Board Meeting Schedule & Materials

Meetings of the California High-Speed Rail Authority Board of Directors are held in Sacramento, CA and begin at 10:00 a.m. unless the agenda reflects otherwise. Meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change; check this website before making final plans to attend a specific meeting. Click the following link for agendas and materials for the Finance & Audit Committee Meetings.

2024 Board Meeting Schedule

  • Thursday, Jan 18
  • Tuesday, February 13 Special Closed Session
  • Thursday, Feb 29
  • Thursday, April 11
  • Thursday, May 16
  • Thursday, June 26-27
  • Thursday, August 8
  • Thursday, September 26
  • Thursday, November 7
  • Thursday, December 12

2024 Board Meeting Materials

June 26-27, 2024

June 26, 2024

Agenda Item #1 Consider Approving the May 16, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #2 Staff Presentation on the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Selection of the Preferred Alternative (Alternative SR14A including a Central Subsection and the Burbank Subsection) from Spruce Court in Palmdale to Winona Avenue in Burbank and Related Decisions

Agenda Item #3 Consider Approving the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Internal Audit Plan and acknowledging the Internal Quality Assurance Self-Assessment for Fiscal Year 2023/2024

Agenda Item #4 Consider Accepting the 2024/2025 Fiscal Year Budget

Agenda Item #5 Consider Providing Approval to Award the Agreement Resulting from the Design Services for Track and Overhead Contact Systems Procurement

Agenda Item #6 June 2024 CEO Report

June 27, 2024

Agenda Item #8 Staff Response to Public Comment Received Following Item #2, Staff Presentation on the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Final EIR/EIS and Proposed Decisions

Agenda Item #9 Consider certifying the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section Final EIR/EIS under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Agenda Item #10 Consider approving the Preferred Alternative (SR14A including the Central Subsection and the Burbank Subsection) from Spruce Court in Palmdale to Winona Avenue in Burbank, and the related CEQA Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Enforcement Plan for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section

Agenda Item #11 Consider selecting the Preferred Alternative (the SR14A Alternative including the Central Subsection and the Burbank Subsection) from Spruce Court in Palmdale to Winona Avenue in Burbank and Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to proceed with a Record of Decision for the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section

Agenda Item #12 Finance and Audit Update

May 16, 2024

Agenda Item #1 Consider Approving the April 11, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #2 Consider concurring with the Staff Recommended Preferred Alternative, the Shared Passenger Track Alternative A, for the Los Angeles to Anaheim Project Section for Identification in the Draft EIR/EIS

Agenda Item #3 California High-Speed Rail Authority Construction Update

Agenda Item #4 California High-Speed Rail Authority Procurement Update

Agenda Item #5 May 2024 CEO Report

April 11, 2024

Agenda Item #1 Consider Approving the February 29, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #2 Consider Adopting the 2024 Business Plan and Capitol Cost Estimates Policy for Annual Reports

Agenda Item #3 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Proposals for a Supply-Maintain Contract for High-Speed Trainsets and Related Services

Agenda Item #4 April 2024 CEO Report

February 29, 2024

Agenda Item #2 Consider Approving the January 18, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #3 Draft 2024 Business Plan

Agenda Item #4 Consider Providing Approval to Issue Notice to Proceed-2 for the Fresno to Bakersfield Locally Generated Alternative Project Section

Agenda Item #5 Central Valley Station Concept

Agenda Item #6 Train Interior Design Briefing

Agenda Item #7 CEO Report

Agenda Item #8 Board Member Comments

Agenda Item #9 Tour of Train Interiors Preliminary Designs and Station Concepts at the Board Meeting Location

January 18, 2024

Agenda Item #1 Consider Approving the December 6,2023,Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item #2 Consider Approving the Updated Total Expenditure Authorization Request

Agenda Item #3 Consider Approving the Issuance of the Second Notice to Proceed (NTP2) for the Merced to Madera Project Section

Agenda Item #4 Economic Impact Analysis from High-Speed Rail Investments

Agenda Item #5 Business Plan Update

Agenda Item #6 January 2024 CEO Report

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