDF Document
- 3.18-A Regional Growth Methodology MemorandumPDF Document
- 3.18-B The Economic Recession of 2007 to 2009: Effects and RecoveryPDF Document
- 3.19-A Cumulative Project ListPDF Document
- 5-A Environmental Justice FiguresPDF Document
- 5-B Environmental Justice Outreach PlanPDF Document
- 5-C Key Environmental Justice Stakeholder Outreach MeetingsPDF Document
- 6-A High-Speed Rail Operating and Maintenance Cost for Use in EIR/EIS Project-Level AnalysisPDF Document
- 6-B PEPD Draft Capital Cost Estimate ReportPDF Document
- 8-A Bakersfield to Palmdale Alignment Alternatives AnalysisPDF Document
- 8-B Concurrence LettersPDF Document
Volume 3: Alignment Plans
- Volume 3 User GuidePDF Document
- B-P Alternatives PEPD Cover and Index of DrawingsPDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 1 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 2 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 3 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 4 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 5 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 6 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 7 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 8 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 9 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 10 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 11 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 12 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 13 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 14 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 15 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 16 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 17 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 18 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 19 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 20 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 21 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 22 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 23 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 24 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 25 of 26PDF Document
- Section A Preferred Alternative Part 26 of 26PDF Document
- Section B Alignment Plans Part 1 of 3PDF Document
- Section B Alignment Plans Part 2 of 3PDF Document
- Section B Alignment Plans Part 3 of 3PDF Document
- Section C Roadway (Plan and Profile) Part 1 of 6PDF Document
- Section C Roadway (Plan and Profile) Part 2 of 6PDF Document
- Section C Roadway (Plan and Profile) Part 3 of 6PDF Document
- Section C Roadway (Plan and Profile) Part 4 of 6PDF Document
- Section C Roadway (Plan and Profile) Part 5 of 6PDF Document
- Section C Roadway (Plan and Profile) Part 6 of 6PDF Document
- Section D Construction Sequence PlansPDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 1 of 10PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 2 of 10PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 3 of 10PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 4 of 10PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 5 of 10PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 6 of 10PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 7 of 10PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 8 of 10PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 9 of 10PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 10 of 10PDF Document
- Section F Track and Roadway Structure Plans Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- Section F Track and Roadway Structure Plans Part 2 of 2PDF Document
- Section G Maintenance Facilities Plans Part 1 of 3PDF Document
- Section G Maintenance Facilities Plans Part 2 of 3PDF Document
- Section G Maintenance Facilities Plans Part 3 of 3PDF Document
- Section H Communication Systems PlansPDF Document
- Section I Traction Power PlansPDF Document
- Section J Automatic Train Control Plans Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- Section J Automatic Train Control Plans Part 2 of 2PDF Document
- Section K TunnelsPDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 1 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 2 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 3 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 4 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 5 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 6 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 7 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 8 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 9 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 10 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 11 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 12 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 13 of 14PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 14 of 14PDF Document
- Section M Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 1 of 3PDF Document
- Section M Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 2 of 3PDF Document
- Section M Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 3 of 3PDF Document
- Section N Refined Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 1 of 4PDF Document
- Section N Refined Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 2 of 4PDF Document
- Section N Refined Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 3 of 4PDF Document
- Section N Refined Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 4 of 4PDF Document
- Section O Coordination Set (Locally Generated Alternative [LGA]) General Plans Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- Section O Coordination Set (Locally Generated Alternative [LGA]) General Plans Part 2 of 2PDF Document
- Section P Coordination Set (Palmdale Subsection) Part 1 of 4PDF Document
- Section P Coordination Set (Palmdale Subsection) Part 2 of 4PDF Document
- Section P Coordination Set (Palmdale Subsection) Part 3 of 4PDF Document
- Section P Coordination Set (Palmdale Subsection) Part 4 of 4PDF Document
Volume 4: Responses to Comments
- Volume 4 CoverPDF Document
- Chapter 16 Introduction to Volume 4PDF Document
- Chapter 17 Standard ResponsesPDF Document
- Chapter 18 Repuestas EstandarPDF Document
- Chapter 19 Response to Comments from Federal AgenciesPDF Document
- Chapter 20 Response to Comments from State AgenciesPDF Document
- Chapter 21 Response to Comments from State Agencies (received after April 28, 2020)PDF Document
- Chapter 22 Response to Comments from Local AgenciesPDF Document
- Chapter 23 Response to Comments from Local Agencies (received after April 28, 2020)PDF Document
- Chapter 24 Response to Comments from TribesPDF Document
- Chapter 25 Response to Comments from Businesses and/or OrganizationsPDF Document
- Chapter 26 Response to Comments from Individuals PDF Document
- Chapter 27 Response to Comments from Individuals (received after April 28, 2020)PDF Document
- Chapter 28 Response to Comments from Public Hearing on April 23, 2020PDF Document
- Chapter 29 Response to Comments from Public Meeting on March 4, 2020PDF Document
- Chapter 30 References PDF Document
- Chapter 31 Response to Comments from Federal Agencies on RDEIR/SDEISPDF Document
- Chapter 32 Response to Comments from State Agencies on RDEIR/SDEISPDF Document
- Chapter 33 Response to Comments from Local Agencies on RDEIR/SDEIS PDF Document
- Chapter 34 Response to Comments from Business and/or Organizations on RDEIR/SDEISPDF Document
- Chapter 35 Response to Comments from Individuals on RDEIR/SDEISPDF Document
Technical Reports
- Aesthetics and Visual Quality Technical Report
- Historic Architectural Survey Report
- Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report
- Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report
- Community Impact Assessment
- Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Technical Report
- Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report
- Hydrology and Water Resources Technical Report
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report
- Paleontological Resources Technical Report
- Relocation Impact Report
- Transportation Technical Report
Electronic copies of the technical reports are available upon request by calling the Authority office at (866) 300-3044. Electronic copies of the technical reports are also available for review during business hours at the Authority’s offices at 770 L Street, Suite 620, Sacramento, CA and 355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2050, Los Angeles.
Brief Explanation of Each Volume
Volume 1 – Report
Chapter 1.0, Introduction and Purpose, Need, and Objectives, explains the Authority’s purpose and need for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Section, and provides a history of the planning process.
Chapter 2.0, Alternatives, describes the proposed Bakersfield to Palmdale alternatives, as well as the No Project Alternative used for purposes of comparison. It contains illustrations and maps and provides a review of construction activities. This chapter identifies the preferred alternative, which also serves as the proposed project for CEQA. These first two chapters help the reader understand what is being analyzed in the remainder of the document.
Chapter 3.0, Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation Measures, is where the reader can find information about the existing transportation, environmental, and social conditions in the area of Bakersfield to Palmdale. This chapter provides the findings of the analysis of potential environmental impacts, along with methods to reduce these impacts (called mitigation measures).
Chapter 4.0, Section 4(f)/Section 6(f) Evaluation, provides the analysis to support determinations made under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 and Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act.
Chapter 5.0, Environmental Justice, discusses whether the Bakersfield to Palmdale alternatives may cause disproportionate impacts on low-income and minority communities. It also identifies mitigation to reduce those impacts where appropriate.
Chapter 6.0, Project Costs and Operations, summarizes the estimated capital and operations and maintenance costs for each Bakersfield to Palmdale alternative evaluated in this Final EIR/EIS, including funding and financial risk.
Chapter 7.0, Other NEPA/CEQA Considerations, summarizes the Bakersfield to Palmdale alternatives’ environmental effects under NEPA, the significant adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided under CEQA, and the significant irreversible environmental changes that would occur as a result of the Bakersfield to Palmdale alternatives or irretrievable commitments of resources or foreclosure of future options.
Chapter 8.0, Preferred Alternative, describes the Preferred Alternative and the basis for identifying the Preferred Alternative.
Chapter 9.0, Public and Agency Involvement, contains summaries of coordination and outreach activities with agencies and the general public during preparation of this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 10.0, Draft EIR/EIS Distribution, identifies the public agencies, tribes, and organizations that were informed of the availability of, and locations to obtain, this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 11.0, List of Preparers, provides the names and responsibilities of the authors of this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 12.0, References/Sources Used in Document Preparation, cites the references and contacts used in writing this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 13.0, Glossary of Terms, provides a definition of certain terms used in this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 14.0, Index, provides a tool to cross-reference major topics used in this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 15.0, Acronyms and Abbreviations, defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this Final EIR/EIS.
Volume 2 – Technical Appendices
Appendices provide additional details on the Bakersfield to Palmdale project and the alternatives evaluated in the Final EIR/EIS. Technical appendices, included in Volume 2, are primarily related to the affected environment and environmental consequences analyses. These appendices are numbered to match their corresponding section in Chapter 3, as well as Chapter 2, of this Final EIR/EIS (e.g., 3.6-A is the first appendix for Section 3.6, Public Utilities and Energy).
Volume 3 – Alignment Plans
These are detailed design drawings, including trackway and roadway crossing design.
Volume 4 – Responses to Comments on the Draft EIR/EIS and Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS
This section includes comments received on the Draft EIR/EIS and on the Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS during the CEQA and NEPA review periods for each document, and the responses to these comments.
Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
The public review period for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) closed on April 12, 2021. The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) will consider all comments received on the Draft EIR/EIS and respond to each comment in a Final EIR/EIS.
The Revised Draft EIR/EIS was originally made available for a minimum 45-day public review beginning on February 26, 2021 and ending on April 12, 2021, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) announced the availability of a Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement to address the recent listings of mountain lion as a state candidate species and of monarch butterfly as a federal candidate species. The document also proposes new mitigation measures to reduce the impacts of lighting on wildlife during project construction and operation.
This document was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and is titled “Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement” (referred to below as “Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS”). The Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS was prepared as a limited revision to the previously published Draft Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIR/EIS) for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Section of the California High-Speed Rail Project (Bakersfield to Palmdale Draft EIR/EIS), which was published in February 2020 by the Authority as the CEQA and NEPA lead agency.
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being or have been carried out by the State of California pursuant to 23 U.S. Code (U.S.C.) 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated July 23, 2019 and executed by the Federal Railroad Administration and the State of California.
Following the Authority’s publication of the Draft EIR/EIS in February 2020, the Authority learned that the California Fish and Game Commission advanced the Southern California and Central Coast mountain lion (Puma concolor) populations to candidacy for listing under the California Endangered Species Act. The Authority also learned that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) determined that listing the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) under the federal Endangered Species Act is warranted, but that listing is precluded by other priorities; therefore, the monarch butterfly is now a candidate species under the Endangered Species Act. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will review the species’ status annually until a listing decision is made.
Both CEQA and NEPA provide guidance on the recirculation and supplementation of published environmental documents. Pursuant to pertinent requirements of both laws, the Authority, as lead CEQA and NEPA agency for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section, is issuing this Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS limited to the portions of the Draft EIR/EIS that require revision based on the new information about the mountain lion and the monarch butterfly. New information includes background information, impact analysis, and mitigation measures. In addition to providing new information about the mountain lion and monarch butterfly, the Authority has identified two new mitigation measures to address impacts to wildlife resulting from lighting during construction and project operation.
The sections comprising the Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS are:
- Summary
- Section 3.7, Biological Resources and Wetlands
- Section, Cumulative Impacts, Biological Resources and Wetlands The Authority reviewed other sections of the Draft EIR/EIS and found, based on research and a review of the evidence, that no other substantive changes would be required.
The Authority reviewed other sections of the Draft EIR/EIS and found, based on research and a review of the evidence, that no other substantive changes would be required.
The following documents are available electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have a copy of this free software, you can download it from Adobe at Link. If you already have a copy of this software, simply click on the links and they will open up automatically. Note: many of these files are very large and could take up to several minutes to download.
The previously published Draft EIR/EIS is also available on the Authority website. Electronic copies of technical reports can be accessed by calling (866) 300-3044.
In addition to posting sections of the Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS on this website, printed and/or electronic copies of the Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS, as well as the previously published Draft EIR/EIS, are provided at the following public libraries and will be available if circumstances allow, during hours the facilities are open (open days/hours may be reduced for compliance with COVID-19 public health and safety directives):
- Bakersfield
- Kern County Library, Beale Memorial Branch, 701 Truxtun Avenue
- Kern County Library, Rathbun Branch, 200 W China Grade Loop
- Kern County Library, Baker Branch, 1400 Baker Street
- Bakersfield College, Grace Van Dyke Bird Library, 1801 Panorama Drive
- California State University, Bakersfield, Walter W. Stiern Library, 9001 Stockdale Highway
- Kern County Library, Wilson Branch, 1901 Wilson Road
- Kern County Library, Holloway-Gonzales Branch, 506 E Brundage Lane
- Kern County Library, Northeast Branch, 3725 Columbus Street
- Kern County Library, Southwest Branch, 8301 Ming Avenue
- Lancaster
- Antelope Valley College Library, 3041 W Avenue K
- County of Los Angeles Public Library, Lancaster Branch, 601 W Lancaster Boulevard
- Mojave
- Kern County Library, Mojave Branch, 15555 O Street
- Palmdale
- County of Los Angeles Public Library, Lake Los Angeles Branch, 16921 E Avenue O [#A]
- Palmdale City Library, 700 E Palmdale Boulevard
- Quartz Hill
- County of Los Angeles Public Library, Quartz Hill Branch, 5040 W Avenue M 2
- Rosamond
- Kern County Library, Wanda Kirk Branch, 3611 Rosamond Boulevard
- Tehachapi
- Kern County Library, Tehachapi Branch, 212 S Green Street
Printed and electronic copies of the Bakersfield to Palmdale Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS, along with electronic copies of the previously published Draft EIR/EIS and associated technical reports, are available for review during business hours at the Authority’s office at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA, and the Authority’s office at 355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2050, Los Angeles, CA. You may also request an electronic copy of the Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS, the previously published Draft EIR/EIS, and the associated technical reports by calling (866) 300-3044 or emailing
The comment period is closed.
- Cover Sheet Memorandum for the Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EISPDF Document – Minor updates made on March 26, 2021 for clarity
- Provides an overview of the Revised Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS and additional context to help readers review materials.
- Memorando de portada para el borrador revisado del EIR / borrador complementario del EISPDF Document
- Cover PagePDF Document
- Signature PagePDF Document
- Cover Sheet MemoPDF Document – Minor updates made on March 26, 2021 for clarity
- Memorando (Cover Sheet Memo En Español)PDF Document
- SummaryPDF Document
- Section 3.7 Biological Resources and WetlandsPDF Document – Minor updates made on March 26, 2021 for clarity
- This section provides the findings of the analysis of potential environmental impacts, along with methods to reduce these impacts (called mitigation measures).
- Section 3.19 Cumulative ImpactsPDF Document
- This chapter provides the findings and analysis of cumulative effects to Biological Resources and Wetlands.
Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
The public review period for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) closed on April 28, 2020. The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) will consider all comments received on the Draft EIR/EIS and respond to each comment in a Final EIR/EIS.
The Draft EIR/EIS was originally made available for a minimum 45-day public review beginning on February 28, 2020 and ending on April 13, 2020, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Due to the uncertainty caused by the outbreak of COVID-19, the Authority elected to extend the public review period for 15 days to April 28, 2020.
On July 23, 2019, Governor Newsom executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) under the Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program (known as NEPA Assignment), pursuant to the legal authority under 23 U.S.C. section 327. Under NEPA Assignment, the State, acting through the California State Transportation Agency and the Authority, has assumed FRA’s responsibilities under NEPA and other federal environmental laws, as assigned by FRA under the MOU. These responsibilities that California will now carry out, pursuant to 23 U.S.C. section 327 and the MOU, include environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project. The Authority is therefore both the CEQA and NEPA lead agency.
The Preferred Alternative in the Draft EIR/EIS is Alternative 2 with the Refined César Chávez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option. The Preferred Alternative serves as the proposed project for CEQA. This Draft EIR/EIS also evaluates a No Project Alternative and three other Build Alternatives and one additional design option: Alternatives 1, 3, and 5, and the CCNM Design Option. The Draft EIR/EIS also includes analysis for the approved Bakersfield Station and proposed Palmdale Station.
Many of the following documents are available electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have a copy of this free software, you can download it from Adobe at Link. If you already have a copy of this software, simply click on the links and it will open up automatically. Note: many of these files are very large and could take up to several minutes to download. Electronic copies of files that are not posted on this website can be accessed by calling (866) 300-3044.
In addition to posting sections of the Draft EIR/EIS on this website, printed and/or electronic copies of the Draft EIR/EIS and associated technical reports are provided at the following public libraries: Bakersfield (701 Truxtun Avenue, 200 West China Grade Loop, 1400 Baker Street, 1801 Panorama Drive [Grace Van Dyke Bird Library], 9001 Stockdale Highway [Walter W. Stiern Library], 1901 Wilson Road, 506 E. Brundage Lane, 3725 Columbus Street, and 8301 Ming Avenue); Lancaster (3041 W. Avenue K [Antelope Valley College Library] and 601 W. Lancaster Boulevard); Mojave (15555 O Street); Palmdale (16921 E. Avenue O [#A] and 700 E. Palmdale Boulevard), Quartz Hill (5040 W. Avenue M 2); and in Rosamond (3611 Rosamond Boulevard), Tehachapi (212 S. Green Street).
Printed and/or electronic copies of the Bakersfield to Palmdale Draft EIR/EIS, along with electronic copies of the associated technical reports, are available for review during business hours at the Authority’s office at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA, and the Authority’s office at 355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2050, Los Angeles, CA. You may also request an electronic copy of the Draft EIR/EIS by calling (866) 300-3044 or emailing
The Draft EIR/EIS incorporates by reference the following environmental documents, which may be obtained by consulting the Authority’s website at Fresno to Bakersfield Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (2017); Fresno to Bakersfield Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (2018); and Fresno to Bakersfield Combined Supplemental Record of Decision and Final Supplemental EIS on the Locally Generated Alternative (2019). Printed and/or electronic copies of these documents are also available for review during business hours at the Authority’s offices at 770 L Street, Suite 620, Sacramento, CA and at 355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2050, Los Angeles, CA.
The Final Program EIR/EIS for the Proposed California High-Speed Train System (2005), the Final Program EIR/EIS for the Bay Area to Central Valley High-Speed Train (2008), and the Partially Revised Final Program EIR for the Bay Area to Central Valley High-Speed Train (2012) may be reviewed in printed and/or electronic form at the Authority’s offices during business hours at: 770 L Street, Suite 620, Sacramento, CA 95814 and at 355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2050, Los Angeles, CA 90071. Electronic copies of these documents are available upon request by calling the Authority office at (866) 300-3044.
Document Organization
The Bakersfield to Palmdale Draft EIR/EIS includes the following:
- Volume 1 – Report
- Volume 2 – Technical Appendices
- Volume 3 – Alignment Plans
The purpose of environmental documents is to disclose information to decision makers and the public. While the science and analysis that supports this Draft EIR/EIS is complex, this document is intended for the general public. Every attempt has been made to limit technical terms and the use of acronyms. The terms and acronyms are defined the first time they are used and a list of acronyms and abbreviations is provided in Chapter 15 of this document.
The Executive Summary, available in English and Spanish, provides an overview of all of the substantive chapters and includes a table listing the potential environmental impacts for each environmental resource topic and directs the reader where to get details elsewhere in the document.
Educational Materials
- Executive Summary for the Draft EIR/EISPDF Document
- Resumen Ejecutivo del Borrador Informe del Impacto Ambiental / Declaración del Impacto Ambiental de la Sección de Bakersfield a Palmdale (EIR/EIS) (Executive Summary En Español)PDF Document
- Guide to Reviewing the Draft EIR/EISPDF Document
- Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Footprint Mapbook PDF Document– New – Posted on March 23, 2020
- The Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Footprint Mapbook illustrates the location of the permanent and temporary project activity footprint of each of the alternatives and design options for the proposed project. For additional information, please refer to the Alignment Plans in Volume 3 of the Draft EIR/EIS.
- Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Fact Sheet — Spring 2020PDF Document
Public Hearing Information
In order to comply with California Governor Gavin Newsom’s COVID-19 directed and Executive Order N-33-20, and to protect public health, the traditional in-person format of the public hearing has been changed to a “virtual” public hearing that will be held online and via telephone. The virtual public hearing for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Draft EIR/EIS will take place on Thursday, April 23, 2020 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. To access the virtual public hearing, please use one of the two methods outlined below.
- Join the hearing via webinar by clicking the following link: Link
- Join the hearing via phone by dialing the following number: +1 669 900 9128
Note: callers will need the webinar ID number, which is: 869 4972 9481
- Notice of AvailabilityPDF Document
- Aviso de Disponibilidad del Borrador Informe de Impacto Ambiental / Declaración de Impacto Ambiental de la Sección de Bakersfield a Palmdale (Notice of Availability En Español)PDF Document
- Notice of Change to Public Review Period and Public HearingPDF Document
- Aviso de Cambio al Periodo de Revision Publica y Audienca PublicaPDF Document
Submitting a Comment
The comment period is closed.
Volume 1: Report
- Volume 1 CoverPDF Document
- Signature PagePDF Document
- Volume 1 Table of ContentsPDF Document
- SummaryPDF Document
- Chapter 1 Project Purpose, Need, and ObjectivesPDF Document
- Chapter 2 AlternativesPDF Document
- Section 3.1 IntroductionPDF Document
- Section 3.2 TransportationPDF Document
- Section 3.3 Air Quality and Global Climate ChangePDF Document
- Section 3.4 Noise and VibrationPDF Document
- Section 3.5 Electromagnetic Interference and Electromagnetic FieldsPDF Document
- Section 3.6 Public Utilities and EnergyPDF Document
- Section 3.7 Biological and Aquatic ResourcesPDF Document
- Section 3.8 Hydrology and Water ResourcesPDF Document
- Section 3.9 Geology, Soils, Seismicity, and Paleontological ResourcesPDF Document
- Section 3.10 Hazardous Materials and WastesPDF Document
- Section 3.11 Safety and SecurityPDF Document
- Section 3.12 Socioeconomics and CommunitiesPDF Document
- Section 3.13 Station Planning, Land Use, and DevelopmentPDF Document
- Section 3.14 Agricultural Farmland and Forest LandPDF Document
- Section 3.15 Parks, Recreation, and Open SpacePDF Document
- Section 3.16 Aesthetics and Visual QualityPDF Document
- Section 3.17 Cultural ResourcesPDF Document
- Section 3.18 Regional GrowthPDF Document
- Section 3.19 Cumulative ImpactsPDF Document
- Chapter 4 Draft Section 4(f)/6(f) EvaluationsPDF Document
- Chapter 5 Environmental JusticePDF Document
- Chapter 6 Project Costs and OperationsPDF Document
- Chapter 7 Other CEQA/NEPA ConsiderationsPDF Document
- Chapter 8 Preferred Alternative and Station SitesPDF Document
- Chapter 9 Public and Agency InvolvementPDF Document
- Chapter 10 EIR/EIS DistributionPDF Document
- Chapter 11 List of PreparersPDF Document
- Chapter 12 ReferencesPDF Document
- Chapter 13 Glossary of TermsPDF Document
- Chapter 14 IndexPDF Document
- Chapter 15 Acronyms and AbbreviationsPDF Document
Volume 2: Technical Appendices
- Volume 2 CoverPDF Document
- Volume 2 Table of ContentsPDF Document
- 2-A Road Crossings, Closures, and DetoursPDF Document
- 2-B Railroad CrossingsPDF Document
- 2-C Operations and Service PlanPDF Document
- 2-D Applicable Design StandardsPDF Document
- 2-E Impact Avoidance and Minimization FeaturesPDF Document
- 2-F Summary of Requirements for Maintenance FacilitiesPDF Document
- 2-G Emergency and Safety PlansPDF Document
- 2-H Detailed Plan Consistency AnalysisPDF Document
- 2-I DRECP Applicability AnalysisPDF Document
- 3.1-A Standardized Mitigation MeasuresPDF Document
- 3.2-A Vehicle Miles Traveled MethodologyPDF Document
- 3.2-B Traffic Mitigation LocationsPDF Document
- 3.4-A Noise and Vibration FiguresPDF Document
- 3.4-B Noise and Vibration Mitigation GuidelinesPDF Document
- 3.5-A Pre-construction Electromagnetic Measurement Survey along the Bakersfield to Palmdale SectionPDF Document
- 3.6-A Energy Analysis MemorandumPDF Document
- 3.6-B Technical Memorandum: Water Usage Analysis for HSR Bakersfield to Palmdale Project SectionPDF Document
- 3.7-A César Chávez National Monument Design Options Aquatic Resources MemorandumPDF Document
- 3.7-B Potential Additional Section 1600 Resources Memorandum Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- 3.7-B Potential Additional Section 1600 Resources Memorandum Part 2 of 2PDF Document
- 3.9-A Geology, Soils, Seismicity, and Paleontological Resources Figures and TablesPDF Document
- 3.10-A Sites of Potential Environmental ConcernPDF Document
- 3.12-A Socioeconomics and Communities Figures and TablesPDF Document
- 3.12-B Relocation Assistance BenefitsPDF Document
- 3.12-C Children’s Health and Safety Risk AssessmentPDF Document
- 3.13-A Station Planning, Land Use, and Development TablesPDF Document
- 3.13-B Station Planning, Land Use, and Development FiguresPDF Document
- 3.14-A Natural Resources Conservation Service FormsPDF Document
- 3.14-B Parcel Severance Methodology and ResultsPDF Document
- 3.14-C Agricultural Farmland and Forest Land FiguresPDF Document
- 3.18-A Regional Growth Methodology MemorandumPDF Document
- 3.18-B The Economic Recession of 2007 to 2009: Effects and RecoveryPDF Document
- 3.19-A Cumulative Project ListPDF Document
- 5-A Environmental Justice Figures Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- 5-A Environmental Justice Figures Part 2 of 2PDF Document
- 5-B Environmental Justice Outreach PlanPDF Document
- 5-C Key Environmental Justice Stakeholder Outreach MeetingsPDF Document
- 6-A High-Speed Rail Operating and Maintenance Cost for Use in EIR/EIS Project-Level AnalysisPDF Document
- 6-B PEPD Draft Capital Cost Estimate ReportPDF Document
- 8-A Bakersfield to Palmdale Alignment Alternatives AnalysisPDF Document
- 8-B Concurrence Letters Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- 8-B Concurrence Letters Part 2 of 2PDF Document
Volume 3: Alignment Plans
- Volume 3 User GuidePDF Document
- B-P Alternatives PEPD Cover and Index of DrawingsPDF Document
- Section B Alignment (Plan and Profile) Part 1 of 4PDF Document
- Section B Alignment (Plan and Profile) Part 2 of 4PDF Document
- Section B Alignment (Plan and Profile) Part 3 of 4PDF Document
- Section B Alignment (Plan and Profile) Part 4 of 4PDF Document
- Section C Roadway (Plan and Profile) Part 1 of 5PDF Document
- Section C Roadway (Plan and Profile) Part 2 of 5PDF Document
- Section C Roadway (Plan and Profile) Part 3 of 5PDF Document
- Section C Roadway (Plan and Profile) Part 4 of 5PDF Document
- Section C Roadway (Plan and Profile) Part 5 of 5PDF Document
- Section D Construction Sequence Plans Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- Section D Construction Sequence Plans Part 2 of 2PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 1 of 6PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 2 of 6PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 3 of 6PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 4 of 6PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 5 of 6PDF Document
- Section E Grading/Drainage/Retaining Walls Plans Part 6 of 6PDF Document
- Section F Track and Roadway Structure Plans Part 1 of 4PDF Document
- Section F Track and Roadway Structure Plans Part 2 of 4PDF Document
- Section F Track and Roadway Structure Plans Part 3 of 4PDF Document
- Section F Track and Roadway Structure Plans Part 4 of 4PDF Document
- Section G Maintenance Facilities Plans Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- Section G Maintenance Facilities Plans Part 2 of 2PDF Document
- Section H Communication Systems PlansPDF Document
- Section I Traction Power Plans Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- Section I Traction Power Plans Part 2 of 2PDF Document
- Section J Automatic Train Control Plans Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- Section J Automatic Train Control Plans Part 2 of 2PDF Document
- Section K TunnelsPDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 1 of 4PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 2 of 4PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 3 of 4PDF Document
- Section L Composite Utility Plans Part 4 of 4PDF Document
- Section M Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- Section M Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 2 of 2PDF Document
- Section N Refined Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 1 of 5PDF Document
- Section N Refined Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 2 of 5PDF Document
- Section N Refined Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 3 of 5PDF Document
- Section N Refined Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 4 of 5PDF Document
- Section N Refined Cesar Chavez National Monument (CCNM) Design Option Plans Part 5 of 5PDF Document
- Section O Coordination Set (Locally Generated Alternative [LGA]) General PlansPDF Document
- Section P Coordination Set (Palmdale Subsection) Part 1 of 2PDF Document
- Section P Coordination Set (Palmdale Subsection) Part 2 of 2PDF Document
Technical Reports
- Aesthetics and Visual Quality Technical Report
- Historic Architectural Survey Report
- Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report
- Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report
- Community Impact Assessment
- Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Technical Report
- Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report
- Hydrology and Water Resources Technical Report
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report
- Paleontological Resources Technical Report
- Relocation Impact Report
- Transportation Technical Report
Electronic copies of the technical reports are available upon request by calling the Authority office at (866) 300-3044. Electronic copies of the technical reports are also available for review during business hours at the Authority’s offices at 770 L Street, Suite 620, Sacramento, CA and 355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2050, Los Angeles.
Brief Explanation of Each Chapter
Volume 1 – Report
Chapter 1.0, Introduction and Purpose, Need, and Objectives, explains the Authority’s purpose and need for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Section, and provides a history of the planning process.
Chapter 2.0, Alternatives, describes the proposed Bakersfield to Palmdale alternatives, as well as the No Project Alternative used for purposes of comparison. It contains illustrations and maps and provides a review of construction activities. This chapter identifies the preferred alternative, which also serves as the proposed project for CEQA. These first two chapters help the reader understand what is being analyzed in the remainder of the document.
Chapter 3.0, Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation Measures, is where the reader can find information about the existing transportation, environmental, and social conditions in the area of Bakersfield to Palmdale. This chapter provides the findings of the analysis of potential environmental impacts, along with methods to reduce these impacts (called mitigation measures).
Chapter 4.0, Section 4(f)/Section 6(f) Evaluation, provides the analysis to support determinations made under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 and Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act.
Chapter 5.0, Environmental Justice, discusses whether the Bakersfield to Palmdale alternatives may cause disproportionate impacts on low-income and minority communities. It also identifies mitigation to reduce those impacts where appropriate.
Chapter 6.0, Project Costs and Operations, summarizes the estimated capital and operations and maintenance costs for each Bakersfield to Palmdale alternative evaluated in this Draft EIR/EIS, including funding and financial risk.
Chapter 7.0, Other NEPA/CEQA Considerations, summarizes the Bakersfield to Palmdale alternatives’ environmental effects under NEPA, the significant adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided under CEQA, and the significant irreversible environmental changes that would occur as a result of the Bakersfield to Palmdale alternatives or irretrievable commitments of resources or foreclosure of future options.
Chapter 8.0, Preferred Alternative, describes the Preferred Alternative and the basis for identifying the Preferred Alternative.
Chapter 9.0, Public and Agency Involvement, contains summaries of coordination and outreach activities with agencies and the general public during preparation of this Draft EIR/EIS.
Chapter 10.0, Draft EIR/EIS Distribution, identifies the public agencies, tribes, and organizations that were informed of the availability of, and locations to obtain, this Draft EIR/EIS.
Chapter 11.0, List of Preparers, provides the names and responsibilities of the authors of this Draft EIR/EIS.
Chapter 12.0, References/Sources Used in Document Preparation, cites the references and contacts used in writing this Draft EIR/EIS.
Chapter 13.0, Glossary of Terms, provides a definition of certain terms used in this Draft EIR/EIS.
Chapter 14.0, Index, provides a tool to cross-reference major topics used in this Draft EIR/EIS.
Chapter 15.0, Acronyms and Abbreviations, defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this Draft EIR/EIS.
Volume 2 – Technical Appendices
Appendices provide additional details on the Bakersfield to Palmdale project and the alternatives evaluated in the Draft EIR/EIS. Technical appendices, included in Volume 2, are primarily related to the affected environment and environmental consequences analyses. These appendices are numbered to match their corresponding section in Chapter 3, as well as Chapter 2, of this Draft EIR/EIS (e.g., 3.6-A is the first appendix for Section 3.6, Public Utilities and Energy).
Volume 3 – Alignment Plans
These are detailed design drawings, including trackway and roadway crossing design.
- San Francisco to San Jose Project Section: Environmental Documents
- San Jose to Merced Project Section: Environmental Documents
- Merced to Fresno: Environmental Documents
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye: Environmental Documents
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Environmental Documents
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Locally Generated Alternative: Environmental Documents
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Environmental Documents
- Palmdale to Burbank: Environmental Documents
- Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section: Environmental Documents

San Francisco to San Jose Project Section
- San Francisco to San Jose: Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- San Francisco to San Jose: Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
San Jose to Merced Project Section
- San Jose to Merced: Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- San Jose to Merced: Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- San Jose to Merced: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Merced to Fresno Project Section
- Merced to Fresno: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Revised Draft Supplemental EIR/Second Draft Supplemental EIS
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Fresno to Bakersfield Project Section
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Locally Generated Alternative Draft & Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section
Project Section Details
Select a project section to learn more:
(916) 324-1541
The California High-Speed Rail Authority makes every effort to ensure the website and its contents meet mandated ADA requirements as per the California State mandated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA standard. If you are looking for a particular document not located on the California High-Speed Rail Authority website, you may make a request for the document under the Public Records Act through the Public Records Act page. If you have any questions about the website or its contents, please contact the Authority at