Project Section Environmental Documents
Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) has prepared the Palmdale to Burbank Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section of the California High-Speed Rail (HSR) Project. The Final EIR/EIS was made available to the public on May 24, 2024. The Final EIR/EIS has been prepared and is being made available pursuant to both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being or have been carried out by the State of California pursuant to 23 United States Code 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated July 23, 2019, and executed by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the State of California. Under that MOU, the Authority is the project’s lead agency under NEPA. The Authority is also the project’s lead agency under CEQA.
Board Meeting on Final EIR/EIS and Related Project Section Decisions
The Authority’s Board of Directors will hold a 2-day meeting to consider whether to certify the Final EIR/EIS and approve the Preferred Alternative (the SR14A Alternative) for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section pursuant to CEQA and to consider whether to authorize the Authority’s Chief Executive Officer to proceed with a NEPA Record of Decision for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Preferred Alternative.
The Board meeting is anticipated for June 26th and 27th, 2024. Final meeting date, time, location, and other information will be confirmed and posted no later than June 14th here or call 1-800-630-1039 for final information.
The Authority is proposing Board deliberation on the Preferred Alternative. For information on previous approvals for Southern California project sections, the Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Final EIR/EIS (approved in 2021) and the Burbank to Los Angeles Final EIR/EIS (approved in 2022) may be reviewed on the Authority’s website at and are also available for review at the Authority’s offices as specified above.
Detailed descriptions of the Authority Board of Directors’ proposed actions for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section will be available prior to the meeting on the Board portion of the Authority’s website at
Final EIR/EIS: Palmdale to Burbank Project Section
A Statewide Program (Tier 1) EIR/EIS was completed in 2005 as the first phase of a tiered environmental review process for the proposed California High-Speed Rail (HSR) System. Based on the Program EIR/EIS the Authority selected preferred corridors and station locations to advance for further study.
The Authority has prepared a project-level (Tier 2) EIR/EIS that further examines the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section. The approximately 31- to 38-mile Project Section would provide HSR service between Palmdale, near the vicinity of Spruce Court just west of Sierra Highway in the north, and the Burbank Airport Station in the south. The Project Section is the final piece connecting the Northern portions of the Statewide HSR system to Los Angeles.
This Final EIR/EIS evaluates the impacts and benefits of a No Project Alternative and six Build Alternatives. The Authority’s Preferred Alternative under NEPA, which serves as the proposed project for CEQA, is the SR14A Build Alternative. The Preferred Alternative would follow an alignment that heads southwest from Spruce Court in the city of Palmdale through the Angeles National Forest, including the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, and then continues into the San Fernando Valley where it would connect with the approved Burbank Airport Station.
Copies of the Final EIR/EIS
Many of the documents identified below are available electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which require Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar software. If you do not have a copy of this free software, you can download it from Adobe at If you already have a copy of this software, simply click on the links and it will open automatically.
Note: many of these files are very large and could take up to several minutes to download. Electronic copies of files that are not posted on this website can be requested by calling (800) 630-1039.
In addition to posting sections of the Final EIR/EIS on this website, printed and/or electronic copies of the Final EIR/EIS are available at the following locations:
- Acton
- Los Angeles County Library, Acton/Agua Dulce Library
- 33792 Crown Valley Road, Acton, CA 93510
- Phone: (661) 269-7101
- Los Angeles County Library, Acton/Agua Dulce Library
- Burbank
- Burbank Public Library, Northwest Branch Library
- 3323 West Victory Boulevard, Burbank, CA 91505
- Phone: (818) 238-5640
- Burbank Public Library, Northwest Branch Library
- Lake View Terrace
- Los Angeles Public Library, Lake View Terrace Branch Library
- 12002 Osborne Street, Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
- Phone: (818) 890-7404
- Los Angeles Public Library, Lake View Terrace Branch Library
- Pacoima
- Los Angeles Public Library, Pacoima Branch Library
- 13605 Van Nuys Boulevard, Pacoima, CA 91331
- Phone: (818) 899-5203
- Los Angeles Public Library, Pacoima Branch Library
- Palmdale
- Palmdale City Library
- 700 East Palmdale Boulevard, Palmdale, CA 93550
- Phone: (661) 267-5600
- Palmdale City Library
- San Fernando
- Los Angeles County Library, San Fernando Library
- 217 North Maclay Avenue, San Fernando, CA 91340
- Phone: (818) 365-6928
- Los Angeles County Library, San Fernando Library
- Santa Clarita
- Santa Clarita Public Library, Canyon Country Jo Anne Darcy Library
- 18601 Soledad Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91351
- Phone: (661) 259-0750
- Santa Clarita Public Library, Canyon Country Jo Anne Darcy Library
- Sun Valley
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sun Valley Branch Library
- 7935 Vineland Avenue, Sun Valley, CA 91352
- Phone: (818) 764-1338
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sun Valley Branch Library
- Sylmar
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sylmar Branch Library
- 14561 Polk Street, Sylmar, CA 91342
- Phone: (818) 367-6102
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sylmar Branch Library
- Tujunga
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sunland-Tujunga Branch Library
- 7771 Foothill Boulevard, Tujunga, CA 91042
- Phone: (818) 352-4481
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sunland-Tujunga Branch Library
Printed and/or electronic copies of the Final EIR/EIS are also available for review during business hours at the Authority’s Headquarters at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA, and by appointment at the Authority’s Southern California Regional Office at 355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2050, Los Angeles, CA. To make an appointment to view the documents at the Southern California Regional Office, please call 800-630-1039. You may also request an electronic copy of Final EIR/EIS documents by calling 800-630-1039.
The Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Final EIR/EIS (approved in 2021) and the Burbank to Los Angeles Final EIR/EIS (approved in 2022) may be reviewed on the Authority’s website at and are also available for review at the Authority’s offices as specified above.
The Authority does not discriminate on the basis of disability, and on request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities.
The purpose of environmental documents is to disclose information to decision makers and the public. Although the science and analysis that supports this Final EIR/EIS are complex, this document is intended for the general public. Every attempt has been made to limit technical terms and the use of acronyms. The terms and acronyms are defined the first time they are used, and a list of acronyms and abbreviations is provided in Chapter 15 of the Palmdale to Burbank Final EIR/EIS.
The Executive Summary, available in English and Spanish, consistent with applicable requirements and best practices, provides an overview of the substantive chapters. It includes a table listing the potential environmental impacts for each environmental resource topic and directs the reader to where additional information can be found in the document.
Document Organization
The Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Final EIR/EIS consists of the following:
- Volume 1—Report
- Volume 2—Technical Appendices
- Volume 3—Preliminary Engineering for Project Definition
- Volume 4—Responses to Comments
Educational Materials
- Summary for the Palmdale to Burbank Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Resumen del Borrador del Informe de Impacto Ambiental/Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (EIR/EIS) de Palmdale a Burbank
- Palmdale to Burbank Fact Sheet
- Hoja informativa de Palmdale a Burbank
- Volume 3 User Guide
- Notice of Availability for the Palmdale to Burbank Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
Volume 1: Report
- Volume 1 Cover
- Volume 1 Title Page
- Signature Page
- Preface
- Volume 1 Table of Contents
- Summary
- Chapter 1 Project Purpose, Need, and Objectives
- Chapter 2 Alternatives
- Chapter 3 Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation Measures
- Section 3.1 Introduction
- Section 3.2 Transportation
- Section 3.3 Air Quality and Global Climate Change
- Section 3.4 Noise and Vibration
- Section 3.5 Electromagnetic Interference and Electromagnetic Fields
- Section 3.6 Public Utilities and Energy
- Section 3.7 Biological and Aquatic Resources
- Section 3.8 Hydrology and Water Resources
- Section 3.9 Geology, Soils, Seismicity, and Paleontological Resources
- Section 3.10 Hazardous Materials and Waste
- Section 3.11 Safety and Security
- Section 3.12 Socioeconomics and Communities
- Section 3.13 Station Planning, Land Use, and Development
- Section 3.14 Agricultural Farmland and Forest Land
- Section 3.15 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space
- Section 3.16 Aesthetics and Visual Quality
- Section 3.17 Cultural Resources
- Section 3.18 Regional Growth
- Section 3.19 Cumulative Impacts
- Chapter 4 Section 4(f) and Section 6(f) Evaluations
- Chapter 5 Environmental Justice
- Chapter 6 Project Costs and Operations
- Chapter 7 Other CEQA/NEPA Considerations
- Chapter 8 Preferred Alternative and Station Sites
- Chapter 9 Public and Agency Involvement
- Chapter 10 EIR/EIS Distribution
- Chapter 11 List of Preparers
- Chapter 12 References/Sources Used in Document Preparation
- Chapter 13 Glossary of Terms
- Chapter 14 Index
- Chapter 15 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Volume 2: Technical Appendices
- Volume 2 Cover
- Volume 2 Title Page
- Volume 2 Table of Contents
- Appendix 2-A Roadways and Grade Separation Plans
- Appendix 2-B Railroad Crossings
- Appendix 2-C Operations and Service Plan Summary
- Appendix 2-D Design Baseline Report
- Appendix 2-E Impact Avoidance and Minimization Features
- Appendix 2-F Summary of Requirements for Maintenance Facilities
- Appendix 2-G Emergency and Safety Plans
- Appendix 2-H Regional and Local Policy Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 2-I Spoils Disposal Assumptions used for Environmental Analysis
- Appendix 3.1-A Palmdale to Burbank: Footprint Mapbook
- Appendix 3.1-B USFS Policy Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 3.1-C Standardized Mitigation Measures
- Appendix 3.2-A Vehicle Miles Traveled Methodology
- Appendix 3.4-A Elevated Wentworth Street
- Appendix 3.4-B Potential Impacts From Induced Winds for High-Speed Trains
- Appendix 3.4-C Noise and Vibration Mitigation Guidelines
- Appendix 3.5-A Electromagnetic Measurement Survey Summary
- Appendix 3.5-B Electromagnetic Measurement Survey Catalog
- Appendix 3.6-A High Risk and Major Utility Impact Report
- Appendix 3.6-B Statewide Air Quality and Energy Emissions Transmittal Memo and Statewide Summary
- Appendix 3.7-A May Affect But is Not Likely to Adversely Affect and No Effect Determinations
- Appendix 3.7-B Determination of Potential for Forest Service Sensitive Species to Occur in the Action Area
- Appendix 3.7-C Supplemental Analysis of Tunneling Effects on Biological Resources
- Appendix 3.7-D Jurisdictional Aquatic Resources
- Appendix 3.8-A Hydrology and Water Resources Figures Part 1 of 2
- Appendix 3.8-A Hydrology and Water Resources Figures Part 2 of 2
- Appendix 3.8-B Major Waterbodies Crossed Table
- Appendix 3.8-C Adaptive Management and Monitoring Plan for Potential Hydrologic Effects within the Angeles National Forest
- Appendix 3.8-D Supplemental Water Demand Analysis for Potential Impacts within the Angeles National Forest/San Gabriel Mountains National Monument
- Appendix 3.10-A Hazardous Materials and Wastes Figures
- Appendix 3.10-B Sites of Potential Environmental Concern
- Appendix 3.11-A Safety and Security Data
- Appendix 3.11-B Existing and Proposed Railroad Crossing Definitions
- Appendix 3.12-A Residential, Business, and Mobile Home Relocation and Assistance Brochures
- Appendix 3.12-B Effects on School District Funding and Transportation Bus Routes
- Appendix 3.12-C Children’s Health and Safety Risk Assessment
- Appendix 3.16-A Photographs of Existing Conditions and Visual Simulations with the Project
- Appendix 3.18-A RIMS II Modeling Details
- Appendix 3.19-A Cumulative Project List
- Appendix 4-A Resources to be Analyzed in Section 4(f) and Section 6(f)
- Appendix 4-B Lang Station Open Space and Section 4(f) and Section 6(f) Evaluation
- Appendix 5-A Environmental Justice Outreach Plan
- Appendix 5-B Environmental Justice Development of Community Improvements as Offsetting Mitigation
- Appendix 6-A High-Speed Rail Operating and Maintenance Cost for Use in EIR/EIS Project-Level Analysis
- Appendix 6-B Preliminary Engineering for Project Definition (PEPD) Record Set Capital Cost Estimate Report
- Appendix 9-A Concurrence and Agreement Letters
Volume 3: Alignment Plans
Volume 3 consists of the Preliminary Engineering for Project Definition (PEPD) plans, which include drawings of track, structures, grade separations, utilities, stations, etc. The PEPD plans are provided below.
- Volume 3 Cover
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Track Alignment Plans
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A_E1A_E2A Track Alignment Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Roadway and Grade Separation Plans Volume I of II
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Roadway and Grade Separation Plans Volume II of II
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A_E1A_E2A Roadway and Grade Separation Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Construction Staging Plans
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A_E1A_E2A Construction Staging Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV01 Burbank Station Area Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Bridges and Elevated Structures Plans
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A_E1A_E2A Bridges and Elevated Structures Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Grading and Drainage Plans
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A_E1A_E2A Grading and Drainage Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Utility Relocation Plans Volume I of II
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Utility Relocation Plans Volume II of II
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A_E1A_E2A Utility Relocation Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Tunnel Plans
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A_E1A_E2A Tunnel Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Railway Systems Plans
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A_E1A_E2A Railway Systems Plans
Volume 4: Responses to Comments on Draft EIR/EIS
- Cover and Table of Contents
- Chapter 16 Introduction to Volume 4
- Chapter 17 Standard Responses
- Chapter 18 Federal Agencies
- Chapter 19 State Agencies
- Chapter 20 Elected Officials
- Chapter 21 Local Agencies
- Chapter 22 Business and/or Organizations
- Chapter 23 Individuals
- Chapter 24 References
Technical Reports
The following Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Technical Reports provide technical details and serve as sources for the Final EIR/EIS analysis. Electronic versions of the technical reports will be available through submitting a request on the Authority’s website portal:
- Transportation Technical Report
- Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report
- Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report
- Aquatic Resources Delineation Report
- Wildlife Corridor Assessment Report
- Hydrology and Water Resources Technical Report
- Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Technical Report
- Paleontological Resources Technical Report
- Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report
- Community Impact Assessment
- Visual Impact Assessment
- Historic Architectural Survey Report
- Findings of Effects Report
- Draft Relocation Impact Report
Brief Explanation of Each Chapter
Volume 1 – Report
Chapter 1.0, Introduction and Purpose, Need, and Objectives, explains the Authority’s purpose and need for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section, and provides a history of the planning process.
Chapter 2.0, Alternatives, describes the proposed Palmdale to Burbank six Build Alternatives and the No Project Alternative used for purposes of comparison. It contains illustrations and maps and provides a review of construction activities. This chapter identifies the NEPA preferred alternative, which also serves as the proposed project for CEQA.
These first two chapters help the reader understand what is being analyzed in the remainder of the document.
Chapter 3.0, Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation Measures is where the reader can find information about the existing transportation, environmental, and social conditions in the area of Palmdale to Burbank. This chapter provides the findings of the analysis of potential environmental impacts, along with methods to reduce these impacts (called mitigation measures).
Chapter 4.0, Section 4(f)/Section 6(f) Evaluation, provides the analysis to support determinations made under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 and Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act.
Chapter 5.0, Environmental Justice, discusses whether the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Build Alternatives will cause disproportionately high and adverse impacts on low-income and/or minority communities. It also identifies measures to avoid, reduce, mitigate, or offset those impacts where appropriate.
Chapter 6.0, Project Costs and Operations, summarizes the estimated capital and operations and maintenance costs for the Palmdale to Burbank Build Alternatives evaluated in this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 7.0, Other NEPA/CEQA Considerations, summarizes the Palmdale to Burbank Build Alternative’s environmental effects under NEPA, the significant adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided under CEQA, and the significant irreversible environmental changes that would occur as a result of the project or irretrievable commitments of resources or foreclosure of future options.
Chapter 8.0, Preferred Alternative, describes the Preferred Alternative and the basis for identifying the Preferred Alternative.
Chapter 9.0, Public and Agency Involvement, contains summaries of coordination and outreach activities with agencies and the general public during preparation of this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 10.0, Final EIR/EIS Distribution, identifies the public agencies, tribes, and organizations that were informed of the availability of, and locations to obtain, the Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 11.0, List of Preparers, provides the names and responsibilities of the authors of this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 12.0, References/Sources Used in Document Preparation, cites the references and contacts used in writing this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 13.0, Glossary of Terms, provides a definition of certain terms used in this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 14.0, Index, provides a tool to cross-reference major topics used in this Final EIR/EIS.
Chapter 15.0, Acronyms and Abbreviations, defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this Final EIR/EIS.
Volume 2 – Technical Appendices
Appendices provide additional details on the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section and the six Build Alternatives evaluated in the Final EIR/EIS. Technical appendices, included in Volume 2, are primarily related to the affected environment and environmental consequences analyses. These appendices are numbered to match their corresponding section in Chapter 3, as well as Chapter 2, of this Final EIR/EIS (e.g., 3.2-A is the first appendix for Section 3.2, Transportation).
Volume 3 – Alignment Plans
These are detailed design and engineering drawings, including trackway, right-of-way, structures, grade separations, utilities, systems, stations, and construction phasing.
Volume 4 – Responses to Comments
This volume includes comments received on the Draft EIR/ EIS during the review period for the document, and the responses to those comments.
Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Copies of the Draft EIR/EIS
Many of the following documents are available electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which require Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar software. If you do not have a copy of this free software, you can download it from Adobe at If you already have a copy of this software, simply click on the links and it will open up automatically. Note: many of these files are very large and could take up to several minutes to download. Electronic copies of files that are not posted on this website can be accessed by calling (800) 630-1039 or by emailing: In addition to posting sections of the Draft EIR/EIS on this website, printed and/or electronic copies of the Draft EIR/EIS, may be available at the following locations, if circumstances allow, during hours the facilities are open (open days/hours may be reduced for compliance with COVID-19 public health and safety directives).
- Acton
- Los Angeles County Library, Acton/Agua Dulce Library
- 33792 Crown Valley Road, Acton, CA 93510
- Phone: (661) 269-7101
- Los Angeles County Library, Acton/Agua Dulce Library
- Burbank
- Burbank Public Library, Northwest Branch Library
- 3323 West Victory Boulevard, Burbank, CA 91505
- Phone: (818) 238-5640
- Burbank Public Library, Northwest Branch Library
- Lake View Terrace
- Los Angeles Public Library, Lake View Terrace Branch Library
- 12002 Osborne Street, Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
- Phone: (818) 890-7404
- Los Angeles Public Library, Lake View Terrace Branch Library
- Pacoima
- Los Angeles Public Library, Pacoima Branch Library
- 13605 Van Nuys Boulevard, Pacoima, CA 91331
- Phone: (818) 899-5203
- Los Angeles Public Library, Pacoima Branch Library
- Palmdale
- Palmdale City Library
- 700 East Palmdale Boulevard, Palmdale, CA 93550
- Phone: (661) 267-5600
- Palmdale City Library
- San Fernando
- Los Angeles County Library, San Fernando Library
- 217 North Maclay Avenue, San Fernando, CA 91340
- Phone: (818) 365-6928
- Los Angeles County Library, San Fernando Library
- Santa Clarita
- Santa Clarita Public Library, Canyon Country Jo Anne Darcy Library
- 18601 Soledad Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91351
- Phone: (661) 259-0750
- Santa Clarita Public Library, Canyon Country Jo Anne Darcy Library
- Sun Valley
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sun Valley Branch Library
- 7935 Vineland Avenue, Sun Valley, CA 91352
- Phone: (818) 764-1338
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sun Valley Branch Library
- Sylmar
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sylmar Branch Library
- 14561 Polk Street, Sylmar, CA 91342
- Phone: (818) 367-6102
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sylmar Branch Library
- Tujunga
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sunland-Tujunga Branch Library
- 7771 Foothill Boulevard, Tujunga, CA 91042
- Phone: (818) 352-4481
- Los Angeles Public Library, Sunland-Tujunga Branch Library
Printed and/or electronic copies of the Draft EIR/EIS and Tier 1 documents are also available for review during business hours at the Authority’s Headquarters at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA and by appointment at the Authority’s Southern California Regional Office at 355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2050, Los Angeles, CA. To make an appointment to view the documents at the Southern California Regional Office, please call 800-630-1039. You may also request an electronic copy of Draft EIR/EIS and Tier 1 documents by calling 800-630-1039. The Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Final EIR/EIS (2021) and the Burbank to Los Angeles Final EIR/EIS (2022) may be reviewed on the Authority’s website at and are also available for review at the Authority’s offices as specified above. These documents are not currently part of the public review and comment process; however, they are available for review and reference. Authority offices may have reduced open days/hours, as required by COVID-19 public health and safety directives. Please consult for up-to-date information. The Authority does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. The purpose of environmental documents is to disclose information to decision makers and the public. While the science and analysis that supports this Draft EIR/EIS are complex, this document is intended for the general public. Every attempt has been made to limit technical terms and the use of acronyms. The terms and acronyms are defined the first time they are used and a list of acronyms and abbreviations is provided in Chapter 15 of the Palmdale to Burbank Draft EIR/EIS. The Executive Summary, available in English, Spanish, Armenian, and Arabic, provides an overview of the substantive chapters. It includes a table listing the potential environmental impacts for each environmental resource topic and directs the reader to where additional information can be found elsewhere in the document.
Document Organization
The Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Draft EIR/EIS consists of the following:
- Volume 1—Report
- Volume 2—Technical Appendices
- Volume 3—Preliminary Engineering for Project Definition
Educational Materials
- Summary for the Palmdale to Burbank Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Resumen del Borrador del Informe de Impacto Ambiental/Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (EIR/EIS) de Palmdale a Burbank
- Palmdale-ից Burbank Ծրագրի Շրջակա Միջավայրի Ազդեցության Հաշվետվության/Շրջակա Միջավայրի Ազդեցության Հայտարարության (EIR/EIS) Նախագծի Ամփոփագիր_PDF Փաստաթուղթ
- ملخّص مسوّدة تقرير الأثر البيئي/بيان الأثر البيئي ( EIR/EIS) لقسم مشروع بالمديل إلى بوربانك (Palmdale to Burbank) _ملف PDF
- Palmdale to Burbank Fact Sheet
- Hoja informativa de Palmdale a Burbank
- Palmdale-ից Burbank Ծրագրի Տեղեկատվական Թերթիկ_PDF Փաստաթուղթ
- بيان حقائق خاصّ بقسم مشروع بالمديل إلى بوربانك (Palmdale to Burbank) _ ملف PDF
- Volume 3 User Guide
- Notice of Availability for the Palmdale to Burbank Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Palmdale-ից Burbank Ծրագրի Հատվածի Փաստաթղթի Հասանելիության Ծանուցում (Notice of Availability – NOA)
- إشعار إشعار التوفّر (NOA) لقسم مشروع بالمديل إلى بوربانك (Palmdale to Burbank)
Online Open House and Public Hearing Opportunities
In conjunction with the public review period for the Draft EIR/EIS, the Authority invites the public to participate in an online open house and an online public hearing. The open house meeting will provide the public an overview of the environmental document, opportunity for attendees to review and ask questions about the Draft EIR/EIS, and information on where to access the environmental document and how to participate in the public comment process. The public hearing will provide an opportunity to submit comments on the Draft EIR/EIS. Online Open House October 6, 2022 5 – 7:30 p.m. English Presentation at 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Spanish Presentation at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Visit Online Public Hearing October 18, 2022 3 – 8 p.m. Visit
Submitting a Comment
The comment period is closed.
Volume 1: Report
- Volume 1 Cover
- Volume 1 Title Page
- Signature Page
- Preface
- Volume 1 Table of Contents
- Summary
- Chapter 1 Project Purpose, Need, and Objectives
- Chapter 2 Alternatives
- Chapter 3 Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation Measures
- Section 3.1 Introduction
- Section 3.2 Transportation
- Section 3.3 Air Quality and Global Climate Change
- Section 3.4 Noise and Vibration
- Section 3.5 Electromagnetic Interference and Electromagnetic Fields
- Section 3.6 Public Utilities and Energy
- Section 3.7 Biological and Aquatic Resources
- Section 3.8 Hydrology and Water Resources
- Section 3.9 Geology, Soils, Seismicity, and Paleontological Resources
- Section 3.10 Hazardous Materials and Wastes
- Section 3.11 Safety and Security
- Section 3.12 Socioeconomics and Communities
- Section 3.13 Station Planning, Land Use, and Development
- Section 3.14 Agricultural Farmland and Forest Land
- Section 3.15 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space
- Section 3.16 Aesthetics and Visual Quality
- Section 3.17 Cultural Resources
- Section 3.18 Regional Growth
- Section 3.19 Cumulative Impacts
- Chapter 4 Section 4(f) and Section 6(f) Evaluations
- Chapter 5 Environmental Justice
- Chapter 6 Project Costs and Operations
- Chapter 7 Other CEQA/NEPA Considerations
- Chapter 8 Preferred Alternative and Station Sites
- Chapter 9 Public and Agency Involvement
- Chapter 10 EIR/EIS Distribution
- Chapter 11 List of Preparers
- Chapter 12 References/Sources Used in Document Preparation
- Chapter 13 Glossary of Terms
- Chapter 14 Index
- Chapter 15 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Volume 2: Technical Appendices
- Volume 2 Cover
- Volume 2 Title Page
- Volume 2 Table of Contents
- Appendix 2-A Roadways and Grade Separation Plans Part 1 of 3
- Appendix 2-A Roadways and Grade Separation Plans Part 2 of 3
- Appendix 2-A Roadways and Grade Separation Plans Part 3 of 3
- Appendix 2-B Railroad Crossings
- Appendix 2-C Operations and Service Plan Summary
- Appendix 2-D Design Baseline Report
- Appendix 2-E Impact Avoidance and Minimization Features
- Appendix 2-F Summary of Requirements for Maintenance Facilities
- Appendix 2-G Emergency and Safety Plans
- Appendix 2-H Regional and Local Policy Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 2-I Spoils Disposal Assumptions used for Environmental Analysis
- Appendix 3.1-A Palmdale to Burbank: Footprint Mapbook
- Appendix 3.1-B USFS Policy Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 3.1-C Standardized Mitigation Measures
- Appendix 3.2-A Vehicle Miles Traveled Methodology
- Appendix 3.4-A Elevated Wentworth Street
- Appendix 3.4-B Potential Impacts From Induced Winds for High-Speed Trains
- Appendix 3.4-C Noise and Vibration Mitigation Guidelines
- Appendix 3.5-A Electromagnetic Measurement Survey Summary
- Appendix 3.5-B Electromagnetic Measurement Survey Catalog
- Appendix 3.6-A High Risk and Major Utility Impact Report
- Appendix 3.6-B Statewide Air Quality and Energy Emissions Transmittal Memo and Statewide Summary
- Appendix 3.7-A May Affect But is Not Likely to Adversely Affect and No Effect Determinations
- Appendix 3.7-B Determination of Potential for Forest Service Sensitive Species to Occur in the Action Area
- Appendix 3.7-C Supplemental Analysis of Tunneling Effects on Biological Resources
- Appendix 3.8-A Hydrology and Water Resources Figures Part 1 of 2
- Appendix 3.8-A Hydrology and Water Resources Figures Part 2 of 2
- Appendix 3.8-B Major Waterbodies Crossed Table
- Appendix 3.8-C Adaptive Management and Monitoring Plan for Potential Hydrologic Effects within the Angeles National Forest
- Appendix 3.8-D Supplemental Water Demand Analysis for Potential Impacts within the Angeles National Forest/San Gabriel Mountains National Monument
- Appendix 3.10-A Hazardous Materials and Wastes Figures
- Appendix 3.11-A Safety and Security Data
- Appendix 3.11-B Existing and Proposed Railroad Crossing Definitions
- Appendix 3.12-A Residential, Business, and Mobile Home Relocation and Assistance Brochures
- Appendix 3.12-B Effects on School District Funding and Transportation Bus Routes
- Appendix 3.12-C Children’s Health and Safety Risk Assessment
- Appendix 3.16-A Photographs of Existing Conditions and Visual Simulations with the Project
- Appendix 3.18-A RIMS II Modeling Details
- Appendix 3.19-A Cumulative Project List
- Appendix 4-A Resources to be Analyzed in Section 4(f) and Section 6(f)
- Appendix 5-A Environmental Justice Outreach Plan
- Appendix 6-A High-Speed Rail Operating and Maintenance Cost for Use in EIR/EIS Project-Level Analysis
- Appendix 6-B Preliminary Engineering for Project Definition (PEPD) Record Set Capital Cost Estimate Report (Updated Version Posted November 2, 2022)
- Appendix 9-A Consultation with Authorities with Jurisdiction
Volume 3: Alignment Plans
Volume 3 consists of the Preliminary Engineering for Project Definition (PEPD) plans, which include drawings of track, structures, grade separations, utilities, stations, etc. The PEPD plans are provided below.
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A/E1A/E2A
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Track Alignment Plans
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A / E1A / E2A Roadway and Grade Separation Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Roadway and Grade Separation Plans Volume I of II
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Roadway and Grade Separation Plans Volume II of II
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A / E1A / E2A Construction Staging Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Construction Staging Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV01 Burbank Station Area Plans
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A / E1A / E2A Bridges and Elevated Structures Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Bridges and Elevated Structures Plans
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A/E1A/E2A Grading and Drainage Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Grading and Drainage Plans
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A / E1A / E2A Utility Relocation Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Utility Relocation Plans Volume I of II
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Utility Relocation Plans Volume II of II
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A / E1A / E2A Tunnel Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Tunnel Plans
- PEPD Record Set Addendum SR14A / E1A / E2A Railway Systems Plans
- PEPD Record Set REV02 Railway Systems Plans
Technical Reports
The following Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Technical Reports provide technical details and serve as sources for the Draft EIR/EIS analysis. Electronic versions of the technical reports will be available through submitting a request on the Public Records Act portal:
- Transportation Technical Report
- Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report
- Biological and Aquatic Resources Technical Report
- Aquatic Resources Delineation Report
- Wildlife Corridor Assessment Report
- Hydrology and Water Resources Technical Report
- Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Technical Report
- Paleontological Resources Technical Report
- Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report
- Community Impact Assessment
- Visual Impact Assessment
- Historic Architectural Survey Report
- Findings of Effects Report
- Draft Relocation Impact Report
Brief Explanation of Each Chapter
Volume 1 – Report
Chapter 1.0, Introduction and Purpose, Need, and Objectives, explains the Authority’s purpose and need for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section, and provides a history of the planning process. Chapter 2.0, Alternatives, describes the proposed Palmdale to Burbank six Build Alternatives and the No Project Alternative used for purposes of comparison. It contains illustrations and maps and provides a review of construction activities. This chapter identifies the preferred alternative, which also serves as the proposed project for CEQA. These first two chapters help the reader understand what is being analyzed in the remainder of the document. Chapter 3.0, Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation Measures, is where the reader can find information about the existing transportation, environmental, and social conditions in the area of Palmdale to Burbank. This chapter provides the findings of the analysis of potential environmental impacts, along with methods to reduce these impacts (called mitigation measures). Chapter 4.0, Section 4(f)/Section 6(f) Evaluation, provides the analysis to support determinations made under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 and Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act. Chapter 5.0, Environmental Justice, discusses whether the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Build Alternatives will cause disproportionate impacts on low-income and minority communities. It also identifies mitigation to reduce those impacts where appropriate. Chapter 6.0, Project Costs and Operations, summarizes the estimated capital and operations and maintenance costs for the Palmdale to Burbank Build Alternatives evaluated in this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 7.0, Other NEPA/CEQA Considerations, summarizes the Palmdale to Burbank Build Alternative’s environmental effects under NEPA, the significant adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided under CEQA, and the significant irreversible environmental changes that would occur as a result of the project or irretrievable commitments of resources or foreclosure of future options. Chapter 8.0, Preferred Alternative, describes the Preferred Alternative and the basis for identifying the Preferred Alternative. Chapter 9.0, Public and Agency Involvement, contains summaries of coordination and outreach activities with agencies and the general public during preparation of this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 10.0, Draft EIR/EIS Distribution, identifies the public agencies, tribes, and organizations that were informed of the availability of, and locations to obtain, this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 11.0, List of Preparers, provides the names and responsibilities of the authors of this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 12.0, References/Sources Used in Document Preparation, cites the references and contacts used in writing this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 13.0, Glossary of Terms, provides a definition of certain terms used in this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 14.0, Index, provides a tool to cross-reference major topics used in this Draft EIR/EIS. Chapter 15.0, Acronyms and Abbreviations, defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this Draft EIR/EIS.
Volume 2 – Technical Appendices
Appendices provide additional details on the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section and the six Build Alternatives evaluated in the Draft EIR/EIS. Technical appendices, included in Volume 2, are primarily related to the affected environment and environmental consequences analyses. These appendices are numbered to match their corresponding section in Chapter 3, as well as Chapter 2, of this Draft EIR/EIS (e.g., 3.2-A is the first appendix for Section 3.2, Transportation).
Volume 3 – Alignment Plans
These are detailed design drawings, including trackway, right-of-way, structures, grade separations, utilities, systems, stations, and construction phasing.
- San Francisco to San Jose Project Section: Environmental Documents
- San Jose to Merced Project Section: Environmental Documents
- Merced to Fresno: Environmental Documents
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye: Environmental Documents
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Environmental Documents
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Locally Generated Alternative: Environmental Documents
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Environmental Documents
- Palmdale to Burbank: Environmental Documents
- Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section: Environmental Documents

San Francisco to San Jose Project Section
- San Francisco to San Jose: Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- San Francisco to San Jose: Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
San Jose to Merced Project Section
- San Jose to Merced: Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- San Jose to Merced: Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- San Jose to Merced: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Merced to Fresno Project Section
- Merced to Fresno: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Revised Draft Supplemental EIR/Second Draft Supplemental EIS
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Fresno to Bakersfield Project Section
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Locally Generated Alternative Draft & Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section
Project Section Details
Select a project section to learn more:
(916) 324-1541
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