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Accessibility & Translations
- Accessibility:
- Please see our accessibility webpage. If you have difficulty accessing any material on this site because of a disability, please contact Authority Headquarters at (916) 324-1541, or use the California Relay Service at 711 for TTY/TTD assistance.
- Translations:
- The California High-Speed Rail Authority makes every effort to ensure the website is translated in a linguistically and culturally appropriate way. Consideration is placed on language vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, style and level of speech to reflect the target audience’s culture and society.
- If you need a particular document on the Authority’s website translated, you may submit a document translation request to the Title VI Coordinator via email at
Sign-Up for Email Notifications and/or
Submit Comment or Question
The Authority respects your privacy and will not share your information with others except as required by law. View the Authority’s privacy policy. Any information you provide is voluntary. This form, including all the information you may provide, may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act.
What Communications Will You Send Me?
Why Do You Need This Information?
(Click Fields Below to Expand)
Email List Guide:
Curious what you’re signing up for? Here’s a quick guide with examples of which communications you would receive depending on the lists you choose. Sign up for as many or as few lists as you like. Manage your subscription to these lists or unsubscribe entirely by clicking on the “Manage Subscriptions / Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email you receive from the Authority.
Communications Examples & Frequencies | Which List(s) |
News Releases: The latest news for immediate release about the project. You’ll also see them on the website here in our Newsroom. |
Regional Updates: Updates for any project section in a selected region and quarterly regional or statewide news updates and information. Select "Statewide" to receive more communications compared to the others. See past newsletters on our website here. |
Student Outreach: Monthly emails with materials relevant to “I Will Ride,” the Authority’s student education program featuring information on student internships, webinars, news and more. See more on the “I Will Ride” webpage here. |
Small Business Newsletter & Vendor Interest Registry: Profiles on the small businesses hard at work on high-speed rail up and down the state, as well as project updates. Quarterly for the newsletter. Less than quarterly for the registry. See more on our Small Business Program webpage here and here, and about ConnectHSR here. |
Legal Environmental Planning Notices and Opportunities for Comment / Section Specific Information Updates: Examples include project section specific information, legal notices pertaining to environmental documents and more. Please find webpages for all the project sections here. | In North to South Order:
Authority Board of Directors & Committee Meeting Public Notices: Officially noticed monthly public meetings of the Board and its committees. Agendas, materials, and directions to provide public comment. These same Board and committee meeting agendas, materials, and notices are also on this webpage here. |
Construction Updates & Road Closure Notification: Varying from weekly to monthly, depending on construction activity. This same information is also posted on our construction webpage |
Form Required Fields Description/Purpose:
- Contact Category/Interest As: Please select a category for each field to route your message to the appropriate project team. If you only want to sign up for email alerts, select “Email Alerts Only” in the Contact Category field. This also allows you to submit the form without typing a comment if you want. See “Email List Guide” above for what communications you’ll receive on each list.
- First Name, Last Name: Information in these fields is used to identify your message submission.
- Email Address: Your email address will also be used to send information, but only to reply to your comment or if you sign up for Email Alerts. See “Email List Guide” above for what communications you’ll receive on each list.
- Zip Code: This information will help in compiling statistical information.
- Your Message: Please enter your comments, questions or requests about the project. You can also include an Attachment. If you select “Email Alerts Only” in the Contact Category field, you don’t need to type a comment. See “Email List Guide” above for what communications you’ll receive on each list.
Offices & Contact Information

California High-Speed Rail Authority
770 L Street, Suite 620
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 324-1541

Central California Regional
California High-Speed Rail Authority
1111 H Street
Fresno, CA 93721
(559) 445-5157

Northern California Regional
California High-Speed Rail Authority
160 W Santa Clara St, Suite 450
San Jose, CA 95113
(408) 877-3182

Southern California Regional
California High-Speed Rail Authority
355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2050
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(213) 457-8420
Other Contacts
- Board of Directors:
- To contact the Authority’s Board of Directors, please use the following email address:
- Click here for additional information about the Board of Directors.
- Webmaster:
- If you have any questions about the website or its contents, please contact the Authority at
Project Section Contacts
San Francisco to San Jose Project Section
(408) 277-1083
Sacramento to Merced Project Section
(559) 445-5157
Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section
(213) 457-8420
Palmdale to Burbank Project Section
HOTLINE: (800) 630-1039
Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section
HOTLINE: (877) 977-1660
Los Angeles to Anaheim Project Section
HOTLINE: (877) 669-0494
Los Angeles to San Diego Project Section
HOTLINE: (916) 324-1541
San Jose to Merced Project Section
(408) 277-1083
Sacramento Office/Headquarters
(916) 324-1541
Northern California Regional Office
(408) 877-3182
Central Valley Regional Office
(559) 445-5157
Southern California Regional Office
(213) 457-8420
Board of Directors
(916) 324-1541
Communications and Media Relations
(916) 322-1422
Human Resources
(916) 324-1541
(916) 324-1541
Privacy Officer
(916) 324-1541
Public Records Act Requests
(916) 431-2934
Small Business Program
(916) 431-2930
Title VI
(916) 908-1366
Third-Party Notices
1 (833) 782-1705
Emergency Contact*
1 (833) 782-1704
*Reserved for use in exigent circumstances impacting High-Speed Rail property.
The California High-Speed Rail Authority makes every effort to ensure the website and its contents meet mandated ADA requirements as per the California State mandated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA standard. If you are looking for a particular document not located on the California High-Speed Rail Authority website, you may make a request for the document under the Public Records Act through the Public Records Act page. If you have any questions about the website or its contents, please contact the Authority at