Submission Date | Submission Method | First Name | Last Name | Stakeholder Comments/Issues |
4/21/2020 | Website | Sean | Abbey | I was initially concerned by the plan of starting in the high speed rail system in the central valley, instead of a population center, but this plan made me understand the logic of it. I had not thought about how the CAL-train work would bring most of the benefits that the high speed rail would while also preparing the line for high speed rail. It will be CRITICAL though that High Speed rail integrate seamlessly with the existing rail networks (ACE, Amtrak) if the full value of building in the valley first is going to be achieved. THANK YOU for putting together this great report. |
4/21/2020 | Website | Yolanda | Sanchez | How does this construction going to affect residents living all my proposed sites? |
4/22/2020 | Website | Tricia | Gomez | What happens to all the business in the way of the construction? |
4/23/2020 | Website | Adam | Thomas | Please shut this down. It's an absolute nightmare for tax payers. The speeds proposed will be nowhere near what goes online. Nobody will ride this to save time. Only riders there will be is for for funsies (No hurry riders). I have worked on this project, and can honestly say that it's a boondoggle. No master plan, make it up as we go, a lot of "green" people (that doesn't bode well for safety), and will never connect San Diego to San Francisco. Just shut it down, and give it to the railroads as a bypass to save us all some money. |
4/29/2020 | Website | Justin | Tam | I strongly support the California High Speed Rail program. This will bring the very first true High Speed Rail system in the U.S. It will help create jobs, invest in our economy, and reduced CO2 emissions in the state. Most Importantly, this will give the residents of California another way to travel to get to their destinations. |
5/3/2020 | Website | Jan-Erik | Gasslander | Building new high speed Railways is causing approximately 100.000 tonnes of CO2-emission per kilometer. This is due to tunneing and large Concrete/steel Constructions. Very often this is underestimated in environmental calculations. In addition to this Claimate effect of 1 tonne CO2 today extends to 2 tonnes in 10 years due to Appreciation effect of 7% per year. Best regards Jan-Erik Gasslander |
5/5/2020 | jan-erik | gasslander | Building new high speed Railways is causing approximately 100.000 tonnes of CO2-emission per kilometer. This is due to tunneing and large Concrete/steel Constructions. Very often this is underestimated in environmental calculations. In addition to this Claimate effect of 1 tonne CO2 today extends to 2 tonnes in 10 years due to Appreciation effect of 7% per year. Best regards Jan-Erik Gasslander Skickades från E-post för Windows 10 |
5/5/2020 | Scott | Edwards | Dear Officials, My belief about the high speed rail is that we should never give up. It better for the economy, for citizens and for the environment. It's the petroleum industry that will lose. And do they every really lose? Scott EdwardsSelma, Ca 93662 |
5/5/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Dan | Leavitt | Good afternoon Chairman Mendonca, members of the Board. I'm Dan Leavitt. I represent the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission and the Central Valley Rail Working Group. The San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission is the owner-operator of the ACE rail service. And the Central Valley Rail Working Group is a 20-agency working group that includes all the regional transportation planning agencies, regional operators in major cities in the Sacramento to Merced corridor. Both of these groups strongly support the Draft 2020 California High-Speed Rail Authority Business Plan. That includes moving forward with the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield high-speed rail interim operating segment and additional stops at Kings/Tulare and Madera. Sacramento and the northern San Joaquin Valley will greatly benefit from the interim high-speed rail operations. We will continue to work with you to ensure the success of high-speed rail operations and to make sure that improved and expanded San Joaquins’ and ACE services meet with high-speed rail at your intermodal station in Merced. Please take action in April to move forward with the recommendations of your Draft 2020 Business Plan and implement true high-speed rail service in California. I did want to note that a number of entities are here today but some aren't and so we do have some letters we'd like to submit that are already having support for this concept. And also the vice mayor of Stockton was here for 2 1/2 hours but he had to leave. He wanted to let you know he's got an election in two weeks, but this is very, very important to him so he was here; unfortunately had to leave and so I would like to insert his comments as well too. Thank you. View attachment letter |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Anna | Caballero | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Cathleen | Galgiani | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Tony | Madrigal | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Ted | Brandvold | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Doug | Ridenour | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Jenny | Kenoyer | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Bill | Zoslocki | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Richard | O'Brien | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Robert | Link | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Doris | Matsui | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Josh | Bridegroom | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Lee Ann | Eager | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Ray | Kienitz | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Comment Form | Phil | Serna | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Joseph | Ramirez | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Jerry | McNerney | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Lloyd | Pareira | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Brett | Frazier | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Diana | Gunn | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Diana | Gunn | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Chuck | Winn | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Comment Form | Terrance | Withrow | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Andrew | Chesley | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Patricia | Taylor | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Stacie | Dabbs | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Xiana | Margarida Mendez Bertolo | View comment. |
5/6/2020 | Public Meeting - Written Comment | Nathan | Brostrom | View comment. |
5/7/2020 | Website | Davis | Johnson | The current plan does not allow for access to the North State at all, thereby keeping much of the state from enjoying the positive economic and environmental impacts of this project. Are there plans to expand northward to Chico and Redding? |
5/7/2020 | Website | Terry | Forsyth | While I have enjoyed the construction updates, no updates include progress on the Fresno station which I believe is the only station surrounded by roadway construction. It is taking four years to build the light rail stations in Seattle so it makes me wonder how long it will take to build the hugely larger stations for the HSR project with its six tracks and all the elevated structure that surely the Fresno station construction will require even more time. I recall discussion of building demolition years ago so is the ground cleared and nothing more? What is the commencement date of station construction if it hasn't started? Looking forward to your response, Terry |
5/12/2020 | Public Meeting - Oral Comment | David | Ikegami | I just wanted to read a brief statement. My name is David Ikegami. I'm here on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Little Tokyo Business Association and the Little Tokyo Business Improvement District, speaking in favor of Speaker Anthony Rendon and Assemblymember Laura Friedman's plan for a 125-mile-per-hour express rail service in the greater Los Angeles area that extends from the Burbank Airport to Union Station and Anaheim by 2024. We are pleased to add our support to their proposal as outlined in the 2020 CHSRA Business Plan. Little Tokyo, a community of over 400 predominantly small businesses that will soon welcome Metro's regional connector hub, has grown into one of downtown Los Angeles's most vibrant districts and a desirable destination with ideal proximity to Union Station, LA Civic Center, world class museums, popular restaurants, shopping and more. We feel strongly that adding key improvements and Southern California and the Bay Area while continuing high-speed rail construction in Central California will maximize future mobility and connectivity throughout the state while also meeting the needs of the diverse and culturally rich communities along the corridor. Please approve Speaker Rendon and Assemblymember Friedman's plan as proposed. Thank you. |
5/12/2020 | Public Meeting - Oral Comment | David | Schwegel | Excellent. All right, David Schwegel from APEX Civil Engineering here in the Fresno-Clovis area. Three items: First off I'm making the case, here's a tip from the Cascadia megaregion that's succeeded in attracting private sector tech investment. A $24 to $42 billion system carrying the passenger equivalent of a 10-lane freeway, generating $355 billion in economic activity and achieving cross-border collaboration among the best and brightest medical minds to find a vaccine for COVID-19. Second, think California for all, such as enhanced collaboration among the Fresno EDC, Silicon Valley Leadership Group and the Greater Sacramento Economic Council to lay fiber- optic cable with the right-of-way of HSR to bring tech to the Inland Valley, 5G broadband to the numerous households that are currently without, mine being among those, and achieving that ag tech breakthrough. Third and finally, a shout-out to the Altamont Corridor Express on Merced to Sacramento and Stockton to San Jose, the poster child for being faithful with little, trustworthy with much and perfectly positioned to capitalize on the Innovation Corridor concept that we are seeing success within the Cascadia megaregion. Congressman Jeff Denham's Office deems ACE scheduled for true high-speed rail business an excellent idea. They've just launched an the EIR. And I personally testified at every single Sacramento COG Board Meeting for two years on how this project from ACE will bring unprecedented life saver accountability and economic development benefits statewide. Thank you. |
5/12/2020 | Public Meeting - Oral Comment | Denny | Zane | All right. My name is Denny Zane. I'm Executive Director of Move LA. Move LA is the organization, which began the coalition building and campaign development for Measures R and Measures M in the Los Angeles County area. And I'm calling, because I would like you, to encourage you, take very seriously the proposal submitted to you by Speaker Rendon, Incumbent Member Friedman, to divert some of the funding to investments in both Northern and Southern California. I look at this from the, I guess, vantage point of -- the real goal here is not an operating segment. The real goal is what positions of the project will be fully complete? Who is going to focus on the trajectory where it's a fully funded and completed project? And whether the proposal you have on the table does that or whether a proposal, which would also invest in Northern and Southern California would do that. And I would take a look at this as if it were a statewide ballot measure. Which of those arrangements would be most likely to generate the levels of support needed, get the funding needed for a complete project? Not just a segment, but a complete project. And I think there's a strong case to be made that the Rendon-Friedman proposal would reposition this project for completion what's now on the table for you. And I would like to encourage your discussion of that option as a result. Thank you very much. |
5/12/2020 | Public Meeting - Oral Comment | Eric | Reese | Good morning, everybody. Hello, my name is Eric Reese. My comment for future consideration would be for the Board and staff to work with the Capitol Corridor JPA, Coast Rail Coordinating Council and the Transportation Agency from Monterey County in acquiring the Union Pacific tracks from Gilroy to San Jose. Acquiring the right-of-way would consist of partnering with Amtrak to use Amtrak's eminent domain ability to acquire the tracks at fair market value. By acquiring the right-of-way from Union Pacific this allows the High-Speed Rail Authority to build the majority of high-speed rail tracks within the existing right-of-way, thereby minimizing the need to take properties outside of the right-of-way and allowing for the Authority to build the high-speed rail tracks in the most cost-efficient way. Buying the right-of-way also creates unique opportunity where the Authority and Monterey County could jointly upgrade the corridor from San Jose to Gilroy to become a high-speed rail corridor resulting in at-grade separate corridor and travel speeds up to 125 miles per hour. This allows for reduced travel times. This would work similar to the planned share use for the Caltrain Corridor. By purchasing existing right-of-way the Authority would be able to build the most preferred alignment for the San Jose to Gilroy segment, while also allowing other agencies like Caltrain and Capitol Corridor the ability to expand their service to Salinas. Thank you for your time and consideration of this important proposal that can achieve many benefits out of one cost. Thank you. |
5/12/2020 | Public Meeting - Oral Comment | Roland | Lebrun | Okay, thank you. So very briefly I would like to echo the comments that Brian made about the benefits of telecommuting. And in my mind the F&A meeting we just had was the best F&A meeting I have ever been to. And this Board meeting is right on par with it, so I hope that moving forward you will consider continuing with this format even after the current situation is over. With regards to Virgin I think that what we need to do there is to watch and learn how they are doing high-speed rail right, starting with alignment and the resulting cost savings. They're going to build this for approximately 20 percent of what it is costing us to do high-speed rail, I mean, talking per mile of what it's costing us to do high-speed rail between Merced and Bakersfield. And that concludes my comments. Thank you very much. |
5/12/2020 | Public Meeting - Oral Comment | Walter | Beaumont | Yes. Yes, thank you. I appreciate this. I'm speaking on behalf of the Eco Rapid Transit Joint Powers Authority. Our Executive Director Michael Kodama could not be with you today. Eco Rapid Transit is a joint powers authority with 11 members, 10 cities and the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport. We work together to improve transportation and connectivity through the cities. And our corridor is 40 miles long and it will link the Hollywood-Burbank Airport to downtown Los Angeles and eventually to the City of Artesia. We support recent proposals by Assemblymember Speaker Rendon and Assemblymember Friedman to fund interim rail improvements. We were encouraged to see that recently concluded presentation that contemplates advancing rail investments across the state. There are 5 million, or excuse me, 4 million residents in our corridor and over 3 million residents in California have filed for unemployment. And this is all due to the economic crisis that is caused by the COVID-19 crisis. There is no doubt, there is no doubt that rail improvements in our corridor will help in the economic recovery for our residents' post-crisis. So we encourage you to spend some money down in our corridor, our residents are depending on it. Thank you very much. |
5/12/2020 | Public Meeting - Oral Comment | Mike | Behen | Good morning. This is Mike Behen, Deputy City Manager from the City of Palmdale. I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to speak to the Board Members, Mr. Chair and CEO Kelly. We have submitted a letter dated April 15th on the Business Plan, relatively minor comments. But the reason for the call is to show support for the project and the California High-Speed Rail Authority. You know, we've been hearing Palmdale several times and the conversation today is very exciting. We are very eager to have high-speed rail here in Palmdale. And I will echo with what Board Member Perea said coordinating with Virgin Trains and Express West is highly recommended and I know that's happening and I would encourage that to continue. Also coordinating with Metrolink, Metro and SCAG, so that we have a good collaborative effort. And lastly, I would say that we are wrapping up our station area plan, which we'll present to our board in late summer, early fall. And I would just say stay the course and everybody be safe. Thank you. |
5/16/2020 | Website | H Bradley | Bang | I'm a big fan of high speed rail. My only concern with the current project is that they need to do the hard work to develop the systems going in and out from our major cities. That way a lot of people can use them once they open and that will help sustain it as it develops into a bigger system. Also consider hybrid systems that combine existing systems that are already in place. We may not be able to board one train to make a complete trip. However the flexibility and existence of a system will make it useful to our Population. Then addition improvements can be gradually added |
5/24/2020 | Website | cindy | bloom | Attached are my comments for the 2020 Business Plan. View comment. |
5/24/2020 | Website | David | Zhong | The business plan lays out an excellent rationale on the mission of California high speed rail, as promised in the original 2008 ballot measure. I believe it is important to emphasize the transition from a administrative/design agency to a project delivery agency. One way to address this is by laying out a clearer timeline of when initial designs/environmental clearance completion to actual construction. After 12 years, it's too easy to point at the 35 construction sites and argue that this project will take decades, where the reality is that contractors didn't begin until 2015 (the long time period for clearance/design/ROW acquisition is another issue). In the same vein, it's important to showcase increased expenditures on the project, with the context that this directly correlates with more construction, not lawsuits or overruns. The business plan should emphasize the acceleration of project delivery over the past year. As this plan was written before the pandemic truly gripped California, it may be important to talk about finances. On one hand, the state funding/cap & trade proceeds needs to be reevaluated. This can be counteracted with an argument for construction jobs - the business plan does a good job at showcasing the job-years and income/economic impact earned. This will strengthen the project beyond just the promise of high speed rail, but also for economic recovery. As an individual who has been watching the project lately, I am excited to see what will be done in 2020. |
5/25/2020 | Website | Willie | Lu | I strongly support the High-Speed Rail project in California, as I am now taking bus between San Jose and LA so frequently, costing so much time and uncomfortable for 6.5 hours' bus trip. It is really a shame we do NOT have high-speed rail in California, In China, HSR is so good and convenient. |
5/27/2020 | Website | Shannon | Strong | Billions of dollars over budget, taking the finest farm land in the world, making thousands of people move from THEIR homes and land. Stop this madness. People cannot afford this train line. It is already outdated and many years behind its original open and running dat. BILLIONS OVER BUDGET |
5/28/2020 | Website | Tom | Williams | Attached please find the City of Millbrae's comments regarding the CHSRA 2020 Business Plan. Thank you, Tom Williams City Manager, City of Millbrae View comments. |
5/28/2020 | Website | Lucille | Borman | The conditions for why my husband I voted for the High Speed Rail Train, the path of the train and the cost are being totally disregarded. Now as registered voters, we will no longer trust the language that is written on ballots. Lucille A. Borman, 11453 Alberni Ave, Lake View Terrace California, 91342. |
5/28/2020 | Website | Coleen | Banchio | To continue funding high speed rail at this time is irresponsible to Californians. At a time when services, schools and water are being reduced in funding, it is time to stop this project. It has gone way over the original budget every year. Until California can fully fund its schools, hospitals and community services WITHOUT FEDERAL BAILOUT STOP funding this train to no where. Stop contracting with foreign companies to build it and build it with California companies. If California can't keep its word to the fire victims and young people of California we shouldn't be keeping the train project. |
5/28/2020 | Public Hearing - Written Comment | Laura | Tolkoff | View comment. |
5/28/2020 | Public Hearing - Written Comment | Mark | Zabaneh | View comment. |
5/28/2020 | Public Hearing - Written Comment | John | Green | View comment. |
5/28/2020 | Public Hearing - Written Comment | Lee | Brand | View comment. |
5/28/2020 | Public Hearing - Written Comment | Meea | Kang | View comment. |
5/28/2020 | Public Hearing - Written Comment | Mike | Leonardo | View comment. |
5/31/2020 | Website | William | Slocum | Please see the attache statement from the Kagel Canyon Civic Association View statement. |
5/31/2020 | Public Hearing - Written Comment | Consolidated Comments | Public Comments at Assembly Transportation Committee Hearing on May 27th, 2020 | Public Comment from Assembly Hearing draft 2020 Business Plan: 1) Matt Robinson, Fresno County of Transportation and Mike Leonardo 2) Rick Harmish, High-Speed Rail Alliance 3) Stuart Flashman, Attorney 4) Anna Harvey, San Francisco Planning Department 5) Will Oliver, Vice President, Fresno Economic Development 6) Leann Eager, President and CEO, Fresno Economic Development Corporation 7) Stacy Mortensen, ACE 8) Dylan Stone, Madera County Transportation Commission 9) Vito Chiesa – County Supervisor, Stanislaus County 10) Matt Treber, Madera County 11) Keith Dunne, District Council of Iron Workers 12) Felipe Fuentes, Association of California Contractors 13) Mike Murphy, Mayor, Merced 14) Steve Roberts, President of Rail Passengers Association California/Nevada 15) Joe Cruz, City of San Jose 16) On behalf of Caltrain 17) Chuck Riojas, Fresno Madera Kings Building Trades Council 18) Esmeralda Soria, Fresno Council District 19) Diane Nguyen, Deputy Director, San Joaquin Council of Governments 20) Bill Zoslocki – Modesto City Council 21) Gus Khouri, Stanislaus Council of Governments 22) Jeremy Smith, State Building Construction Trade Council 23) John Moffat, American Council of Engineering Companies 24) David Schronbrunn, President of Train Riders of Association 25) John Spalding, Building Trades Council, Bakersfield 26) Ross Buckley, City of Sacramento 27) Alison Macleod, Sacramento Regional Rail Group 28) David Cameron, Assistant Director, Teamsters Rail Conference 29) Jose Rodriguez, City Council, Madera 30) Susannah Parsons, SPUR 31) Dan Leavitt, Central Valley Rail Working Group |
5/31/2020 | Website | Lynne | Toby | To paraphrase Coleridge, water water everywhere and not a drop to drink. There are so many other uses for the money that's being flushed away on the High Speed Rail project, it's hard to focus on just one. The Ancient Mariner knew that if you don't have water, all the rail lines in the world won't make up for the lack of this fundamental necessity. When I read Cindy Bloom's excellent point by point refutation of the Business Plan, I couldn't help but agree that if we don't have a safe, reliable source of water for the future, nothing else matters. We're heading for a future where not only rationing will be necessary, it will be mandatory. With the plan to locate workers hundreds of miles from their workplaces, what will be the first and most important factor in building the homes for these people. Water. Nothing but water. You can have all the concrete in the world, all the seeds, all the farmland but if you don't have water, it doesn't mean a hill of beans. The enormous amount of money already spent on this boondoggle could have been spent to insure adequate water supplies both taken from the land and recovered from the sea. Where are the desalinization plants, the reclamation facilities, the reservoirs? What we have are miles and miles of tracks, unfinished plans, mismanaged operations and no money to finish the project. And not one foot of track laid!! You can fool some of the people some of the time but we're onto their cheating lying ways and now is the time to say No More! Given the current situations in this country and world, it makes no sense to continue pouring money into this giant hole on the ground. Better we should fill that hole with water and have a real future. I say no to further construction, allocations and let's get rid of these amateurs who run the board and are accountable to no one. Time to take back 101. This is not what we voted for and never will be. No to High Speed Rail!! No, no, a thousand times NO! |
5/31/2020 | Website | William | Eick | The Technical Supporting Document entitled Ridership and Revenue Risk Analysis is totally in adequate. Although 96 pages in length , it fails to mention one of the biggest risks to ridership and revenue and that is telecommuting. As magnified by the Covid19 stay at home orders, there has been a substantial increase in telecommuting using such devices as Zoom, Web Ex, and Teams by Microsoft. The need to actually show up at work in a specific place has and will continue to be substantially reduced. For instance, Facebook is going to allow many of its employees to work remotely for the foreseeable future. The appendix list 17 risk factors, none of which speak about telecommuting. This risk factor may not have been front and center in January of 2020, but it was a risk that needed to be addressed. To determine the magnitude of this risk, one need only look at the reduced airplane passenger trips between northern and Southern California. Planes are traveling at under 20% capacity. Just think about trains traveling at 20% capacity. The entire business plan must be scrapped and redone taking this into consideration. Please do not turn a blind eye to this problem. |
6/1/2020 | Website | Barbara | Guerrero | Millions of dollars have already been spent on the HSR with no end in site. This is Governor Newsom"s pet project and we can not afford to provide for this unrealistic project. The cost of riding the HSR will far exceed what a rider can afford. It will still be far cheaper to fly. If the state had first built the HSR from the Cochella Valley to Las Vega with the casinos financial support we would know if it was a viable project. As of now we don't even know if people will want to use it on a regular basis. |
6/1/2020 | Website | Jeff | Leeson | This business plan repeatedly attempts to make the case that building high speed rail in california is the "right" thing to do based on projected infrastructure requirements. Unfortunately, it does not sufficiently address the resistance to riding that the potential customer base will experience. For example, riders are assumed to want to use the train for entirely practical reasons. However, in its current form, the proposed HSR is no more appealing in time than flying and no more appealing in mobility than driving. With a prospective future of autonomous vehicles both on the road and in the air allowing swift transit with maximum speed and mobility, the investment in a rail infrastructure for passenger trains is wasteful. We should not succumb to the sunk cost fallacy and think can't stop. Instead, we should pivot to building the infrastructure we need to support the move obvious methods of travel we already know is on the near horizon, like autonomous vehicles. There will still be a need for the movement of freight via trains, and that infrastructure is important and also requires investment, but a passenger high speed rail system is not a forward looking system, it's one of the past. The high speed rail project should be ended and the funds reallocated to other infrastructure projects in the state. |
6/1/2020 | Website | Trisha | Richards | How much will this High Speed Rail in CA increase our taxes? When do you see that that this High Speed Rail will be finally implemented for San Diego? |
6/1/2020 | Website | Kelly | Decker | Please find attached as a PDF document my comments on the 2020 Draft Business Plan. View comment. |
6/1/2020 | Public Hearing - Written Comment | Jim | Frazier | View comment. |
6/1/2020 | Website | Eli | Wells | We represent the community's interest against the HSR project through our community destroying, displacing and creating numerous detrimental effects to our area. This project also has cost enormously more than initially estimated and is not supported by the community. Lastly, this project was represent a different corridor than not presented and not the route we believe is fair or constructive for our area. |
6/1/2020 | Website | Michael | Gimbel | Dear California High-Speed Rail Representatives, On behalf of Friends of DTX, please find attached our comments regarding the Draft 2020 Business Plan, and how it relates to the Downtown Rail Extension (DTX) being implemented by the Transbay Joint Powers Authority. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Michael Gimbel View comment. |
6/1/2020 | Website | Linda | Graves | We do not need a high-speed train from Merced to Bakersfield. What we need are water projects and wildfire mitigation. Please don't continue to waste our money on this project. |
6/1/2020 | Website | Todd | McIntyre | Please see attached PDF letter. View letter. |
6/1/2020 | Website | Stuart | Flashman | The attached letter was submitted to the California State assembly Transportation Committee at its informational hearing on the 202 Draft Business Plan. As the letter indicates, the Authority's current plan would violate provisions of Prop. 1A by requiring an operating subsidy, and the violation would occur whether the Authority runs the service itself or allows another agency to run it on its infrastructure. In addition, the Business Plan is outdated because it assumes that large-scale commutes and business trips will continue to be the norm. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the large-scale feasibility of work from home and distance working. As a results, estimates are that as much as 60-70% of the workforce - including the vast majority of office and tech workers, will be distance working rather than commuting in the future. Office space in cities like San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, and Los Angeles will be vastly curtailed, and many new employees will continue to live where they now live - often outside of California. As a result, the need for travel between metropolitan areas in California will decrease enormously. There will be no need for enlarged airports or freeways to handle more traffic. Consequently, the demand for high-speed rail will practically disappear. Ridership figures need to be reassessed to take into account this new paradigm. If the results indicate that high-speed rail will no longer make money, the current project should be dropped, the bond proceeds refunded to investors, and the existing construction repurposed for much less expensive moderate-speed semi-local rail line using fuel cell-powered locomotion for transportation within the central Valley. View letter. |
6/2/2020 | Website | Brian | Balderrama | The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) Regional Rail department appreciated the opportunity to review and provide the attached comments regarding the Draft 2020 Business Plan (Plan). View comments. |
6/2/2020 | Letter | Mike | Kodama | View letter. |
6/2/2020 | Letter | Mike | Okamoto | Joint letter also from David Ikegami. View letter. |
6/2/2020 | Letter | Michael | Behen | View letter. |
6/4/2020 | Letter | Gloria | Salazar | View letter. |
6/4/2020 | Letter | Jeffrey | Tumlin | Letter was co-submitted by Rich Hills, Planning Director, City/County of San Francisco. View letter. |
6/4/2020 | Letter | Arnoldo | Rodriguez | View letter. |
6/8/2020 | Letter | Steve | Roberts | View letter. |
6/8/2020 | Letter | Sam | Liccardo | View letter. |
6/8/2020 | Letter | Ivar | Satero | View letter. |
6/8/2020 | Letter | Richard | Garbarino | View letter. |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Matt | Robinson | We support the project as it's proposed in the 2020 Business Plan by continuing the work in the Central Valley towards the first segment of fully electrified high-speed rail in California. This has been the direction of the Authority since 2012 and scaling back that work in the Valley at this juncture, we believe would cause some adverse economic impacts to a region that during the last recession had some of the worst unemployment in the country. We encourage the Legislature to maintain the commitment to the Central Valley as outlined in the Authority's Business Plan. I very much appreciate the discussion today. Thank you, Sir. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Rick | Harnish | We're a member-supported non-profit advocating for fast, frequent, affordable trains of all kinds throughout the county. We urge the state to work aggressively to complete the electrified 220-mile high-speed line linking downtown Bakersfield to Merced and begin operations on that as soon as possible. This is the best first building block towards a high-speed line that would link Los Angeles and San Francisco in under three hours. It will in its initial form, build new linkages thought the state by connecting with already existing and expanded trains and buses that will link all of the high-speed stations. There is already a lot of transfers happening between the San Joaquins and connecting buses and other trains. This will make those services much more effective and much more cost effective to operate for the state. The other thing that focusing on this high-speed line will do will drive regulatory institutional innovations that only occur while you're moving a project through completion. So, you've already accomplished some of those things in terms of persuading the FRA to adopt new trainset regulations, issues with establishing new electrification and one key innovation could be creating even better connections though thru service that isn't quite technically possible yet but could be by the time it's built if you're focused on it. California has a fantastic opportunity to build a stronger economic connection at a much lower impact than doing other modes. Please seize this opportunity by completing electrified Bakersfield and Merced high-speed line as soon as possible. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Stuart | Flashman | Note: Audio was unclear during this statement/verbatim transcript not possible. Gist is the speaker believes the Authority is in violation of Proposition 1A. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Anna | Harvey | The City and County of San Francisco strongly supports the Draft 2020 Business Plan that extends the Central Valley segment to Silicon Valley and terminates at the San Francisco Salesforce Transit Center. We view high-speed train service to San Francisco as vital to our city and region. HSR is a long-term investment to serve our growing population, support our economy and link the Bay Area to the Central Valley's growing economy and commuter base in a sustainable manner giving people more options of where they can live and work. This segment will pursue electrification and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions consistent with our own local, regional and state environmental goals. HSR is all the more important given the current public health crisis. It can generate key jobs in the most disadvantaged regions in the state which is especially important given the cataclysmic impact of COVID19. The City and County of San Francisco sees the Authority's 2020 Business Plan as the most effective path toward realizing the significant benefits that a fast, clean, high-speed train service holds for our city, the Bay Area and the entire state. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Will | Oliver | The Central Valley economic woes aren't because of a lack of transportation to work, but the lack of available, skilled jobs that are consistent with resilient, diversified economies much like you'd find in populated coastal cities. Speaking of which, with rising costs and slow growth in the large coastal metros, the Central Valley is one of the few remaining places of California where it's possible to plan for significant growth while building economies and communities inclusively. Not just by 2030 but throughout the 21st century. Over the past decade local leaders have been positioning the Central Valley to not only connect our population centers at full speed but to accelerate investments in a region gripped by unabated poverty unemployment and dangerous to poor air quality. As the Guinea Pig of this project, in Fresno we have borne the brunt of road closures and business disruptions through the right of way acquisition process, yet we're still supportive because the long-term consequences on our economy are too great. Reason being, one in four people live in poverty in Fresno alone. And that was before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. If previous economic crisis provided any indication, the Central Valley may be one of last areas to recover from this crisis. Now is not the time to divert High-Speed Rail's jobs generating investment from the capital-starved Central Valley. High-Speed Rail is the Central Valley New Deal. With it, we can drive some economic transformation and finally connect to the rest of the state. Without it, we are once again left without the tools to overcome the challenges that have failed to abate it. Thank you for your time and consideration. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | LeeAnn | Eager | Here in the Central Valley we are depending on innovation, we are depending on new technology in order to bring us out of the state we've been in for a long, long time. High-Speed Rail has always been one of those things that we’ve been looking to when we're attracting new business into the Valley. I heard one of the speakers talk about the population in the Central Valley. There are over 4 million people living in the Valley, it is the fastest growing area in the entire state of California. As we know, in the Bay Area and LA, growth has really been stymied because there is not enough room any more, nor is it affordable there. When I traveled around the world, before COVID-19, bringing businesses to the Central Valley and to California, people were interested in what that would mean with the connection of High-Speed Rail from the Central Valley to Northern and Southern California. And we're not interested in people living in the Valley and working someplace else. What we're interested in is having those businesses in the Central Valley and they can connect to those other areas. It's not going to do us any good to have those businesses in Northern and Southern California and the only way to really ensure that those businesses from around the country and from around the world is to ensure those businesses have access to those other parts of the state is with High-Speed Rail. We have been a supporter for eleven years now, since the very beginning. It has brought jobs, it has brought hope to the Central Valley. And one of the things that was so important to us was certainly looking at getting people off of the roads. And I know I heard some folks on here saying that they don't think anyone is going ride it. Well if you travel anywhere outside of California, you'll see people are riding public transportation, around the world people are riding HSR. We're getting people out of their cars and in to transportation in other parts of the world. We could do it, and we should do it in California. The air quality in the Valley is some of the worst in the entire country. The only way to do that is to get people out of their cars so we encourage you all to continue to make this right and support the 2020 plan. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Stacey | Mortensen | I am Stacey Mortensen, representing the agency which oversees the ACE Service and I am offering our support for the Authority's proposed Business Plan. After watching the High-Speed Rail process for 10 years, and concurrently watching other mega projects being developed in the urban areas, I am convinced the Central Valley is the only location that will allow for a true high-speed rail system and accompanying high-speed rail industry development. In my own backyard, the BART expansion from Fremont to San Jose is now estimated to total just under $9B for 21 miles -almost $500M/mile. A needed expansion for sure, but it also highlights the fact that billions of dollars disappear quickly in the urban construction environment. The Central Valley environment offers a high-speed spine and numerous options for expansion. This first phase is closer to $140M/mile compared to $500M/mile and will provide the first part of the system within the next decade. The funding being requested by the Authority goes almost directly into contract work, keeping Californians employed during these pandemic times where having the opportunity to work is a huge benefit and blessing. The subsidy question and the math surrounding it are complicated. It warrants diving down deeper to work through a series of "what-if's?" There is a unique opportunity in the Valley with a consolidated Rail Operator model to save millions/year. For this same reason, the Bay Area officials have argued for years to consolidate all rail services under a single operator. Huge administrative and operational cost savings are possible. While more work needs to be done to firm up the estimates, it looks possible to save enough funding from the consolidated rail operations to cover the lease costs of the high-speed rail segments/trains and expand the regional operations, all for less than the state would have subsidized in 2030 without high-speed rail. The voters expressed a desire for a transformative system in 2008 in the form of an electrified high-speed rail network. They may not have focused on the technicalities, but certainly they challenged the state to move away from the historical diesel transportation options and become serious about improving air quality conditions throughout the state. Instead of working independently to tear this program into pieces for modest gains in other areas, let's work together to deliver this project as a springboard into a better total California. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Dillon | Stone | We strongly support the Governor's Proposal and CHSRA's staff recommendations to implement the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield High-Speed Rail Interim Operating Segment including stops at Kings/Tulare and Madera. We think this is a really important project in the San Juaquin Valley for a number of reasons that have already been touched on, economically and environmentally where we've had a significant need for such significant partnership and improvement with our state partners. We really hope that this Business Plan will be passed going forward. It's an important part of how we develop more sustainable communities and provide safer, more efficient, cleaner mobility options for our residents who travel up and down the state. And it also releases some of the pressure for our freight movements on other facilities that won't be utilizing commuter rails that are built here. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Vito | Chiesa | My name is Vito Chiesa, and I am a Supervisor for Stanislaus County and Chair of the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley (whose Board includes members of the Governor's cabinet, representatives of local government and business leaders from each county in the San Joaquin Valley). I am also Chair of the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority - the agency responsible for the administration and operations of the San Joaquins rail service. I want to express my strong support, the strong support of the California Partnership, and San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority for the CHSRA’s Draft 2020 Business Plan. We strongly support moving forward with the Governor’\'s proposal and CHSRA's staff recommendations to pursue a Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield high-speed rail Interim Operating Segment with additional stops at Kings/Tulare and Madera -- providing high-speed rail service to Californians at the earliest possible time. The Merced –Bakersfield Interim Operating Segment will improve access and connectivity to other destinations throughout California through better connections with ACE and San Joaquins rail services in the north and San Joaquins Thruway Bus Services at Bakersfield for travel to Southern California. Our San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority 2020 Draft Business Plan highlights the coordination that we have been doing with CHSRA and their Early Train Operator. You have my commitment that the San Joaquins rail service will fully integrate with and support the success of the Merced-Bakersfield Interim Operating Segment. We look forward to continuing to work with CHSRA to implement the vision of their Draft 2020 Business Plan. It is time to deliver true high-speed rail operations to California – as promised to the voters. We urge the Assembly Transportation Committee to support the recommendations of the 2020 CHSRA Draft Business Plan. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Matt | Treber | I am representing "Why Madera" a group involving both the cities of Chowchilla and Madera, and Madera County, Madera County Unified School District and others. Just wanted to urge the strong support for the 2020 Draft Business Plan the Authority has put out. We want to continue to see investments and emphasize the completion of the Central Valley Segment for High-Speed Rail and we look for High-Speed Rail to affirm its intent for a permanent Madera station as a part of the project as well and providing great economic opportunities for our constituents and residents of the County. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Keith | Dunn | We want to voice our support for the High-Speed Rail Authority's Business Plan. This is really an investment in the Central Valley. Hopefully the start of a new New Deal. The Central Valley has always been a lagging indicator for the state of California, which has been a leading economic engine of the world, with the Central Valley always trying to catch up. This investment in the Central Valley will help reduce some of the worst congestion in our state as well as improve the air quality in some of the cities that have the worst in the country. This is a critical investment. We encourage you to support the Business Plan. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Felipe | Fuentes | Thank you for the oversight. It's efforts here that help us ensure that the voters get what was promised, which is connecting eight of the top 10 most populated areas of the state and expand options where people live and work. That said, we support the Business Plan as written and want to thank Brian Kelly for his efforts and leadership. Today there are 32 job sites and nearly 900 employees working on this project each day. Projects like this and hopefully more in the future, will help us recover. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Mike | Murphy | I want to share support for the 2020 Business Plan. We'd like to see the state move forward with the Governor’s proposal to pursue the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield IOS at the earliest possible time. The IOS enhances connectivity and enables partnerships with other passenger rail services in Merced, where there is already a commitment of over $1 billion to bring the ACE and San Joaquin’s services to connect with high-speed rail. The IOS will improve operational reliability on this dedicated passenger-only rail line which will allow faster, and far more frequent on time service and it will create the backbone of the high-speed rail system and demonstrate the value of high-speed rail service. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Steve | Roberts | RailPAC is an all-volunteer, non-profit passenger rail advocacy group with representatives throughout California. After reviewing the 2020 Business Plan, the RailPAC Board strongly supports the Business Plan and the proposed operating plan. Leveraging an improved and expanded ACE, San Joaquin and high-speed rail network will bring service improvements to all of California’s major urban areas north and south as well as rural areas. In addition, as a result of ridership growth combined with longer intercity trip lengths than you find along urban, commuter routes the IOS will yield the greatest GHG reductions. Also, the construction and the operation of high-speed rail from Merced through Fresno and into Bakersfield brings economic activity near-term to cities in the San Joaquin Valley during this time of economic stress. Additionally, the RailPAC Board also feels the urban diversion option is as risky, if not riskier, then the focus on building the true high-speed rail trunk route in the Central Valley. Also, a key benefit of true high-speed rail in the Central Valley is its ability to demonstrate the transformative potential of this mode of transportation. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Joe | Cruz | Appreciates the opportunity to convey their support of the High-Speed Rail 2020 Draft Business Plan as currently proposed. It is valuable work to continue to generate middle class jobs in the most disadvantaged regions in the state, especially those areas hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. We also support electrification of rail to reduce GHG emissions and greatly improve trip times associated with this project. We respectively ask that you make every effort to deliver a project that, when complete, will connect eight of the top ten most populated regions of the state and greatly expand options where people can live and work. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Britgit | McGowan | We are in support of the 2020 Draft Business Plan and the project that has been underway for several years with the core with the electrified system in the valley and investments in the bookends as outlined in the 2020 Business Plan. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Chuck | Riojas | I speak tonight in support to the Governor's 2020 Business Plan as currently proposed. I have the good fortune of being on the ground in the Central Valley in the construction trades. When it comes the 4,000 constructions workers that are actively working on high-speed rail today, I wanted to remind everybody that there are 800 apprentices working within the trades on this project. That's 800 apprentices that have a shot at a career. That's 800 apprentices who have a shot at a living wage. That's 800 apprentices that have a shot at viable healthcare and a pension at the end of a long career. I have the good fortune of running pre-apprentice programs that help people qualify for these apprenticeship programs within the affiliated trades that are on construction on high-speed rail. So, we can continue to generate these key jobs in the Central Valley. It is a game changer. I've heard some of the speakers today and I was disappointed with some of the attitudes that were displayed by some of our elected leaders but I'll leave that for another time. We need to be bold, we need to be progressive, we need this change in the Central Valley, so I do speak in support of the Governor's 2020 Business Plan as currently proposed. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Jenny | Kenoyer | Simply want to say that I am in strong support of the draft 2020 Business Plan and also in strong support for the Governor's proposal and CHSRA's staff recommendations to implement the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield high-speed rail Interim Operating Segment with additional stops at Kings/Tulare and Madera. Thank you for letting me express that I am in support of this draft Business Plan | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Diane | Nguyen | We strongly support the 2020 Draft Business Plan and we're in strong support for the Governor's proposal and CHSRA's staff recommendations to implement the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield High-Speed Rail Interim Operating Segment with additional stops at Kings/Tulare and Madera. There is already a commitment of over $1 billion to connect ACE and San Joaquins with High-Speed Rail. The transformative benefits include better air quality, GHG reductions, revitalization and economic development in the Central Valley, all of which are essential for sustaining vibrant and thriving communities in California. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Bill | Zoslocki | Very much support the 2020 draft Business Plan along with the Governor's proposal with the interlinking of Merced down to Bakersfield and stops in Fresno, Madera, Kings/Tulare, all of those possibilities that will change the Central Valley. Currently, if you look at what's happened since COVID, you'll see the numbers in the Central Valley in March and they are only worse now, 12.9% in Merced, 10.5% in Madera, 8.3% in Stanislaus and 10.8% in Fresno and 12.3%. All double digits, with the exception of Stanislaus, those numbers are all certainly higher now after COVID. These jobs that will be created once the train has the ability to run its' tracks from Bakersfield to Sacramento and all the way over to San Jose and with the ACE train connection. I very much support the Business Plan and the efforts in this multi-modal future that we are developing in this area of our state. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Gus | Corti | We are in support of the 2020 draft Business Plan. We appreciate the difficult decisions the legislature has to make at this time. But we do believe that the project will help in improving our air quality. As you know, the County of Stanislaus is in a non-attainment area. We hope that it helps reduce the daily migration of gas-powered single occupant vehicles that have to go over the Altamont Pass because of the jobs in Silicon Valley. We believe that this project will help with that endeavor. I look forward to working with the Legislature to make sure it's a viable project for all of California. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Jeremy | Smith | We offer our continued support for this critically needed and vital public project and the Draft 2020 Business Plan. We appreciate the Committee's ongoing oversight on this project. While there are difficulties that exist on all ultra-large-scale infrastructure project it is important to keep in mind all the good that this project has already brought to many parts of the state. In the Central Valley alone, nearly 4,000 construction workers equaling 50,00 job years, earning middle class wages and benefits for their families. $4.6 billion as noted today invested in Southern California with another $4.4 billion in Northern California among many others. An ongoing construction on a critical key to meeting the GHG standards set by the Legislature. While all these are all important and good facts to discuss we should not forget that this type of project is exactly what workers in the construction industry need from their government in times of recession, like times we find ourselves in now. We encourage the Legislature to continue to fund this project, identify new construction projects moving forward throughout the state to deal with the recession and not forget that during the last recession, unemployment, while at historic levels throughout the state, hit the highest points in the Central Valley. With the construction in the Central Valley, those unemployment levels were over 50% in some of the core crafts. This project helps to negate that which we know is coming. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | John | Moffat | We support the Governor's Business Plan as it's currently proposed. We appreciate the benefits the project will have in the long run. We also want to express our support for the fact that progress continues on this project as critical infrastructure providing much needed jobs in the Central Valley and throughout the state during these challenging times. Want to express our continued support for the Governor's Business Plan and this project moving forward. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | David | Schonbrunn | In the current issue of the California Rail News, I have an article on the dismal future of high-speed rail. We are longtime supporters of high-speed rail. But we oppose this project. We see it as unlikely as unable to provide useful service. Our understanding why there is no private funding is that the pollical compromise on route design were made early in its history. They are going to prevent it from turning a profit. That's why it will never turn a profit. The idea that the state should be sole funder is ridiculous. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | John | Spaulding | We are in fully in support of the Governor's 2020 Business Plan. Having been an advocate for high-speed rail for over 20 years I'm grateful for the benefits brought to Kern County. We are enjoying over 500 construction jobs that will increase as we look forward to this proposed extension from Butler Avenue in Shafter on into Bakersfield. The commitment to connect our state by high-speed rail. In these economic times in Kern County we are grateful for the opportunity to continue working to help clean the air and environment to a much-needed area. This project offers an opportunity for construction jobs and for training for careers, to apprenticeship, to our veterans, though the Helmets to Hardhats, to small businesses, to minority and women-owned businesses. Please continue to support this project. Having worked on the Interstate I-5 project for those that you may remember, it was done in segments. Look at what it does to connect our state. But it is outdated now that is why we need this project. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Ross | Buckley | Express our support for the draft 2020 high-speed rail Business Plan and echo other speakers and support the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield Interim Operating Segment. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Alison | McCloud | We strongly support the Draft 2020 High-Speed Rail Business Plan. The Sacramento region will benefit from the buildout of the IOS from Bakersfield to Merced by increasing connectivity for our region through other rail lines. Direct connection to high-speed rail in Merced to ACE rail and Amtrak San Joaquin is critical for Sacramento and will also mean faster connections for California to establish regional systems including Caltrain, BART, SacRT, the Capital and Valley Link and VTA. This IOS is essential for implementing the full high-speed rail system between the Bay Area, Sacramento, San Joaquin Valley and Southern California. Overall, the Sacramento RWC supports the many benefits that would come from the Business Plan including faster, frequent and reliable passenger rail service, improved connectivity, air quality benefits, and increased ridership throughout the state. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | David | Cameron | The 1.4 million members of the Teamsters union passed a resolution supporting this project a couple of years ago. Successful economies depend on efficient and effective transportation systems. For too long, the Central Valley has been locked out from the San Francisco and LA economic engines. It has the worst unemployment in the state and worst air quality, not just in the state, but in the country. High-Speed Rail addresses both of those. The latest numbers of 4 million seeking unemployment benefits. That translates in to a 20% unemployment rate and it's only going to get worse. High-Speed Rail will be an economic engine, will be an environmental benefit and it will help tie the Central Valley with the rest of the state. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Jose | Rodriguez | I am very supportive of the Draft 2020 Business Plan and also in strong support for the Governor’s proposal. If realized, this project will continue to generate key jobs in most disadvantaged regions. And will provide regions that are highly densely populated will be able to move in to the Central Valley. So, looking forward so let's again complete what the voters approved but connecting highly populated areas and expand options where people can live and work. I am also in support of the Merced - Fresno - Bakersfield segment, including the Kings/Tulare and Madera stops. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Susannah | Parsons | SPUR supports High-Speed Rail and the vision of a future California it hopes to achieve. We support the Draft Business Plan and the continued buildout of the High-Speed Rail to connect San Francisco and Los Angeles through the Central Valley. SPUR is a non-profit organization that promotes good planning and good government through research, education and advocacy. We have been supporting, commenting on and producing policy reports and papers on High-Speed Rail for decades and engaged in numerous local projects that are part of High-Speed Rail's investments in Northern California. In addition to our support, SPUR encourages the Authority to pursue the electrification of rail to seriously reduce GHG emissions and greatly improve trip time and to complete what the voters have asked for, connecting 8 of the ten most populated regions of the state expanding options of where people can live and work and bringing economic development and investment to communities of opportunity in the Central Valley. | |
May 27 Legislative Hearing | Dan | Leavitt | This Working Group includes all the regional transportation planning agencies, regional rail operators, and major cities in the Sacramento to Merced Corridor. Our 20-agency Working Group has been involved in the coordinated planning for passenger rail service between Sacramento and Merced since 2006. Our Working Group has been a long-time supporter of high-speed rail, and a very good partner in the development of the High-Speed Rail project. The Central Valley Rail Working Group strongly supports the Draft 2020 CHSRA Business Plan that includes moving forward the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield HSR Interim Operating Segment with additional stops at Kings/Tulare and Madera. Sacramento and the Northern San Joaquin Valley will greatly benefit from interim HSR operations. We will continue to work hard to ensure that improved and expanded San Joaquins and ACE services between Sacramento and Merced will directly connect with High-Speed Rail at the multi-modal hub station in downtown Merced. The Central Valley Rail Working Group, and a number of other Central Valley elected officials, agencies, and organizations, submitted letters to CHSRA urging them to move forward with the Merced-Bakersfield Interim Operating Segment. Since not all of us are able to participate in this hearing, we are submitting copies of these letters to Chair Frazier, and staff of the Assembly Transportation Committee. We request that the Assembly Transportation Committee support the 2020 Draft CHSRA Business Plan. Thank you for this opportunity to provide public comments. |
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