Submission DateSubmission MethodFirst NameLast NameStakeholder Comments/Issues
2/9/2021WebsiteTimHowie Newsom promised to cancel this project and now he is supporting It?
It's madness. Jobs should be created for worthwhile green projects
2/9/2021WebsiteMichaelGaskin Dear CHSRA, There is a saying out there - "if it costs a million
bucks, it should look like a million bucks." So it follows that if
this full system ends up costing $100 billion or more, the aesthetics
of it had better reflect the investment put into it. The Japanese know
this. Not only do their Shinkansen trainsets look good, thanks to Ken
Okuyama's designs in recent years, but there are more subtle aspects
to the aesthetically-pleasing nature of the Shinkansen too -
particularly the way that the different high-speed services are named
and color-coded. "Nozomi", "Komachi", "Hakutaka", "Kagayaki"
really adds a lot to the experience. I hope the Authority's staff will
go to Japan and think about how to get this right once service begins.
I hope I live long enough to see some good-looking, thoughtfully-named
high-speed rail services running in California.
2/9/2021WebsiteRickySparks To create more funding
statewide use - Become a Hyrdogen Rich Nation State - State owned Real
Estate- Optimized State Ports of LA and SF - Tourism YouTube Channel
with million views per video (ask youtubers for help with shoutouts
and videos made about california like they did for tesla)- California
State Owned Hotels, California State owned Luxury Airline, - State
bids to buys the following: food halls, Theme parks, Robotaxi/uber
like startup, malls, Alochol tax 50% import tax as well as a 30%
liquor store purchase tax and hotel tax $2.50 a night statewide -
Eliminate the State Income tax and push to eliminate the federal
income tax for Californians as well. - California can be #1 at
everything (offer Universal Healthcare, Universal Housing, Universal
Basic Dividends, Statewide Ai Security dashcam incentive on
everycar,Infrastructure of HIGH SPEED RAIL built to one day also add
Hyperloop on top or below it or replace HSR once hyperloop becomes
more affordable )
2/10/2021WebsiteCrystalVan Die This train project is a complete disgrace! $14 billion for an
extremely limited one-track, over-glorified Amtrak?? It only takes 2
hours to drive that stretch of highway!!! And it’s connecting
cities that in my 2 decades in the Central Valley I have never heard
of anyone excited to travel to. It’s a money pit on a painfully
slow track destined to nowhere. Considering the necessary drive time
to the stations, parking, timing, and cost to ride, the HSR project
has complete waste of time and money written all over it. Have you
driven on Highway 99?? It is arguably the bumpiest, homeless,
& trash-ridden highway in California and yet highly traveled
out of necessity. It is in desperate need of an overhaul and a
shameful reflection of our state leadership’s priorities. That
you would consider driving California 14 billion dollars further in
debt for the few who will ride when millions are currently enduring
the pitfalls of 99 and wear & tear on their vehicles from a
shameful public roadway completely blows my mind! Not to mention the
countless extra miles locals are already seeing they are having to
drive to get to a through street because of all the local HSR
blockages!! I know many who have had 10-20 minute drives added to
their DAILY commute because of the blockages. How is that helpful
transportation or helping reduce emissions???? It’s a logistical
nightmare for so many businesses and residents, literally cutting
businesses in half and adding dozens of extra minutes of driving heavy
equipment that is much more expensive to operate than the average
vehicle (tractors, semis, etc) just to get from one side of a business
to another. This completely disrupts daily operations and us
ridiculous considering it’s goal is ease of transportation.
California needs to cut the current time & financial losses
and put that money toward getting our current transportation
infrastructure to a less embarrassing state ASAP!!!
2/10/2021WebsiteGabrielSantos A station on the Westside of the San Joaquin Valley would be a
necessary addition to the HSR system. Growth on the the Westside with
its low cost housing would be ideal for the commuters that travel to
their high tech jobs over the hill. Less time traveled from a shorter
distances is better than living in Fresno or Merced and traveling to
2/10/2021WebsiteOsmanHossain When is the California High Speed Rail going be completed and what
year is going to be completed
2/10/2021WebsiteEricEpperly What's the plan if the authority runs out of money and are not even
able to finsh the section you're working on now?Also if the feds
decide that they're not going to fund California a second time when
the money was pulled before?
2/10/2021WebsiteRandalHunt It will never be cheaper to build a full system. Reducing the train to
one track is a plan that sabotages our citizens and taxpayers, present
and future. It cripples the success of our beloved train. This is the
first time I have really felt let down and am questioning the planners
and project. I'd rather pay more now for a full system, than have to
pay tens of billions later to make the system what we voted for.
Please reconsider this test track and build the robust system that we
2/11/2021WebsiteJohnComptonNO on this project. It is a total waste of taxpayer money.
2/11/2021WebsiteJonathanSapp California HSR makes sense ONLY if it at a minimum connects Los
Angeles and San Francisco. Starting in the middle was a big mistake.
Construction should have started at one end or the other. You should
correct this by stopping construction of the Central Valley segment
and build from the ends.
2/11/2021WebsiteEricMetz Maybe someone could explain how about a dozen train engines, a few
passenger cars for each engine, and a set of tracks to run them on
could cost almost as much as the entire US fleet of Gerald R. Ford
class aircraft carriers?
2/11/2021WebsiteCraigKonklin I voted for the bonds that are paying for CHSR because I believe in
High Speed and think it is is good fit for our State. What I didn't
vote for was a program to provide jobs instead of laying railroad
track. Every time I drive by the sign on the San Joaquin River bridge
and see the sign proclaiming "3000 jobs created" I can't hep but think
that not one inch of actual track has been laid. YOU WERE TASKED WITH
the workforce and lay some track! That would be an accomplishment!
2/11/2021WebsitePFriuk 1)California is broke. 2)High Speed Rail is already obsolete. 3) The
"plan" cannot serve what people need or want so it will always be a
money sucker even if any portion goes into service! 4) our major
highways that people and truckers depend on such as I-5 need many more
lanes and for what you already wasted on the stupid choo-choo we could
already have 5 lanes in spread of 2 on I-5! 5) please stop building
this now and sell off all prtions NOW!
2/12/2021WebsiteDavidGoldberg I am writing my opposition to the decision to construct the
minimum-operating-segment as a single-track mainline. It seems like it
would ultimately be more expensive to pay for construction twice when
the authority can use economies of scale to build both tracks on the
initial mainline at the same time. It will require more Temporary
Construction Easements, which will also raise costs. Finally, there is
also the issue of the cost of inflation in deferring the second track.
It seems like a safety issue, especially as the plan does not mention
the location of passing sidings. Passing sidings are antithetical to
the mission of high speed rail- if a train has to wait for another
train to pass, it’s not high speed. If there is only one train
running in between each station, that seems to allow for very minimal
frequency. This plan will not be flexible enough for a private
operator to establish regular, safe service on the mainline. I am
ultimately a supporter of the project. I support any option that will
allow for both mainline tracks to be built simultaneously. I do not
think it is prudent to only build one mainline track at a time.
Disclosure: I have previously worked for an appraiser working with CA
High Speed Rail Authority. I was privileged to work on some of the
authority’s previous acquisitions circa 2016-2017.
2/12/2021WebsiteRandallDixonit's a waist of money and should have never been started!
2/12/2021WebsiteMaxSteiner The ridership projections for the interim central valley service (CVS)
study are some of the worst examples of objective-oriented modeling I
have ever seen. To be blunt, these ridership projections make stadium
profitability studies look conservative.1) Your ridership models are
based on 2005 revealed-preference surveys from airport-to-airport
SF-LA travel. They are completely inappropriate for intra-Central
Valley operations.2) Your models assume a zero benefit from the
convenience of choosing your own departure time. To this model,
everyone wants to leave at exactly the right time.3) Your model
assumes that all travelers have a destination and origin close to the
station - or that travelers have 0 disutility in driving to/from a
station by taxi/friend/rental car. The only cost is parking.4) Your
model includes no examples of idealized users. There is no attempt to
describe the 4.8 million Californians who will use the CVS: where they
work, where they live, what their schedules are. A four-billion dollar
business plan needs to be grounded in the users/customers - this model
is just a bunch of semi-calibrated numbers that have almost certainly
been tortured to get the result desired by the HSRA.5) The lack of
exemplars is almost certainly because the model was designed to be a
"black box", intended to undermine legislative oversight by making the
issue too complex to understand. Recommendation:As an interim check on
your model, you should publish the top 10 categories of riders that
the model predicts. IE, are they commuters from Fresno to SF, that
will transfer to busses in Merced? Are they SF-LA travelers that
prefer an 8-hour train journey with two transfers to the 7-hour
unimodal bus service in the status quo? It's not enough to say "the
model predicts this user base": a true analysis will say who those
users are and why they've chosen HSR.
2/12/2021WebsiteDaveTrux How many more BILLIONS of the taxpayer's money are you going to throw
at this Albatross? STOP! There's my input in a single word.
2/12/2021WebsiteReedAlvarado I am a supporter of the California High Speed Rail project, but I
oppose to building just one track on the first segment. CAHSR should
build both tracks in the initial segment. It risks too much loss of
faith in the overall project. Normally that isn't a necessity, but
this project is in dire need of good news, and I think the first
section needs to be fully built out to be seen as a success.
2/12/2021WebsiteGeorgeJenista CAHSR is clearly a money out going nowhere. Terminate the program
& stop wasting money, once and for all.
2/13/2021WebsiteValMorgan Stop wasting OUR money. I have disagreed with this farce from the
beginning. It will only benefit a few well we're all paying for it in
California. The technology you are using is outdated there are better
2/13/2021WebsiteShawnSaunders This is a wast of time and money. How about putting the money into
refurbishing the Salton Sea or piping in ocean water and restoring it
to its former glory for review.
2/14/2021WebsiteMichaelMosley Longer time then projected ,a lot more money then projected , less
track then projected, hiding all of this with no clear plan, no
oversight, speed zones on a bullet train...this boondoogle was a
FAILURE before it left the drawing board. You have WASTED enough money
. We have so many better places to spend our money .
2/15/2021WebsiteDeannaBrown What a HUGE waste of our tax money!!!! Why are you going forward with
this waste? Listen to the tax payers. Nobody wants this 'Train to No
2/15/2021WebsiteNikolausGruswitz I Don live in California but sometimes consider it. I definitely
travel there at times. There are five things that I want to see in
mass transportation: 1. It’s more convenient than driving. The
speed of high speed rail is wonderful for this. 2. That it is
electric! Electric trains can run on whatever fuel the grid is powered
by, making it possible to work toward reversing the climate crisis. 3.
It’s built well enough to serve future generations. 4.
It’s publicly owned as a cooperative utility. 5. It’s paid
for through service and free at the point of service! Public
transportation is a social justice issue.
2/15/2021WebsiteKevinRooker It is imperative to get the high speed system up and running within a
short time. Also extending it from end to end as people want to see it
in operation and not forever being built. The Transcontinental
Railroad was built in less than a decade with only picks and shovels
from 1861-1869. We can and must do it better and faster. No excuses.
2/15/2021WebsiteThomasDorsey Cut out the single-track Central Valley HSR non-sense. No other
successful HSR system in the world runs single track. It is better for
CalTrans to fork over another $1.1 billion otherwise wasted widening
freeways. Be optimistic that Congress and Biden Administration will
pony up to build San Jose-Gilroy-Merced Wye segment.
2/15/2021WebsiteGordonJefferson To whom it may concern:I represent a group of concerned California
residents that are Climate Change reduction and High Speed Rail
advocates. In addition I am also a Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC)
technologies applications advocate for the reduction on harmful
Climate Change effects.My understanding of the California High Speed
Rail Authority (CHSRA) background is as follows:* The CHSRA began with
passage of proposition 1A, during 2008, authorizing a 380 mile high
speed transit system between the Los Angeles Union Station and San
Francisco, CA The performance goal is to travel this distance within
two hour and forty minutes, at spreds of 200 miles per hour or
better.* Due to numerous discontinuities, right of way acquisition
cost overruns, lack of land acquisitions, and technical issue cost
overruns, today the original goals are reduced to a 171 mile operation
between Bakersfield and Merced, CA. The two major required segments,
i.e., Bakersfield to L.A. Union Station, and Merced to San Francisco
remain unfunded.* In addition, the latest business plan includes the
ability to only install a single track between the reduced
distance.Impacts with reguard to the original project plan that the
California public agreed.* The anticipated ridership revinue between
the two end locations will need to be majorly subsidized to avoid
bankruptcy.* Having only one mainline track between the end locations,
while supporting two way traffic, will require passing track
locations.* With passing track operations, the system can not maintain
originally planned speed goals.It is certainly understandable, that
with continually unavailable wright of way land, this condition slows
down construction progress. In addition, poor workmanship occurrences
have required construction repairs or replacements. If required land
acquisition continues to pace the project progress, The CHSRA will
continue to be in the cost overrun condition. The overall goals of the
project are commendable, because our nation requires a national High
Speed Rail network to reduce auto pollution and traffic congestion, as
well as, reduce Climate Change harmful effects. We continue to support
the CHSRA to attain project completion, however with continued fear of
continuous cost overruns.Since the CHSRA project continues to be
delayed, and hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) technology continues to improve,
specifically HFC powered train sets. HFC powered train sets do not
have any harmful hydrocarbon by products. In addition, HFC powered
locomotives generate their power on board. the usage of HFC powered
locomotives can eliminate the need for overhead wiring. The
elimination of overhead wiring can save the CHSRA 5 -10 million
dollars per mile of track. A few miles of track length elimination of
overhead wiring can pay for the establishment of hydrogen fuel
infrastructure, (i.e., generation, storage, transportation, and
dispensing). The re-assessment of HFC powered train sets usage is
worthwhile.Gordon V. JeffersonLancaster, CACell: (661) 365-5314
2/16/2021WebsiteStuartFlashman Please see attached letter commenting on the Revised Draft 2020
Business Plan and the 2021 Funding Plan.
View complete letter.
2/12/2021Project EmailRogerBazeley Two Pro-California High-Speed Rail System Implementation Studies
withComments, Analysis and RecommendationsMineta Transportation
Institute M.S.T.M. Graduate Studies - By RogerBeazley, 1000 Green
Street SF CA "The final 2020 Business
Plan was scheduled to be issued to the CaliforniaLegislature last
December. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, theAdministration and
the Authority worked with legislative leadership toextend the adoption
of the Business Plan. Final submission to theLegislature is expected
in April 2021." The revised plan outlines the following priorities:*
Complete the 119-mile Central Valley construction segment and laytrack
pursuant to our federal funding grant agreements with the
FederalRailroad Administration (FRA);* Expand the 119-mile Central
Valley segment to 171 miles of operableelectrified high-speed rail
connecting Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield, three ofthe fastest growing
areas in California;* Commence testing of electrified high-speed
trains by 2026-2027 andput those trains in service by the end of the
decade;* Environmentally clear all segments of the Phase 1 system
between SanFrancisco and Los Angeles/Anaheim;* Advance construction on
the "bookend" projects we have committedfunding to in Los Angeles and
the Bay Area-projects valued at more than $3billion;* Pursue
additional funding opportunities to prospectively "close thegaps" and
expand electrified high-speed rail service to the Bay Area and
LosAngeles/Anaheim as soon as possible.
View complete letter.
2/22/2021Project EmailPeteStaples Dear Decision Makers, I would like to voice my support for HSR.
Connecting SF and LA by a fastelectric rail system would have social
and environmental benefits beyond our ability to measure. Let's build
it already! Best wishes, Pete Staples-- *Pete Staples *CEO &
Co-Founder Blue Clover Devices 461 Bryant St San Francisco CA
94107 +1-415-521-1553 @petestaples *BCD. THE IoT ODM. *Proud
sponsors of University of Michigan MFly
Club in support
of electric aviation. There's nothing in a caterpillar that tells you
it's going to be abutterfly - Buckminster Fuller Our Mission:
*Leveraging the power of IoT to eliminate waste and make a more
beautiful world. ***************** Confidentiality
Notice ******************** The information contained in this e-mail and
any attachments may be legally privileged and confidential. If you are
not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
dissemination, distribution, or copying of this e-mail is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify
the sender and permanently delete the e-mail and anyattachments
immediately. You should not retain copy or use this e-mail orany
attachments for any purpose, nor disclose all or any part of
the contents to any other person.
2/22/2021Project EmailChrisJones At the opening of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Japan unveiled the world's
firsthigh speed rail line between Tokyo and Osaka. It had faced harsh
criticismand been built way over budget at a time when cars and planes
were thefuture. However, since that time the Shinkansen has gone on to
become oneof the busiest and most successful high speed rail lines in
the world andinspired other high speed rail systems throughout Europe
and Asia.In 2028, the United States will be hosting the Summer
Olympics in LosAngeles. They will invite thousands of athletes and
spectators from aroundthe world and be a showcase of athleticism as
well as American ingenuityand innovation on the world stage. Just like
Japan unveiling its first highspeed train at the Tokyo Olympics,
imagine how incredible it would be ifCalifornia could do the same for
the Los Angeles-San Francisco HSR line atthe Los Angeles Olympics.This
is a goal that should be seriously considered. To meet that
goal,priorities and funding would need to be shifted to focus entirely
oncompleting the LA to SF route. Not all the intermediate stations
between LAand SF need to be ready by 2028, but one should be able to
get on ahigh-speed train in San Francisco, even if it is still the
current Caltrainstation, and ride all the way to Los Angeles Union
Station and vice versain under three hours.In 2028 the world will have
its eyes on not just the US but alsoCalifornia, and the Olympics could
provide the ideal backdrop to not onlyunveil America's first high
speed rail line but also demonstrate that highspeed rail can and will
work here. This is a goal that can and should bepossible, if managed
well and the funding is there. I hope that it will betaken into
consideration for 2021 and moving forward. Thank you.Chris Jones
2/22/2021WebsitePaulWilcox-Baker Please make the construction of the Bakersfield to Los Angeles section
your top priority. This section could be used by existing Amtrak
trains to provide rail service from the Central Valley to Los Angeles
until the rest of the high-speed network is complete. This would be a
great improvement over the current situation that forces rail
passengers to transfer to buses for the trip from Bakersfield to Los
Angeles.Thanks, Paul Wilcox-Baker
2/18/2021LetterDanWright View complete letter.
2/23/2021Project EmailRusselMonroe The Artic station at Anaheim and shared tracks between there and Union
Staton in Los Angeles must be addressed in detail. Is it both
Metrolink and HSR? My other area of interest is the Palmdale Station
and the joining of HSR with Brightline and the projected ridership to
Las Vegas. I continue to be concerned with the lack of consideration
for a future expansion of the Palmdale Airport into an International
Airport replacing LAX as a passenger only airport resulting in a daily
ridership of 90,000 persons using the Los Angeles basin to Palmdale
HSR line. I would welcome the opportunity to discus this further. Sent
from the all new Aol app for iOS
2/22/2021EmailRodrigoEspinoza View complete letter.
2/24/2021WebsiteKarenKing Please see attached letter.
View complete letter.
2/25/2021WebsiteCindyBloom $100 BILLION!!!$100 BILLION!!!$100 BILLION!!!$100 BILLION!!!$100
BILLION!!!$100 BILLION!!!$100 BILLION!!!$100 BILLION!!!$100
BILLION!!!$100 BILLION!!!$100 BILLION!!!$100 BILLION!!!$100
BILLION!!!$100 BILLION!!! Ccmpletely insane! The CHSRA is an agency
full of fecal matter and everyone employed and associated with it
needs to be fired immediately. As bad as the Republicans are, as a
Democrat, I am completely ashamed that this horrific project continues
on and will forever tarnish the Democratic party. Please, admit this
project is a failure, and pull the plug. California cannot continue
with this stupid, wasteful project.
2/26/2021WebsiteEdwardTaylor Please don't let short-sighted consideration derail this project. For
a bright California future, we need to have less carbon intensive ways
of traveling, and High Speed Rail is an important pillar in that
future. Please support the future, and stop looking back to the past,
and continue the build out of High Speed Rail.
2/26/2021WebsiteBrandonDuncan I voted in 2008 to support this project, and I still support it.As
someone living in San Francisco with much of my family living in LA, I
would use this train if it existed. As it stands I have to drive a car
or fly. Sometimes flying can take as long as driving once you add in
commute on both ends, security, delays, etc. I'm also someone who
commuted nearly everyday for several years on Caltrain. Electrifying
that makes sense even independent of HSR. We must make bold
investments now to reduce our carbon footprint. I rode the Chunnel
once from downtown Paris to downtown London and it was an absolutely
amazing experience. We can do that here.
2/26/2021WebsiteMichaelEscobar As a native of Los Angeles and longtime resident of San Francisco, I
support completion of California High Speed Rail by whatever method
and plan is most efficient. Since the Central Valley segment is
already connected by existing tracks to the Northern California
passenger rail network, I recommend focusing efforts in this area in
order to begin some service on the HSR system as soon as possible,
using trains that have dual diesel and electric catenary capability. I
have traveled Highway 99 for business and experienced heavy traffic at
various times of the day; I believe many of the automobile travelers
on 99 would switch to rail if the service was sufficiently frequent
and affordable. The Amtrak San Joaquin and Capitol Corridor trains
were well used prior to the pandemic. HSR will help California achieve
its emission goals, improve Central Valley air quality, and enable
more people to live car-free.
2/27/2021WebsiteDr. Roger and MichelleGirion The project is WAY over what we voted in 2008! Let's vote again! We
believe a lot of people thought the high speed rail would parallel
train tracks already in place. Why traverse the 14 frwy destroying
homes and businesses! Ridership will NOT support this path. Why not
take the direct route up the 5 frwy? Or go through the San Gabriel
mountains to Palmdale/Lancaster from Los Angeles. The communities of
Agua Dulce and Acton, DO NOT WANT YOUR HIGH SPEED TRAIN!! You'll ruin
our sweet towns!
3/1/2021WebsiteJessicaMoseleyI support high-speed rail in California.
2/9/2021BOD Meeting - 2/9/2021AlexGarcia“Hi good morning. Can you hear
me? Very well, thank you. Good morning and thank you for the
opportunity to speak with you this morning. For the record I am Mayor
Alex Garcia for the City of Wasco. As the Board members may recall, my
predecessor Councilmember Tilo Cortez spoke with you last summer about
the impact the project was having on our community. We genuinely
appreciate the High-Speed Rail Authority Board of Directors’
attentiveness to our concerns and Mr. Brian Kelly’s visit to
Wasco to meet with Mr. Cortez and myself. As you are aware, though,
the City of Wasco submitted a formal Title VI complaint in the fall in
response to negative impacts the project is having in our community.
While our respective executive and administrative staff are working on
the issues raised by the City of Wasco and have involved some of our
legislative representatives, I wanted to remind the High-Speed Rail
Authority and this board that the matter still remains unresolved. As
the Board of Directors discusses and considers the Authority’s
Draft 2020 Business Plan, funding plans and the Finance and Audit
Committee report today, I want to remind this Board of the damage and
negative impacts this project has brought to my neighbors and
residents. Authority staff is recommending that the Board approve the
2021 Proposition 1A Funding Plan which would provide $4.1 billion
dollars to fund construction work on the central valley segment. This
segment includes Wasco and the Construction Package 4. The Authority
staff stated that the known costs of the Central Valley construction
increased by over $1 billion dollars to $13.8 billion dollars. Compare
this to the City of Wasco's total general fund expenditures of nearly
$6.4 million dollars last year. Costs for the high-speed rail project
continue to increase and the Board of Directors can simply consider
budget changes and requests for additional funding. Unfortunately, the
City of Wasco cannot adjust its budget and obtain additional revenue
to address the negative impact the high-speed rail project is having
in our community. The state of the former Wasco farm labor housing
complex and potential $10 million dollar cost to demolish to clear the
site remains a critical environmental and public health disaster
caused directly by the High-Speed Rail Authority's decision to
construct the project through this small town. While the Board may
comfortably consider how to spend one billion in taxpayer dollars, the
Council and myself must consider what services to cut and what
projects to prioritize, which not to fund If the Authority does not
address the problem that it has created for our city the City of Wasco
will not sit idly by and permit the Authority's actions in the
high-speed rails project to leave a wake of devastation in our
community. Thank you.”
2/9/2021BOD Meeting - 2/9/2021DavidSchonbrunn“Uh uh okay am i speaking now?
The uh prompt came up uh very late I'm David Schonbrunn
s-c-h-o-n-b-r-u-n-n President of TRANSDEF, t-r-d-e-f, a non-profit
dedicated to reducing GHGs from transportation. I want to start by
pointing out that this meeting is structured to gain the least
possible benefit from public input by grouping all input at the
beginning of the meeting, the public cannot offer comment on the
content of staff reports. To make matters even worse, the documents
that will be presented today were, were not available prior to the
meeting. In other words, the very agenda structure prevents informed
input. One can only conclude that that's the way the Board wants it.
Second, agenda item three is gent agendized for a possible vote. The
proposed funding plan is still not posted on the Authority’s
funding plans page. Because the funding plan was not posted 72 hours
ahead of this meeting you would be violating the Brown Act if you vote
on it. At a minimum you would be demonstrating contempt for the
public. Third, where is the response to comments received on the
Business Plan issued last year? You should be discussing how today's
Revised Business Plan responds to the earlier comments. Fourth, what
keeps getting lost in the discussion of the Central Valley project is
that it can never become a statewide project without the injection of
private capital. There's no way the State can fund it by Itself.
There's no way this the federal government is going to pick up the
check for 50 billion dollars either. The Authority is in the
embarrassing position of having to explain why the Brightline project
to Las Vegas is able to get private sector funding while CHSRA can't.
The answer is simple. No one in the railroad industry believes the
Authority's revenue projections. They're a fantasy. Finally, I want to
repeat comments I made on the prior version of the Business Plan. The
plan fails the fundamental test of a business plan. It doesn't offer
concrete realizable steps for how to get to the point of having a
business. Hoping that the federal government will come in and save
your asses is not a business plan. Um and I would just add that we are
one of the litigants in the Toss challenge to the constitutionality of
AB1889. We continue to believe that the Authority does not have the
legal ability to access Prop 1A funds. Thank you for this
2/9/2021BOD Meeting - 2/9/2021StuartFlashman “Good morning. Um, Stuart
Flashman. s-t-u-a-r-t f as in frank l-a-s-h-m-a-n I'm an attorney in
private practice, uh, in Oakland, California, and as some of you Board
members know, I have been the lead attorney on several challenges to
past, uh, high-speed rail Board actions and one of those challenges is
still pending in the Third District Court of Appeals, where I
understand it will probably be scheduled for oral argument sometime
this summer. That, uh, lawsuit as mentioned by the previous speaker,
questions the validity of AB 1889 which was the basis for the Board
approving entire funding plans that do not result in usable high-speed
rail segments but only in pieces of little bits and things that get
thrown onto the tracks along the right-of-way. Um, this current plan
and the, uh, the both the funding plan and the Business Plan continue
to double down on this the Board's, uh, decisions to build a part of a
Central Valley segment that is still not going to be a usable segment.
When you finish construction with the money you have you will not have
a plan a segment that is suitable and ready for high-speed train
operation as Prop 1A requires. Furthermore, the plan assumes that
you're going to have money that you may not have. It assumes you're
going to get 900 million dollars that the federal government has
withheld. It also assumes that you're going to get 1.1 billion dollars
of future Cap-and-Trade funds and that's up to the legislature and I
don't know what discussions you've had since with the legislature
since last session when the legislature questioned very strongly this
the Board's direction and I, I think the, uh, the general manager
needs to talk to you and explain what communications you've had with
the legislature since then and why this is warranted given the
legislature's questioning of your direction. Thank you.”
2/9/2021BOD Meeting - 2/9/2021ChuckRiojas “Good morning. Good morning
sir, good morning to the Board. Um, Chuck Riojas from the Fresno
Madera Tulare Kings Building Trades Council. Um, I rise today to hope
that the Board approves the Business Plan and Prop 1A funding
allocation, uh, for many reasons. Um, I have the good fortune of being
on the ground, uh, boots on the ground during the, the construction
phase through the Central Valley. I represent the working men and
women in construction in three counties. Um, Madera Fresno Kings that
are that that the high-speed rail is currently, uh, under
construction. Um, you know, the jobs created have been phenomenal
especially in light of the COVID protocols. We've had over 5,200 jobs,
uh, created due to construction in the Central Valley, uh, of which 70
percent are local hire. Um, it has pretty much saved the Central
Valley. It has pretty much said, you know, we can go to work safely,
we will continue to go to work safely and build this project. I'm also
happy to report that the high-speed rail funded a workforce
preparedness, um, operation in Selma, so we recently graduated our
first pre-apprenticeship class in the city of Selma. We had 22
graduates coming out some of which have already gone to work, um, and
we started a class just this week, another class. So these are some of
the positive things that have happened because of high-speed rail in
the Central Valley. It is maintaining health care, it's maintaining
pension contributions, it's maintaining a living wage for the men and
women in the Central Valley, so i ask that you let us finish the good
work that we have started in the Central Valley and, and I'll ask
again that you approve the Business Plan and the Prop 1A funding
allocation thank you.”
2/9/2021BOD Meeting - 2/9/2021ArthurSohikian “Hello, um, hello, I think
it, it just unmuted correct? Okay, uh, thank you Chairman, um, my name
is Arthur Sohikian, s-o-h-i-k-i-a-n, with the High Desert Corridor
JPA. We support the continual movement of the Business Plan, item
three, and we appreciate the continual work with the High-Speed Rail
Authority to make the connection to Palmdale and into the Victor
Valley as well through the connection a reality, so we rise in support
of your business plan and look forward to our continual working
relationship. Thank you, sir.”
2/9/2021BOD Meeting - 2/9/2021ElizabethAlexis “Okay, hello? Okay, great,
um obviously we just received the Business Plan and so we will offer
some more substantive comments later, um, but I did want to comment on
one thing that we saw in the plan, which was the idea to continue with
the current track procurement. Um, maybe adding an additional sort of
notice to proceed in it, but we did see that there are only two
bidders, which is not surprising considering it's a third they have to
commit to something for 30 years. Um, we would strongly suggest
reconsidering, um, that RFP as just for that shorter initial, um,
track work to, uh, get some more bidders in there. Thank you.”
3/1/2021WebsiteCathleenGalgianiThis is former Senator Cathleen Galgiani, author of Prop 1A.
3/1/2021WebsiteElizabethAdams Dear Members of the California High-Speed Rail Authority Board,Thank
you for the opportunity to provide my comments, as a member of the
public, on the Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan. I am an engineering
instructor at Fresno City College and have engaged with the California
High-Speed Rail and I Will Ride over the past four years to provide
educational opportunities and experiences for our students. Several
classes and student organizations have benefitted from technical
panels from CA-HSR experts and visits to construction sites.
First-hand exposure to this large scale, state-of-the-art
infrastructure project excites and motivates students in the Central
Valley to learn more about and pursue future careers in clean
technology.I strongly support the California High-Speed Rail
Authority’s plan for continued development and encourage
continued partnering with local educational institutions to maximize
the benefits of these historic investments. Sincerely, Elizabeth A.
Adams, Ph.D., P.E.Engineering FacultyFresno City CollegeMath, Science,
and Engineering Division
3/2/2021WebsiteBrianFagan Per the updated plan, there is a proposal to have only one rail line
rather than two rail lines. I support the HSR project but we need two
lines for the rail for safety and long-term viability of the project.
Travel times will be impacted and overall service will be impacted if
there is only one line. What other first world modern rail systems has
only one rail? The choice to have only one line is a very bad decision
if implemented as inevitably, there will be a need for two rails and
the funding to provide a second rail at a later date will be much more
than the budgeted amount anticipated today to provide a second rail. I
support the implementation of two rails now while the cost is better
known and for a better future use of HSR.
3/2/2021WebsiteDAVIDLAVEZZI I am still at a loss to understand why the project didn't follow the
Highway 101 route between Los Angeles and San Francisco, which is the
simplest, most direct route I can see on a map, No drilling through
mountains, no side trip out to the central valley while ignoring the
need of the two largest cities in California for quick, efficient
travel between them. The whole project seemed co-opted by politics
from the outset.
3/3/2021EmailLocal Labor GroupsState Building and Construction Trades Council View complete letter.
3/3/2021EmailGwenLitvak View complete letter.
2/26/2021EmailTherese W.McMillan View complete letter.
3/2/2021EmailMatthewSerratto View complete letter.
3/1/2021EmailMHLAMerced Hotel and Lodging Association View complete letter.
2/26/2021EmailAnnissaFragoso View complete letter.
2/26/2021EmailRobert JDylinaView complete letter.
3/1/2021Project EmailLauraTolkoff Dear Chair Richards, Vice Chair Miller and California High-Speed
Rail Authority Board of Directors, Attached please find SPUR's comments
on the Revised 2020 Business Plan. *SPUR strongly supports high-speed
rail and the vision of a future California ithelps to achieve. *We
also offer the following recommendations, with additional detail in the
attached: 1. SPUR strongly encourages the state to release the
remainder of Prop 1A funds and secure additional funding to complete
the entire Phase I of the project. 2. SPUR encourages the Authority to
develop a stations strategy for high-speed rail stations. 3. SPUR
appreciates the efforts that the Authority has taken to control
project risks and costs. With renewed federal partnership, bipartisan
support for infrastructure investment, and California’s
remarkable climate leadership, this is apromising time for high-speed
rail in California. Thank you for the opportunity to provide public
comment at this critical juncture. Sincerely, Laura Tolkoff, AICP (she •
her) Transportation Policy Director | SPUR --
***SPUR***Join | Get Newsletters |
Twitter | LinkedIn
View complete letter.
3/4/2021Project EmailSteveRoberts Attached please find comments from the Rail Passenger Association of
California and Nevada on CHSRA’s Revised Draft 2020 Business
Plan. Thank you. Steve Roberts, President Rail Passenger Association
of California and Nevada Sent from Mail for Windows 10
View complete letter.
3/2/2021Project EmailMattFell Greetings, The Merced County Association of Governments is pleased to
submit this letter of support for the Revised Draft 2020 Business
Plan. Thank you, Matt Fell Deputy Director, Planning Merced County
Association of Governments 369 West 18th Street, Merced CA
95340 209-723-3153 ext.
128 [cid:image001.png@01D71008.2AA3A730]
View complete letter.
3/5/2021Project EmailRobertFrampton I am a retired engineer residing in Pasadena, CA. I am a member of the
Board of Directors of the Passenger Rail Association of California and
Nevada (RailPAC).I am recommending the changes (in the enclosed
attachment) to the business plan be considered. View complete letter.
3/1/2021Project EmailLilyMadjus Wu Hi, Please see attached support letter from the Transbay Joint Powers
Authority for the CHSRA Draft 2020 Business Plan. Thanks, lm Lily Madjus
Wu Communications and Legislative Affairs Manager Transbay Joint Powers
Authority 425 Mission Street, Suite 250 San Francisco, CA
94105 415-597-4039
Please consider the environment before printing this message.
View complete letter.
3/5/2021Comment FormJimHartnettView complete letter.
3/8/2021EmailRobertPowersView complete letter.
3/9/2021EmailDebraHaleView complete letter.
3/12/2021EmailLouThompsonView complete letter.
3/4/2021EmailRobertBall P. 32 – The following example lesson learned was added to the Spring
2020 Draft Business Plan as a commitment to the Golden Empire Transit
District (GET) that HSR would begin reserving RoW for the Bakersfield
station by relocating GET immediately. Please honor the Authority
staff’s commitment to GET to the early purchase of RoW by adding
back the following deleted text:“An example of this is the
relocation of the Golden Empire Transit (GET) Facility in Bakersfield
to accommodate construction of the Bakersfield F Street station. This
long-lead right-of-way purchase and relocation will require a large
parcel to accommodate the construction of a new transit maintenance
and storage yard. Relocation of this facility early will allow the
transit agency to implement planned upgrades and address future
regional bus service needs and ensure that the area is available for
high-speed rail construction.”This text was included to help
avert a lawsuit from GET. Please honor HSR staff’s prior
commitments by re-inserting this lesson learned and commencing
relocation of GET ASAP.
3/9/2021EmailGlennHendricksView complete letter.
3/9/2021EmailRaulPeralezView complete letter.
3/9/2021EmailJeffreyBuchananView complete letter.
3/9/2021EmailMarkAddiegoView complete letter.
3/9/2021EmailHenryLiView complete letter.
3/9/2021EmailLee AnnEagerView complete letter.
3/10/2021Project EmailStevenSmith Please see comments from the San Bernardino County Transportation
Authority on the Revised Draft of the California High Speed Rail
Business Plan. We appreciate the opportunity to comment.Regards,Steve
Smith, P.E.Director of PlanningSan Bernardino County Transportation>
View complete letter.
3/10/2021Project EmailToddMcIntyre Good morning, Please find the SCRRA comment letter to the HSR revised
Draft 2020 Business Plan attached. Regards, Todd
McIntyre [Metrolink] Todd
McIntyre Chief Strategy Officer 213.452.0468 t213.808.7149 mWASH YOUR
DISTANCE. This email message, including
any attachments, is a private, confidential communication and is
intended solely for the named addressee(s). It contains information
that may be confidential, privileged, attorney work product, or
otherwise exempted from disclosure under applicable law. Do not
forward the e-mail without the consent of the original sender. If you
received the email in error please advise the above identified sender
and then delete the message from your computer. Thank you for your
anticipated cooperation.
View complete letter.
3/10/2021EmailSam Liccardo London BreedJerry Dyer Matthew SerrattoView complete letter.
3/10/2021EmailDavidBiniView complete letter.
3/10/2021EmailMikeBehen To all interested parties, This email shall confirm that the City of
Palmdale supports the California High Speed Rail Project. The city has
been committed to high-speed rail for over 25 years and has invested
millions of dollars preparing for its much-anticipated arrival. The
city recently completed a 746-acre Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
Specific Plan/EIR around our future multi-modal high speed rail
station located in the heart of the city.
In January 2021, the Palmdale City Council committed an additional
five million dollars from the General Fund to be used to acquire land
around the future station. The City of Palmdale respectfully requests
that consideration be given to the following points: Maintain
electrification of the system. This requirement will help the State of
California meet its Greenhouse Gas Emissions reduction goals.Complete
the 119 miles of rail infrastructure currently under
construction.Start to utilize the system and demonstrate that proof of
concept works. Complete the systems’ environmental review
process.Allow the release of requested bond funds.Continue to find
ways to streamline processes and reduce costs. Extend the system from
Bakersfield to Palmdale so that the California High Speed Rail system
can connect to Brightline West, Metrolink and other transportation
modes. The goal: provide a true rail connection opportunity to the Los
Angeles Basin. The City of Palmdale is fully committed to high speed
rail. Palmdale will be the home of the first inter-state high speed
rail hub in the United States, ultimately bringing together the
California High Speed Rail system with Brightline West system by way
of Las Vegas and Apple Valley to Palmdale. In addition, our station
will also be a hub for Metrolink, Amtrak, Greyhound, Antelope Valley
Transit Authority (AVTA), etc. Construction of the Brightline West
system from Las Vegas to Apple Valley is scheduled to begin spring
2021. The city, together with multiple stakeholders, is working hard
to clear the path so that Los Angeles Metro Measure M funds, in the
amount of $270 million dollars, can be used to purchase right of way
between Apple Valley to Palmdale, leading the way to eventual
construction/extension of the system. The goal is to have Brightline
West connected to Palmdale by 2026. While indeed the project has
suffered setbacks, much has been learned and with any monumental
effort, failures and learning opportunities are part of the process.
This particular infrastructure project is gigantic in scale and given
the extreme regulatory and environmental rules that exist in the
state, difficulties and delays are to be expected. The key is to learn
from the past, adapt and move forward to accomplish the goal of
building the system. The absolute worst thing to do is to delay
progress and to lose focus on the task at hand. Delays will ultimately
take away much needed jobs, hurt the economy, and drive costs up due
to extended time/inflation. Stay the course! Sincerely and
respectfully, Michael “Mike” BehenDeputy City Manager38300
Sierra Highway, Suite APalmdale, CA 93550661-810-6978
3/10/2021WebsiteBobHuddy Stop all further planning on the unaffordable extensions, until all
funding is committed to completion of the Penninsula electrification,
the Los Angeles Union Staion run through project, and completion of
the line segment now under construction. Thsi project iis a and
internationlal schedule, with a runaway budget, that now may not even
give us a simple double track line on the easiest segment. This
bloated, gold plated fiasco, has been incompetently planned, based
solely upon a political ego driven desire for the fastest "speeds",
withouit regard to the tazpayer cost , without any serious analysis
based on Californian's real and documented travel "needs". Thus, this
blloated gold plated fiasco is now too expensive to build, operate,
and will require fares that will be uncompetitive and unaffordable to
most consumers. Now, this "runaway money train" cost overruns threaten
real and cost effective projects like the completion of the LA Uniont
Station run thriough by the 2028 Olympics, that will save millions of
travelers hundreds of thousands of hours of travel time annually, and
save train ioperatirs millions iof dollars annually in real operating
cost,, on the second busiest rail travel corridor in America,where
millions of Californian's actually do use real trains. This business
plan is another pure fantasy that we cannot afford to build , operate,
or ride.... Please stop the madness and the sheer waste of taxpayer
money.that this "runaway money train" has become.
3/9/2021EmailTillyChangView complete letter.
3/10/2021EmailRosanneFoustView complete letter.
3/10/2021Project EmailTimSbranti Hello- I have attached a comment letter (below and attached) from Lynn
Naylor, CEO of the Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group (ITV) for the
CHSRA Draft2020 Business Plan. Let us know if you have any questions
and pleaseconfirm receipt of this email. Thank you.Tim Sbranti March
10, 2021 Mr. Brian P. Kelly, Chief Executive Officer California
High-Speed Rail Authority 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1 Sacramento, CA
95814 *Subject: CHSRA Draft 2020 Business Plan *Dear Mr. Kelly, On
behalf of the Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group (ITV), I wish
to thank you for the opportunity to comment on the CHSRA 2020 Draft
BusinessPlan for advancing a Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield interim
operating segment.The interim plan will substantially improve
intercity passenger railservice while also providing high-speed rail
service throughout California at the earliest date possible. ITV is led
by business leaders and influencers committed to connecting
the businesses, research labs, educational institutions, and civic
leaders in the Tri-Valley, one of the fastest growing and economically
robust regionsin the state of California. According to the Bay Area
Council’s Economic Institute in the “Tri-Valley
Rising” report they published in 2018, theTri-Valley has a $42
billion GDP with over 450 high-tech companies. The Tri-Valley is also
at the epicenter geographically of the Northern California Mega-Region
by connecting the Bay Area and Central Valley through the Altamont
Corridor, and is situated in the second largest county in Northern
California (Alameda) with 1.67 million residents. As such, any planning
around major rail improvements in the State of California should keep
the Tri-Valley and the East Bay at the forefront. To that end, *ITV
respectfully requests that the 42 mile, 7-station Valley Link Project
be more clearly identified in the CHSRA 2020 Business Plan, as it is a
vital and cost-effective link which can unlock many of
the transformative economic and environmental benefits of the
emerginghigh-speed rail system*. Valley Link is already identified in
the State Rail Plan, is slated for Phase 1 of the Metropolitan
Transportation Commission’s Plan Bay Area 2050, and will be
operated by a well-established and reputable provider (ACE). In
addition, Valley Link’s alignment with vital State Rail
improvements north of Merced will leverage both existing and planned
rail infrastructure for near-term Bay Area connectivity. The upgraded
San Joaquin/ACE service and Valley Link will not only provide the Bay
Area with an early connection to the high-speed rail system, but
it also provides substantial benefit to the entire Northern
California Mega-Region. Valley Link serves communities and households
in the NorthernSan Joaquin Valley with some of our state’s
highest poverty rates. It will readily connect our state’s future
high-speed rail system to BART with direct and seamless service to
major employment centers in all parts of the Bay Area. It links our
Northern California Mega region’s workforce to affordable housing,
provides opportunities for compact transit-oriented development and is
projected to have a significant impact on the reduction of VMT and
greenhouse gas emissions. At its intermodal North Lathrop hub, Valley
Link will connect with the San Joaquin to provide service throughout
the Central Valley, it will link with ACE to provide commuter rail
service to Silicon Valley, and it will link with the Dublin/Pleasanton
BART station where it will provide fast and frequent service to San
Francisco and the East Bay. Further access on BART from the Tri-Valley
to Diridon Station will be possible when the BART Silicon Valley Phase
2 project is complete – providing a vital interimconnection to the
Silicon Valley while completion of the Phase 1 project segment is
further advanced. The CHSRA Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan identifies
on page 71 that: “Our collaboration with the San Joaquin Joint
Powers Authority and CalSTA will focus on developing integrated
services and connections between state rail systems, including projects
such as the Valley Link project that will provide increased
connectivity between ACE service from Merced and BART…:”ITV
fully supports this collaborative spirit and believes that Valley
Linkis the most cost-effective approach to providing advancement and
equitableaccess for the residents of the Bay Area as part of the CHSRA
2020 BusinessPlan.*In summary, Valley Link can make CHSRA much more
financially viable with its earlier connection to Silicon Valley, San
Francisco, and the East Bay*.It leverages existing and planned
improvements, provides near-term servicewhile the Pacheco connection
advances in fulfillment of the long-term vision, has frequent headways,
provides significant environmental benefits,and assures equitable
access and economic opportunity for the entire Northern California
Mega-Region. Thank you again for this opportunity to provide comments
on the Draft CHSRA 2020 Business Plan. We look forward to working with
the CHSRA towards advancing Valley Link as a high priority in support
of the proposed interim operating plan. Sincerely, Lynn Naylor,
CEO Innovation TRIVALLEY Leadership Group-- *Tim Sbranti* Director of
Strategic Initiatives Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership CLICK
HERE to sign up for our
View complete letter.
3/10/2021WebsiteMarkSharp The plan is rubbish. Build a HSR between San Francisco and Sacramento
and Los Angeles and San Diego first. That follows existing regional
commuting patterns. The current proposal is just another misguided,
wasteful academic-political consultant creation that is too ambitious
and is is already outdated.
3/11/2021Project EmailRolandLebrun Good afternoon Chairs Friedman and Bloom,My name is Roland Lebrun. I
was born in Europe and moved to San Jose in 1986. Here are my prepared
remarks: The most effective way to achieve GHG reductions is to
transition freight and passenger rail off fossil fuels starting with
densely populated urban areas. Every HSR country in the World started
with rail electrification over half a century before building their
first high speed line. As an example, the French HSR network consists
of over 10,000 miles of electrified tracks served by high-speed trains
but only 1,500 miles of dedicated high speed lines, most of which
bypass cities entirely (see below) Please stop the High Speed Rail
Authority from putting the cart before the horse. Thank you. Video
showing a TGV sharing track with electrified freight:[]>Frets,
Tgv & Ter - Lignes Le Mans-Tours et Le Mans-Paris le 05 05
showing how the French planned their first high speed line (Paris to
Lyon). Please note how the line completely bypasses Dijon:[]>TGV
AN 1. L’histoire de la première ligne à grande
vitesse reliant Paris à Lyon en
1981>FR - EN (below)
: Dans les années 1960, le train subit de plein fouet la
concurrence de l'automobile et de l'avion, en pleine expansion. Mais
la création en ...youtu.beLGV SEA flyover (solid green line
below): Please note how the new
high-speed line uses existing branches to connect to the Poitiers
station and how this was financed:>[]>Survol
de la LGV SEA Tours-Bordeaux - Juin
le dernier survol de la LGV SEA, réalisé en Juin
2015 (2 ans avant la mise en service) ! Suivez l'actualité
sur :- Le site du concessionnaire Please note the
small squares indicating that there are only 16 stations on dedicated
high speed lines in the entire French High speed Rail
network[cid:05f11050-3425-4eae-b255-bcf2e8137623]CCCHSRA Board of
directorsMTC CommissionersSFCTA CommissionersCaltrain Board of
DirectorsTJPA Board of DirectorsVTA Board of DirectorsCaltrain CACTJPA
CACVTA CACPS. I waited 3 hours to depose my verbal comments to the
Joint Committees but somehow got dropped off the waiting list(?)
View complete letter.
3/8/2021EmailAdam C.GrayView complete letter.
3/8/2021EmailJerryMcNerneyView complete letter.
3/11/2021EmailDr. RichardPanView complete letter.
3/8/2021Comment FormRobertPoythressView complete letter.
3/8/2021EmailTerriKingView complete letter.
3/11/2021EmailJoeNevesView complete letter.
3/11/2021EmailDavid A.LeamonView complete letter.
3/5/2021EmailChuckRiojasView complete letter.
3/8/2021EmailPatriciaTaylorView complete letter.
2/18/2021EmailHarryBlackView complete letter.
3/5/2021EmailJoseph P.LopezView complete letter.
3/4/2021EmailJaySchenirerView complete letter.
3/1/2021EmailTrishChristensenView complete letter.
3/2/2021EmailEvanSchmidtView complete letter.
2/22/2021EmailMosesZapienView complete letter.
2/19/2021EmailGloria G.SalazarView complete letter.
2/23/2021Comment FormJustinaCarasView complete letter.
2/24/2021EmailEctorOlivaresView complete letter.
2/22/2021EmailEsperanzaVielmaView complete letter.
3/1/2021EmailGlendaMarshView complete letter.
2/25/2021EmailJoshHarderView complete letter.
3/1/2021EmailAnna M.CaballeroView complete letter.
2/26/2021EmailVitoChiesaView complete letter.
2/26/2021EmailSteveCohnView complete letter.
2/19/2021EmailPatrickHumeView complete letter.
2/19/2021EmailChristinaFugaziView complete letter.
2/24/2021EmailSteveCohnView complete letter.
2/18/2021EmailTonyBorenView complete letter.
2/19/2021EmailVitoChiesaView complete letter.
3/4/2021EmailRosa De LeonParkView complete letter.
2/26/2021EmailDianeNguyenView complete letter.
3/9/2021EmailAndyKunz Genevieve, I am reaching out to you to let you know how important the
California High Speed Rail project is not only for the state's future,
but also for the rest of the United States' future as well. The entire
nation is counting on you to keep this visionary project progressing
so California can show the nation how transformative high speed rail
can be to society, prosperity, and our future. High speed rail (HSR) is
a silver bullet transformative technology that is in use by more than
18 nations around the world, starting 50 years ago in Japan. HSR has
proven to deliver on all the promises (unlike other transportation
investments we can make). HSR was started in Japan in 1964, opened to
France in 1981, and has since spread to nearly every continent on
earth. In the past decade China built the world's largest high speed
rail system with more miles of new HSR than the rest of the world
combined! Every nation that has HSR has benefited greatly from it. The
project you are helping deliver in California will be the start of a
national transformation. Building a national HSR network across America
will:* Create millions of jobs across multiple sectors (manufacturing,
construction, development)* Create more than $100 Billion in real
estate opportunities at each of the major stations* Encourage Transit
Oriented Development - dense, walkable, smart growth cities and
communities* Open access to hundreds of miles of affordable housing
and communities* Create a whole new high-capacity, fast transportation
system for America without congestion* Reduce congestion on our
highways and runways (saving $155 Billion / year in waste)* Better
connect the economies of our cities large and small while creating
economic development in struggling regions* Stimulate tourism and
travel as we come out of the pandemic* Cut our foreign trade deficit
by hundreds of billions (from purchasing foreign oil)* Increase
national security by greatly reducing our dependence on foreign oil*
Offer the largest, most comprehensive solution to the climate crisis
that can be built quickly* Create the first business-friendly form of
transportation encouraging ease of travel, fast boarding, no security
lines, comfortable and spacious work spaces, and reliable schedulesThe
California High Speed Rail project is a world-class system being built
to the highest standards and will be faster than most of the world's
advanced HSR systems (including Japan and most of Europe). Please help
California stay the course and lead America into 21st century
transportation. The sooner California's system begins operating fast
trains, the sooner the rest of the nation will be convinced this will
work in many other regions of the country, and the benefits can then
spread to other states. Please reach out to us if you have any
questions or concerns about this project, or HSR in general. You can
also visit our website to learn more about the many benefits HSR will
bring and look at the global HSR systems and see the results.
www.ushsr.comSincerely, Andy Kunz President & CEO US High
Speed Rail Association 10 G St. NE, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20002
3/10/2021EmailDavidCameron Colleagues, I'm writing in support of California High-Speed Rail
Authority’s Draft 2020 Business Plan and Funding Plan. As
Assistant to the Director of the Teamsters Rail Conference,
representing over 70,000 locomotive engineers and maintenance of way
employees, and on behalf of the Teamsters' 1.4 million members, who
passed a resolution supporting California's high-speed rail project,
we strongly support the Authority' Draft 2020 Business Plan and
Funding Plan.California is building not just a 21st Century
transportation system connecting San Francisco to Los Angeles, it is
building a system that will tie the Central Valley into the economic
engines north and south. Construction has already lowered the
historically high unemployment rate in the Central Valley to single
digits for the first time in decades, pre-COVID. It has been an
economic accelerator for the Central Valley's anemic economy. It will
connect workers to affordable homes and high paying jobs.As you know,
were the Central Valley a state, its 7 million residents would
comprise the 13th largest state in the nation, slightly smaller than
Virginia and large than Washington state. It would also rank as one of
the nation's poorest states, and with the worst air quality - not just
in California but in the entire nation.Successful economies demand
efficient and effective transportation systems. Alternatives to
addressing California's growing congestion such as adding airports and
widening freeways are more expensive and will compound our carbon
footprint in a time of existential climate threat.Now is not the time
to lose heart, to give way to doubts and second guessing. Could things
have been done better? Of course. Federal timelines and perimeters
tied to the ARRA funds were unrealistic and required California to
move forward precipitously before the state had acquired the requisite
land parcels along the alignment.California’s HSR project is
arguably the single largest infrastructure project since the
construction of the interstate highway system. In 1956, the "Grand
Plan" obligated $50 billion of federal funds over 10 years to build a
"vast system of interconnected highways." That would be $500 billion
in 2021 dollars. The interstate system started, as has California's
HSR system, in the middle of “nowhere” - Missouri. In
addition to all the obvious benefits of an interstate system, there
were the ancillary benefits: it was a public-works program on a
massive scale, indeed the largest public-works program in history,
which meant that the government could put millions to work. By
tailoring expenditures for highways to the state of the economy,
Eisenhower could use the program to flatten out the peaks and valleys
in unemployment.As we emerge from the COVID crisis, with true
unemployment hovering in the 10 percent range, and double digits in
the Central Valley, construction of high-speed rail addresses the
needs of California's working families.Additionally, after four years
of an Administration hostile to California and its high-speed rail
system, we have a friend in the White House. The Biden Administration
has promised to spark the next great passenger rail revolution, and
with that promise will come a much-needed infusion of financial
support. Not just the $929 million the Trump Administration attempted
to rescind, but additional funds as part of the Administration's
infrastructure proposal coming soon to realize the President’s
vision.Now is not the time for the state to depart from its solid
commitment to its high-speed rail project.It is imperative we stay the
course.Sincerely, David CameronAssistant to the DirectorTeamsters Rail
3/11/2021WebsiteRobertBall Comment letter from Kern Council of Governments dated 3/11/21.
View complete letter.
2/19/2021LetterDanielde GraafView complete letter.
3/11/2021Project EmailBrianStanke Attached is a joint letter on the Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan
from the Mayors of San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, and
Merced. Brian Stanke Rail Planning Manager City of San Jose Department of
Transportation 200 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA 95113 Mobile:
510.931.0384 Office: 408.795.1834
View complete letter.
3/11/2021Project EmailNicoleWordelman Dear Members of the California High Speed Rail Authority, San
Bernardino County's comment letter pertaining to the Revised Draft
2020 Business Plan is attached.Thank you,Nicole Wordelman-- * Nicole
Wordelman, Legislative Advocate * Cell: 916.718.8886*>**>*
View complete letter.
3/12/2021WebsiteMarcellFulop See the pdf attached. Thank you.
View complete letter.
3/12/2021WebsiteHarveyElliott I strongly support high speed rail but feel conflicted about this
business plan. I would like to see the California High Speed Rail
Authority focus on environmental impact plans and right of way
planning/procurement to complete the line to LA and San Francisco. If
we only have funding for one, focus on the San Francisco connection. I
don’t see a need to electrify the lines or purchase trains until
the connections are completed. Please lay the groundwork now and
complete the rail procurement so future leaders have a legitimate
chance at finishing this project.
3/12/2021Project EmailDavidSchonbrunn Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan comment received to the info
inbox. Best,Kyle 916-718-5733 From: David Schonbrunn
David@Schonbrunn.or Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2021
6:04 PMT: HSR info@HSR info@ Subject: TRAC
Comments CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the
organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Attached please find
TRAC's comments on the 2020 revised draft business plan. An email
indicating receipt would be much appreciated. Thank you,-- David David
Schonbrunn, President Train Riders Association of California (TRAC) P.O.
Box 151439 San Rafael, CA 94915-1439415-370-7250 cell>
View complete letter.
3/12/2021WebsiteTylerAnderson Why is the current iteration of HSR taking so long? The
trans-continental railroad built from Omaha, Nebraska and Sacramento
took 6 years! Surely with technology advances that time can be
mimicked. The entire Central Valley Segment, Sacramento to
Bakersfield, should have been done by now. An extension to Redding to
wrap up the entire valley could have been done by now! The Central
Valley is flat! Why couldn't the State focus on connecting the
physically easier places to connect, not separated by mountain ranges
by now? At this point the State of California could have bought a
fleet of aircraft to connect everybody and have gone into competition
with Southwest Airlines.
3/12/2021WebsiteAlvaroMeza The Gilroy Unified School District wishes to express support for the
High Speed Rail Project. The Authority has done a fabulous job at
engaging our community and educating the Gilroy Unified School
District (GUSD) on this very important project. I commend the highly
professional staff and consultants that have engaged with us in a
professional, respectful manner. They are very knowledgeable, and
thorough at explaining the scope of this projectGUSD is in strong
support of this project’s overall goals. High Speed Rail
connectivity is terrific investment in our future right now, when the
cost of borrowing is at an all time low, and when good paying jobs are
needed for our labor force and young apprentices. However, we urge the
Authority to consider safety elements at the intersection of IOOF and
Monterey Streets in Gilroy, which are detailed below.When the HSR
reaches its target ridership, it is estimated that it will have up to
eight (8) trains running per hour, in each direction. The HSR
Authority must adequately address the safety of seven (7) pedestrian
crossings through Gilroy. However, we are particularly concerned about
the intersection of IOOF & Monterey Streets. We understand
that quad-gates have been proposed for this intersection. Within 1,500
feet of this intersection, there are a number of buildings that house
youth: South Valley Middle School serves about 800 middle school
students, many of whom are our most socially and economically
disadvantaged; Gilroy Prep School (GPS) which is a charter school that
serves about 540 charter school students; and Rebekah Children’s
Services Campus that serves youth with social, emotional, behavioral
and mental health needs. We believe the proposed quad-gates for
pedestrians would not adequately protect the many students and
families who will cross this intersection daily as trains pass through
at 110 mph. We implore the Authority to put the necessary measures in
place to ensure proper pedestrian safety for our students and the
low-income community we serve in East Gilroy.We urge you to include a
pedestrian bridge crossing over the rail lines at the IOOF and
Monterey Street intersection. We also request that you study other
traffic mitigation measures such as traffic lights, and sound
mitigation and fencing for GPS, which is located immediately adjacent
to the tracks. These measures will help ensure pedestrian safety and
help prevent injuries and fatalities. GUSD respectfully requests that
the Authority continue to work with the City of Gilroy to arrive at
the best possible outcomes for the intersections highlighted
above.Lastly, we want to commend the HSR staff and consultants that
have interacted with Gilroy Unified School District, specifically Mr.
Boris Lipkin, Northern California Regional Director, and Mr. Gary
Kennerley, and consultants from Kearns & West. They have
engaged our community openly, met with our representatives multiple
times, and kept us informed.
3/12/2021Project EmailRudyEmami Attached please find a comment letter for the CHSR Revised 2020
Business Plan from the City of Anaheim. Thank you, Neelam Neelam Dorman,
TE Principal Transportation Planner City of Anaheim Public Works
Department Traffic and
Transportation 200
South Anaheim Boulevard Suite 276 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714)
765-4957 [cid:image003.jpg@01D296A4.4BD9E5E0]
View complete letter.
3/12/2021Project EmailSamLiccardo Dear California High-Speed Rail Authority, On behalf of the City of San
Jose, I am submitting the attached comment letter regarding
High-Speed Rail's Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan for the Authority's
consideration.Thank you, Brian StankeRail Planning Manager City of San
Jose Department of Transportation 200 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA
95113 Mobile: 510.931.0384 Office: 408.795.1834
View complete letter.
3/12/2021Project EmailBrianYanity Hello, See attached our comment letter on the Revised Draft 2020
Business Plan. Thank you for this opportunity to provide public comment
on the California High Speed Rail Project. Best Regards, Brian
Yanity, Fullerton, CA
View complete letter.
3/12/2021WebsiteMarvenNorman • Pg. 11: There is no mention of connectivity with bicycles. [In fact,
a text search of the entire document did not find a single instance of
even so much as the world "bicycle."] This is a massive oversight as
bike-train connections are broadly competitive with car travel on
conventional rail, so it would absolutely be the case that the
combination of biking and high-speed rail would be beyond faster than
travel by car. They also dramatically expand the catchment area of a
station because bicyclists are able to travel about four times as far
as someone walking in the same amount of time. That increases a
station catchment area by a factor of at least 16 and with the
continued proliferation of e-bikes continuing to show that people are
willing to ride a little farther than they are on regular bikes, it is
absolutely realistic to use a catchment area for bikes that looks at
connecting opportunities up to five miles from each station and
focuses on ensuring that as much as possible, a stop-free route is
provided from the station to the edge of the catchment area. That
would represent a 100-fold increase in the catchment area of each
station. Therefore, the Authority should be sure to include mention of
biking as part of the first-/last-mile strategy for HSR passengers.
Additionally, provision for parking bicycles at stations needs to be
included and while I do not necessarily expect that the Authority
would be emulating the types of facilities built by the Dutch which
hold several thousand bikes each, the Authority does absolutely need
to provide more than a few wave racks hiding around a corner
somewhere. We recently saw the opening of the new train station in NYC
which had no bike parking whatsoever, a critical error. The Authority
needs to ensure that it does not repeat that same failure with
stations for the project. A robust bike connection should be provided
and the Authority absolutely needs to mention that they do intend for
bikes to be part of the solution which people would be able to use to
connect to/from the stations. • Pg. 17: The Authority doesn't do a
great job at present in emphasizing the information in Exhibit 1.7 of
how yes, the LA-SF trip is the ultimate goal being worked toward, that
the reduction in travel times on the current segment under
construction will be transformational to the region and that in
contrast to the LA-SF corridor, currently has no commercial air
alternative. Additional benefits exist for most of the other planned
community pairs along the route e.g. Anaheim-Bakersfield,
Gilroy-Merced, Madera-Palmdale, or even Palmdale-Anaheim, a not
uncommon commute undertaken by SoCal residents. This is touched on
page 51 in Exhibit 4.2, but it seems like the Authority could
highlight it at little more prominently in the introductory portion of
the Plan as well as in public discussions of the project. • Pg. 40: It
would be good to see a commitment to move into the early environmental
work for Phase II commence after the full clearance of Phase I is
completed. • Pg. 44: Additional explanation of why a single-track
corridor with necessary passing elements would be unlikely to suffer
the same sort of operational delays that often plague other
single-track systems would be good to address. (Namely, the entire
corridor is grade-separated, sealed, and separate from freight
traffic, so potential delays/disruptions of service would be minimal.)
• Pg. 45: It would be good to see a discussion of whether there would
be any cost savings by using trainsets that are not necessarily
capable of full 220 MPH operating speed such as the old Acelas or
perhaps leasing some of the new Caltrain trainsets for initial
service. Either/both of those trainsets would be capable of traveling
beyond 100 MPH which would continue to provide faster service on the
initial segment. • Pg. 48: Although the full Bakersfield-Merced route
is being sought, the two extensions to both of those cities off of the
current construction do not seem equal. Conceivably, similar transfer
opportunities can be achieved at the Madera station, which the SJJPA
is currently rebuilding to interface with HSR, as would be available
in Madera. On the other hand, the current terminus on the southern end
at Poplar Avenue does not provide the same access to/in Bakersfield as
completing the approved route would. If the uncertainty around funding
remains, it would be prudent to present a plan which prioritizes
completing the portion into Bakersfield over the portion into Merced
as that would provide the most usable and critical segment of the
route from Bakersfield to Merced. As provided in Table 5.2, it also is
cheaper, allowing the costs for the Wye to be shifted while still
providing service to begin as soon as possible, perhaps even in time
for the 2028 Olympics to be held in Los Angeles. • Pg. 60: Table 4.1
provides a compelling case of why the Central Valley is the most
prudent investment and this information should be uplifted more. • Pg.
78: Brightline West offers an opportunity for a shared corridor and
more importantly, private investor on the segment from Palmdale to
2/11/2021Telephoneunknowncaller “This ongoing financial scam with you guys is not what the
voters voted for in 2008. What a bunch of BS, this is just absolutely
ridiculous. You don’t even go to Bakersfield, you say you stop
30 miles short. You have no rail, you’re just doing the, uh, the
connectors. I mean it’s just it’s a terrible waste of tax
payer’s money. Completely lied to the tax payers it’s
unbelievable. Thanks, you can shove your jobs, too, that’s the
new deal to try and get more money to this thing, now it’s jobs,
it’s not about getting high-speed rail in any place. It’s
all about jobs, jobs. Goodbye.”
3/12/2021Project EmailKathyHamilton cannot read message
View complete letter.
3/12/2021Project EmailThomasWilliams Dear Mr. Lipkin, Please see the attached letter regarding City of
Millbrae's Comments on California High Speed Rail Authority's Proposed
Variant and Offer to Execute MOU and Draft 2020 Business Plan. Thank
you. Best regards, Elaine Elaine Tran City Clerk City of Millbrae 621
Magnolia Avenue | Millbrae, CA 94030 Phone: (650) 259.2414 | Email:
View complete letter.
3/12/2021EmailChristinaTurner View complete letter.
3/12/2021WebsiteAaronValle Please continue working on the spine of the project. The Bakersfield
segment needs to be prioritized. If you could find a way to at least
connect service to BART or Caltrain, that would be a good temporary
solution to connecting the bay area. But please continue working on
HSR, we really need this. Thank you for putting up with opposition
that just wants the project to end up as a waste of money.
3/15/2021Project EmailHasanIkhrata Good evening, SANDAG would like to offer the attached comments in
response to the Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan. If you have any
questions or comments, please feel free to reach out. Thank you! Laurie
Grover (she, her, hers) Associate Government Relations
Analyst SANDAG(619) 595-5388401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA
92101 [cid:image011.png@01D71767.3A7EFC70]>[cid:image012.png@01D71767.3A7EFC70][cid:image013.png@01D71767.3A7EFC70]
[cid:image015.png@01D71767.3A7EFC70] SANDAG hours:
Tuesday-Friday and every other
from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
View complete letter.
3/15/2021Project EmailGregGreenway Please see the attached comments from Peninsula Freight Rail Users
Group on the Revised HSR Business Plan. Thank you,Greg Greenway PFRUG
View complete letter.
3/15/2021Project EmailRicardoOretga Please find attached comments from Grassland Water District and
Grassland Resource Conservation District on the Revised Draft 2020
Business Plan.Thank you, Ellen Wehr Grassland Water District (916)
873-2020 ___________________This
e-mail may be confidential and privileged for the sole use of the
intended recipient. If that is not you, please contact me and delete
all copies without reviewing or forwarding.
View complete letter.
3/15/2021Project EmailArthurSohikian Hi Attached please find the High Desert Corridor JPA Comments to the
California High-Speed Rail Authority 2020 Revised Business
Plan. Thanks! Arthur Arthur V Sohikian Executive DirectorHigh Desert
Corridor JPA(213) 379-1551
View complete letter.
3/15/2021Project EmailArthurSohikian Hi Attached please find the NCTC JPA Comments to the California
High-Speed Rail Authority 2020 Revised Business
Plan. Thanks! Arthur Arthur V Sohikian Executive Director North Los Angeles
County Transportation Coalition (213)
View complete letter.
3/15/2021Project EmailArnoldoRodriguez Please see the attached letter with comments on the Revised Draft 2020
Business Plan submitted on behalf of WYE Madera County. Thank you, -Bob
RESOURCES 916.812.8122 This
email and any files or attachments transmitted with it may contain
privileged or otherwise confidential information. If you are not the
intended recipient, or believe that you may have received this
communication in error, please advise the sender via reply email and
immediately delete the email you received.
View complete letter.
3/15/2021Project EmailMikeBehen Attn. California High-Speed Rail Authority Board Chairman, Board of
Directors and CEO Brian Kelly, The City of Palmdale appreciates the
opportunity to provide comments on the CHSRA's Revised Draft 2020
Business Plan. The City of Palmdale supports the goals, objectives and
vision of the above-referenced plan. The city has been committed to
high-speed rail for over 25 years and has invested millions of dollars
preparing for its much-anticipated arrival. The city recently
completed a 746-acre Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Specific
Plan/EIR around our future multi-modal high speed rail station, which
is located in the heart of the city.
It is also important to note that in January 2021, the Palmdale City
Council committed an additional five million dollars from the General
Fund to be used to acquire land around the future station. The City of
Palmdale respectfully urges the Authority to consider the following
comments: * In an effort to help the state meet its GhG reduction
goals, maintain electrification of the system. * Complete the 119
miles of rail infrastructure currently under construction. * Start to
utilize the system and demonstrate that proof of concept works. *
Complete the systems' environmental review process and finalize ROD's
for each segment. * Shop the project to private investors - emphasize
and promote P3 partnerships. * Continue to find ways to streamline
processes and reduce costs. * Continue to partner and nurture
relationships with project stakeholders. * Extend the system from
Bakersfield to Palmdale so that the California High Speed Rail system
can connect to Brightline West, Metrolink and other transportation
modes at the future Palmdale multi-modal high speed rail station. The
goal: provide a true rail high speed rail connection opportunity to
the Los Angeles Basin.The City of Palmdale is fully committed to the
California High Speed Rail Project. Palmdale will be the home of the
first inter-state high speed rail hub in the United States, ultimately
bringing together the California High Speed Rail system with
Brightline West system by way of Las Vegas and Apple Valley to
Palmdale. In addition, our station will also be a hub for Metrolink,
Amtrak, Greyhound, Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA), etc.
Construction of the Brightline West system from Las Vegas to Apple
Valley is scheduled to begin spring 2021. The city, together with
multiple stakeholders, is working hard to clear the path so that Los
Angeles Metro Measure M funds, in the amount of $270 million dollars,
can be used to purchase right of way between Apple Valley to Palmdale,
leading the way to eventual construction/extension of the system. The
goal is to have Brightline West connected to Palmdale by 2026.In
closing, the City of Palmdale will continue to prepare, plan and
invest so that we are ready when the California High Speed Rail system
is extended to our city and beyond. We stand united with you. Stay the
course! Sincerely and respectfully, Michael "Mike" BehenDeputy City
Manager38300 Sierra Highway, Suite A Palmdale, CA 93550661-810-6978
3/15/2021LetterJuan SanchezMunoz, Ph.D View complete letter.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021EllenWeir Good morning, my name is Ellen Weir with Grasslands Water District. We
manage the grassland ecological area in Merced County. A critical
wetland habitat that supports millions of the state’s migratory
birds and other wildlife we have some serious concerns about the
ability to mitigate impacts on the San Jose to Merced sections that
will run through our wetlands/ last month, the LA Times documented
high cost overruns due to the rail Authority’s failure to live
up to its environmental commitments in the Central Valley. We urge the
Legislature to limit any state funding in the central valley to only
the north south sections that can connect to the existing transit
route which serves the Bay Area via the Altamont Corridor. Any state
funding to the East to West Pacheco Pass proposal should come with
strings attached the obligate the Authority to develop a mitigation
plan and set aside funding in advance. Thank you
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021BrianYanity Hello, good morning committee members, my name is Brian Yanity. I am
the Vice-President South of the Rail Passenger Association of
California and Nevada, or RailPAC, and RailPAC would just like to
reiterate, that we do support, um, funding of the California
High-Speed Rail Project in the Central Valley. The initial operating
segment, um, in accordance with the Authority’s Business Plan.
We do support that Business Plan, and we support the allocation of
Proposition 1A funds, um, to complete that work without delay, um, any
delays on that or the track and systems, um, contracts will just lead
to longer further delays, that will just lead to more cost overruns
and I also want to reiterate as a southern Californian that lives
within walking distance of a major Metrolink station on the LOSSAN
corridor that, uh, funds from the Central Valley work should not be
poached, so to speak, to go to Southern California projects. I’m
a firm supporter of the Metrolink Score Program, but not at the
expense of the High-Speed Rail Authority and if there is any funding
that needs to be diverted to rail projects, regional rail projects
within Southern California, it should be from freeway projects.
There’s way too much freeway expansion going on, um, including
destroying a lot of homes in places like Downy and Interstate 5. Oh
yes, thank you very much.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021JamieBriceno Good morning mister chairman, my name is Jaime Briceno representing
the Cement Masons Local 600 in downtown Bakersfield we currently have
that project ongoing now, and along with the State Building and
Construction Trades Council, we are in strong support of the
High-Speed Rail Project. Thank you so very much.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021MattCremins Thank you chairs and members of both committees Matt Cremins here on
behalf of the California Nevada Conference of Operating Engineers. We
are here today in order express our strong and continued support of
the High Speed Rail Project that to date has created thousands of jobs
in the central valley, including many jobs that belong to operating
engineers. Given the recent change in leadership that we have seen
occur at the federal level in January and given the assurances that
the new administration has given regarding their commitment to our
high-speed rail project, we believe that now is the time that we at
the state must hold strong and show our commitment to this project and
ensure its completion. We would encourage you as a subcommittee and as
a legislative body to appropriate the remaining Prop 1A construction
funds in an effort to not only support the project, and show the
federal government that we are willing partners, but also to assist in
providing the much needed economic benefits that coincide with the
project. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021JeremySmith Thank you, uh, madam chair, mister chair, members of the committee.
Jeremy Smith here on behalf of the State Building and Construction
Trades Council, uh, in support of the project. We believe that
California leaders need to stay the course and recognize the
importance of continued investment in the high-speed rail project, uh,
the revitalized partnership between the Biden Administration and the
state, um, makes California even closer than ever towards realizing
the high-speed rail system. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg
recently reiterated that Biden is a big believer in passenger rail and
that the United States should be leading the way when it comes to
high-speed rail. Given these comments and others proving the Biden
administration’s willingness to support the project,
California’s goal of connecting communities, creating good union
jobs, and addressing climate change as well as despite the pandemic
and recession, high-speed rail continues to be a truly once in a
generation economic stimulus generator. The project has created over
5,200 high paid jobs, with 77% of these workers coming from 8 counties
in the central valley. We support the business plan, the final Prop1A
fund appropriation, and ask you to stand in support with our members
of the Governor’s continued support of high-speed rail. Thank
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021MichaelBehan Good morning, my name is Michael Behan. I’m the Deputy City
Manager for the City of Palmdale. I would like to say that we would
like to urge the committee to encourage staying with an electrified
system, to finish the environmental work, to finish the 119 miles of
track in the Central Valley. The High-Speed Rail has been a great
partner to the City of Palmdale, and while its been said that
there’ve been lessons learned and adjustments have been made, I
think they’ve found their way. Palmdale has invested millions of
dollars in the anticipation of the arrival of high-speed rail. Just
recently 5 million dollars to start acquiring land around a future
station that will bring together California high-speed rail and
Brightline West System, along with other modes including Metrolink. We
would like to say we encourage the project to stay committed and stay
the course.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021EugeneMorris Good morning chair and committee, my name is Eugene Morris with
Carpenters local 152 in Merced, and we are in strong support of the
High-Speed Rail proposed plan. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021KenHunt Good Morning, my name is Ken Hunt and I’m with the International
Union of Operating Engineers Local 12. Local 12 joins the State
Building Trades in their strong support for the High-Speed Rail
Project. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021LukeBrand Good afternoon distinguished committee members. My name is Luke Brand
with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local number 12.
I’m here today with the Building Trades Council to voice strong
support for the High-Speed Rail Authority’s Business Plan, and
to include Prop 1A funds. Thank you for your time.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021ChrisSchneider Good morning chair, good morning committee members, my name is Chris
Schneider and I’m with the Operating Engineers Local 3.
I’m their Political Director. We cover Northern California. I
just urge you to support the high-speed rail proposal as its proposed
and releasing the rest of the funds. We’ve been so engaged in
this project for, I’ve been going to meetings since 2006-7. We
supported the ballot measure in 2008, that there have just been so
many attacks from across the isle from the former administration, and
you know, we have workers out there now. Like hundreds of workers. My
union does, and especially in the pandemic, its been a lifeline.
We’re on the precipice of making this happen, there’s
boots on the ground. I just urge you to keep the funding coming, and
we are absolutely committed to work with you and the new
administration to find any additional funding and to fight to make
this dream happen. Because like a union, this is going to bring
California together, and these are good green jobs, building trades
jobs, and I just, such and important project for the future of the
state, and a template for the nation. So please support the project as
proposed currently, thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021TheaSelby Hi my name is Thea Selby and I am a Co-Chair of the San Francisco
Transit Riders here in San Francisco, and I wanted to really urge the
Legislature to do the right thing and support what has been now twice
its been independently audited, this particular plan, and make sure we
get the Merced to Bakersfield complete. I just want to state a couple
of points, there’s never been an infrastructure project in the
history of infrastructure projects that has had all the money up
front. So that’s no excuse not to allocate the money to finish
the first 119 miles. Second point is equity matters, and thinking
about taking money away from the central valley, where there is the
worst pollution and unemployment is not the right thing to do at this
point in time. And thirdly, listen to the CEO Brian Kelly and the Pier
Review expert Lou Thompson who are of substantially of the same
opinion that we need to finish the first segment of high-speed rail
and allocate the funding to the central valley now. Thank you!
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021AndyCoons Hi my name is Andy Coons, President of the US High-Speed Rail
Association. We consider the California project, the high speed rail
project, one of the most important projects in the country and in our
history, because its basically building, it’s the beginning
building the 21st century transportation system for America. So the
importance of what your doing in California actually has national
implications , and will transform the entire country in this
direction. So we urge you to stay the course, this is an important
project, its creating tons of jobs, it will create all sorts of
economic development around the stations, it’ll rearrange the
housing and jobs mix creating miles of affordable housing for people .
and it’s the biggest climate solution you could possibly come up
with. So this is really a silver bullet technology. We congratulate
you for being pioneers and leading the country, and we encourage you
to stay the course and be the leaders and get this visionary project
to completion. Thank you so much.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021SteveRoberts RailPAC is an all-volunteer, non-profit passenger rail advocacy group
with representatives throughout California. After reviewing the 2020
Business Plan, the RailPAC Board strongly supports the Business Plan
and the proposed operating plan. Leveraging an improved and expanded
ACE, San Joaquin and high-speed rail network will bring service
improvements to all of California’s major urban areas north and
south as well as rural areas. In addition, as a result of ridership
growth combined with longer intercity trip lengths than you find along
urban, commuter routes the IOS will yield the greatest GHG reductions.
Also, the construction and the operation of high-speed rail from
Merced through Fresno and into Bakersfield brings economic activity
near-term to cities in the San Joaquin Valley during this time of
economic stress. Additionally, the RailPAC Board also feels the urban
diversion option is as risky, if not riskier, then the focus on
building the true high-speed rail trunk route in the Central Valley.
Also, a key benefit of true high-speed rail in the Central Valley is
its ability to demonstrate the transformative potential of this mode
of transportation.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021JoeCruz Appreciates the opportunity to convey their support of the High-Speed
Rail 2020 Draft Business Plan as currently proposed. It is valuable
work to continue to generate middle class jobs in the most
disadvantaged regions in the state, especially those areas hardest hit
by the COVID-19 pandemic. We also support electrification of rail to
reduce GHG emissions and greatly improve trip times associated with
this project. We respectively ask that you make every effort to
deliver a project that, when complete, will connect eight of the top
ten most populated regions of the state and greatly expand options
where people can live and work.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021BridgitMcGowanWe are in support of the 2020 Draft Business Plan and the project that has been underway for several years with the core with the electrified system in the valley and investments in the bookends as outlined in the 2020 Business Plan.
3/15/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021ChuckRiojas I speak tonight in support to the Governor's 2020 Business Plan as
currently proposed. I have the good fortune of being on the ground in
the Central Valley in the construction trades. When it comes the 4,000
constructions workers that are actively working on high-speed rail
today, I wanted to remind everybody that there are 800 apprentices
working within the trades on this project. That's 800 apprentices that
have a shot at a career. That's 800 apprentices who have a shot at a
living wage. That's 800 apprentices that have a shot at viable
healthcare and a pension at the end of a long career. I have the good
fortune of running pre-apprentice programs that help people qualify
for these apprenticeship programs within the affiliated trades that
are on construction on high-speed rail. So, we can continue to
generate these key jobs in the Central Valley. It is a game changer.
I've heard some of the speakers today and I was disappointed with some
of the attitudes that were displayed by some of our elected leaders
but I'll leave that for another time. We need to be bold, we need to
be progressive, we need this change in the Central Valley, so I do
speak in support of the Governor's 2020 Business Plan as currently
3/15/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021JennyKenover Simply want to say that I am in strong support of the draft 2020
Business Plan and also in strong support for the Governor’s
proposal and CHSRA’s staff recommendations to implement the
Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield high-speed rail Interim Operating Segment
with additional stops at Kings/Tulare and Madera. Thank you for
letting me express that I am in support of this draft Business Plan
3/15/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021DianeNguyen We strongly support the 2020 Draft Business Plan and we're in strong
support for the Governor’s proposal and CHSRA’s staff
recommendations to implement the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield High-Speed
Rail Interim Operating Segment with additional stops at Kings/Tulare
and Madera. There is already a commitment of over $1 billion to
connect ACE and San Joaquins with High-Speed Rail. The transformative
benefits include better air quality, GHG reductions, revitalization
and economic development in the Central Valley, all of which are
essential for sustaining vibrant and thriving communities in
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021BillZoslocki Very much support the 2020 draft Business Plan along with the
Governor’s proposal with the interlinking of Merced down to
Bakersfield and stops in Fresno, Madera, Kings/Tulare, all of those
possibilities that will change the Central Valley. Currently, if you
look at what's happened since COVID, you'll see the numbers in the
Central Valley in March and they are only worse now, 12.9% in Merced,
10.5% in Madera, 8.3% in Stanislaus and 10.8% in Fresno and 12.3%. All
double digits, with the exception of Stanislaus, those numbers are all
certainly higher now after COVID. These jobs that will be created once
the train has the ability to run its’ tracks from Bakersfield to
Sacramento and all the way over to San Jose and with the ACE train
connection. I very much support the Business Plan and the efforts in
this multi-modal future that we are developing in this area of our
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021GusCorti We are in support of the 2020 draft Business Plan. We appreciate the
difficult decisions the legislature has to make at this time. But we
do believe that the project will help in improving our air quality. As
you know, the County of Stanislaus is in a non-attainment area. We
hope that it helps reduce the daily migration of gas-powered single
occupant vehicles that have to go over the Altamont Pass because of
the jobs in Silicon Valley. We believe that this project will help
with that endeavor. I look forward to working with the Legislature to
make sure it's a viable project for all of California.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021JeremySmith We offer our continued support for this critically needed and vital
public project and the Draft 2020 Business Plan. We appreciate the
Committee's ongoing oversight on this project. While there are
difficulties that exist on all ultra-large-scale infrastructure
project it is important to keep in mind all the good that this project
has already brought to many parts of the state. In the Central Valley
alone, nearly 4,000 construction workers equaling 50,00 job years,
earning middle class wages and benefits for their families. $4.6
billion as noted today invested in Southern California with another
$4.4 billion in Northern California among many others. An ongoing
construction on a critical key to meeting the GHG standards set by the
Legislature. While all these are all important and good facts to
discuss we should not forget that this type of project is exactly what
workers in the construction industry need from their government in
times of recession, like times we find ourselves in now. We encourage
the Legislature to continue to fund this project, identify new
construction projects moving forward throughout the state to deal with
the recession and not forget that during the last recession,
unemployment, while at historic levels throughout the state, hit the
highest points in the Central Valley. With the construction in the
Central Valley, those unemployment levels were over 50% in some of the
core crafts. This project helps to negate that which we know is
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021JohnMoffat We support the Governor's Business Plan as it's currently proposed. We
appreciate the benefits the project will have in the long run. We also
want to express our support for the fact that progress continues on
this project as critical infrastructure providing much needed jobs in
the Central Valley and throughout the state during these challenging
times. Want to express our continued support for the Governor's
Business Plan and this project moving forward.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021DavidSchonbrunn In the current issue of the California Rail News, I have an article on
the dismal future of high-speed rail. We are longtime supporters of
high-speed rail. But we oppose this project. We see it as unlikely as
unable to provide useful service. Our understanding why there is no
private funding is that the pollical compromise on route design were
made early in its history. They are going to prevent it from turning a
profit. That's why it will never turn a profit. The idea that the
state should be sole funder is ridiculous.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021JohnSpaulding We are in fully in support of the Governor's 2020 Business Plan.
Having been an advocate for high-speed rail for over 20 years I'm
grateful for the benefits brought to Kern County. We are enjoying over
500 construction jobs that will increase as we look forward to this
proposed extension from Butler Avenue in Shafter on into Bakersfield.
The commitment to connect our state by high-speed rail. In these
economic times in Kern County we are grateful for the opportunity to
continue working to help clean the air and environment to a
much-needed area. This project offers an opportunity for construction
jobs and for training for careers, to apprenticeship, to our veterans,
though the Helmets to Hardhats, to small businesses, to minority and
women-owned businesses. Please continue to support this project.
Having worked on the Interstate I-5 project for those that you may
remember, it was done in segments. Look at what it does to connect our
state. But it is outdated now that is why we need this project.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021RossBuckley Express our support for the draft 2020 high-speed rail Business Plan
and echo other speakers and support the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield
Interim Operating Segment.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021AlisonMcCloud We strongly support the Draft 2020 High-Speed Rail Business Plan. The
Sacramento region will benefit from the buildout of the IOS from
Bakersfield to Merced by increasing connectivity for our region
through other rail lines. Direct connection to high-speed rail in
Merced to ACE rail and Amtrak San Joaquin is critical for Sacramento
and will also mean faster connections for California to establish
regional systems including Caltrain, BART, SacRT, the Capital and
Valley Link and VTA. This IOS is essential for implementing the full
high-speed rail system between the Bay Area, Sacramento, San Joaquin
Valley and Southern California. Overall, the Sacramento RWC supports
the many benefits that would come from the Business Plan including
faster, frequent and reliable passenger rail service, improved
connectivity, air quality benefits, and increased ridership throughout
the state.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021DavidCameron The 1.4 million members of the Teamsters union passed a resolution
supporting this project a couple of years ago. Successful economies
depend on efficient and effective transportation systems. For too
long, the Central Valley has been locked out from the San Francisco
and LA economic engines. It has the worst unemployment in the state
and worst air quality, not just in the state, but in the country.
High-Speed Rail addresses both of those. The latest numbers of 4
million seeking unemployment benefits. That translates in to a 20%
unemployment rate and it's only going to get worse. High-Speed Rail
will be an economic engine, will be an environmental benefit and it
will help tie the Central Valley with the rest of the state.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021JoseRodriguez I am very supportive of the Draft 2020 Business Plan and also in
strong support for the Governor’s proposal. If realized, this
project will continue to generate key jobs in most disadvantaged
regions. And will provide regions that are highly densely populated
will be able to move in to the Central Valley. So, looking forward so
let's again complete what the voters approved but connecting highly
populated areas and expand options where people can live and work. I
am also in support of the Merced - Fresno - Bakersfield segment,
including the Kings/Tulare and Madera stops.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021SusannahParsons SPUR supports High-Speed Rail and the vision of a future California it
hopes to achieve. We support the Draft Business Plan and the continued
buildout of the High-Speed Rail to connect San Francisco and Los
Angeles through the Central Valley. SPUR is a non-profit organization
that promotes good planning and good government through research,
education and advocacy. We have been supporting, commenting on and
producing policy reports and papers on High-Speed Rail for decades and
engaged in numerous local projects that are part of High-Speed
Rail’s investments in Northern California. In addition to our
support, SPUR encourages the Authority to pursue the electrification
of rail to seriously reduce GHG emissions and greatly improve trip
time and to complete what the voters have asked for, connecting 8 of
the ten most populated regions of the state expanding options of where
people can live and work and bringing economic development and
investment to communities of opportunity in the Central Valley.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021DanLeavitt This Working Group includes all the regional transportation planning
agencies, regional rail operators, and major cities in the Sacramento
to Merced Corridor. Our 20-agency Working Group has been involved in
the coordinated planning for passenger rail service between Sacramento
and Merced since 2006. Our Working Group has been a long-time
supporter of high-speed rail, and a very good partner in the
development of the High-Speed Rail project. The Central Valley Rail
Working Group strongly supports the Draft 2020 CHSRA Business Plan
that includes moving forward the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield HSR Interim
Operating Segment with additional stops at Kings/Tulare and Madera.
Sacramento and the Northern San Joaquin Valley will greatly benefit
from interim HSR operations. We will continue to work hard to ensure
that improved and expanded San Joaquins and ACE services between
Sacramento and Merced will directly connect with High-Speed Rail at
the multi-modal hub station in downtown Merced. The Central Valley
Rail Working Group, and a number of other Central Valley elected
officials, agencies, and organizations, submitted letters to CHSRA
urging them to move forward with the Merced-Bakersfield Interim
Operating Segment. Since not all of us are able to participate in this
hearing, we are submitting copies of these letters to Chair Frazier,
and staff of the Assembly Transportation Committee. We request that
the Assembly Transportation Committee support the 2020 Draft CHSRA
Business Plan. Thank you for this opportunity to provide public
3/8/2021EmailSan Francisco Chamber of CommerceSan Francisco Chamber of CommerceView complete letter.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021GeorgeStabler I fully support – I’m a taxpayer – and I fully support the
California High-Speed Rail project and the current Business Plan and
urge you to move forward as fast as possible and to link California
together. We can’t afford to do environmentally or economically.
It’s abundantly clear. And we can be a model for the rest of the
nation. I attended meetings, initial high-speed rail meetings back in
1996 in Oakland, California and unfortunately Gray Davis, the
then-Governor, did not have the vision or ability to move the project
forward and it languished for many – for far too long. And I feel like
we’re playing catch-up, and I would use that system all the
time, both to go down to Southern California as well as points
in-between. So please do the great – continue to do the great work
that you’re doing. As a taxpayer, I fully support my tax dollars
going to this worthy project. Thanks very much.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021MarvinNorman I’m calling in support of the Business Plan, even though San
Bernardino is Phase 2 and it probably won’t ever show up in my
lifetime at this current rate. I still support the plan, I have family
who lives in the Central Valley and I’m looking very forward to
not driving 6 hours to be able to see them, but at least driving over
to Bakersfield and then hopping on a train, that wouldn’t get me
there. It can cut that time in half. I did want to say a couple things
based on some of the comments that were made earlier. I know some
people were talking about maybe, I believe the chairwoman was asking
Mr. Kelly if maybe we had looked at hydrogen stuff, but I would say
that, you know, if we’re looking to be fiscally responsible and
build a train that’s not going more over-budget, we
shouldn’t be looking for experimental technology at this point
when it’s not being used yet. And I would think too, as well
that, if the, or if the committee really wants to, you know, trim a
couple dollars off, maybe the Bakersfield end is probably the better
end to connect than to Merced. I mean, I haven’t done modeling,
but I know Bakersfield’s a bigger city and there already is the
connection there with the Amtrak that comes up from LA. That would be
a great connection with Amtrak at the other end in Madera. Thank you
for the time.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021AngieManetti I’m here on behalf of Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer, representing the
5th largest city in the state, in strong support of the
Authority’s Draft 2020 Business Plan. Many investments have
already been made in our city and in the Central Valley and we have a
strong interest in seeing those come to completion. We know there are
many steps to get to the finished project and we believe the Business
Plan is a part of that. It will help attract more investments for
statewide connectivity and will yield numerous economic benefits for
years to come. We urge the state to continue funding this project
through the remaining Prop 1A bond funds for the Central Valley
segment and early design and environmental review for the San
Francisco to LA Phase 1 segment. We believe this will help reach our
goals, give it it’s best chance for success and finish what we
started. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021TillyChang We would like to express our strong support for the High-Speed Rail
Authority’s Business Plan and request the Prop 1A bond funds to
help them complete the Central Valley segment and develop reach to the
rest of the state. For the Bay Area, connecting the Central Valley to
Silicon Valley will provide a critical low-carbon connection for
interregional connectivity and employment access while maintaining and
creating thousands of jobs for our state. As Congress takes up federal
infrastructure investment, we also have a once in a decade
opportunity, of course to bring regional, state, and federal funding
together all for the economic recovery and development of our state.
Thank you again and we look forward to advancing the local partnership
with the state to advance the state’s rail program in the coming
months and years.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021DanNuncio In the Central Valley we have experienced an influx of families moving
from the Bay Area and Los Angeles area into Fresno, Madera, Tulare,
and Kings counties. This is due to the cost of living and the ability
to work from home due to COVID-19. Video meetings and working
part-time from home has definitely changed the norm. With the changes
Californians have made and the need for transportation, we must stay
on track and fund the rail. The Carpenters Union stands with the state
Building Trades and strongly supports the High-Speed Rail project.
Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021MikeLeonardo I wanted to express my support for the Business Plan proposal to
complete the Merced to Bakersfield high-speed rail operating segment.
I am concerned about the single-track proposal and I hope that as
additional federal funds are identified that there will be
consideration of going back to a double-track system. However, this
concern does not diminish our support for the 2020 Business Plan as
currently proposed. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021PatrickBoileau On behalf of our nearly 40,000 members, including hundreds who have
and are currently working on the High-Speed Rail project, we stand
with the State Building Trades Council and strongly support the
High-Speed Rail project and its continued funding. Our members look
forward to this continued – to continue to do this work to build the
project and look forward to making use of this unique resource once
it’s fully been laid. Thank you for your time.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021PeterStraus Speaking to you as a parent, I have put in enough hours, enough time,
while my daughters were in school in Los Angeles and San Diego, put in
enough time on 101, on I-5, on Southwest, and occasionally on Amtrak,
as I’m sure those of you who are from Southern California and
the Legislature in Sacramento have too. I urge your strong support for
continuation of the work on this project, and in particular,
completion of the Valley segment on which work is now underway. This
is a generational project, completion is essential, I urge your
support of the Business Plan and of release of HR 1 funding to
complete the initial segment and eventually this project as
expeditiously as possible. Thanks.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021RonMiller We’re in full support, along with the State Building Trades, of
this project. We need to get the high-speed rail built. And like the
caller before me said, this is a generational project that’s
going to benefit all of California when it’s done. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021GaryKotowskiI encourage you to work with the California High-Speed Rail Authority and adopt the Business Plan, including appropriating the funds for Proposition 1A. As California continues to grow, especially in the Central Valley, our current infrastructure is unsustainable. Our freeways are beyond capacity and widening them is only a short-term fix. Linking Los Angeles and San Francisco, and eventually Sacramento, via the Central Valley is important for keeping the state an attractive place to work and live. It’s vital tool to meeting the state’s emission reduction goals and critical component of the integrated network of trains and buses that will improve transportation for the entire state. California truly needs and deserves high-speed rail now. Thank you very much.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021DaveSnodgrass Strongly support this project because it will not only provide much
needed work for members of my trade, but for the men and women of all
trades, bringing good paying jobs to disadvantaged communities
throughout our state. I appreciate the opportunity to be heard. Thank
you very much.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021MonicaMallory I’ve been supporting high-speed rail since I was in 5th grade
and when the ballot measure was passed. And I still support it now as
a 23-year-old. The commentaries ahead of me have brought up some
really great points, so I really want to emphasize what’s
important for young people in California. I’m a recent San Jose
State grad and unlike in most parts of the state, taking transit is
normal at SJSU. Our *muffled*(drive-in?) rate before the pandemic was
around 40%, seeing that most people were taking transit and other
forms of sustainable transportation to school every day. I know the
other generations love their cars, but young people want a
sustainable, electric public transit system that takes us where we
need to go, and electrified high-speed rail is a big part of that. So,
I really support moving forward with the Business Plan and allocating
their remaining funding. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021TylerMunzing On behalf of our 25,000 civil engineers and land surveyors in private
practice in California, we are in support of the Authority’s
Revised Draft Business Plan and strongly support the completion of the
first phase of the project and initial operating segment as proposed.
Now’s the time for us to stay on track and send a clear message
to Washington that California’s ready for high-speed rail and
for additional federal investment. Appreciate the leadership of the
Authority and look forward to making this vision a reality. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021PaulKatchadourian We are providing demolition and abatement services on all three
construction packages that are currently going. We started out as –
with six employees prior to the high-speed rail and we’ve grown
to 38 full employees. 85% of our workforce has come from public
assistance, so the targeting workers has been working great. Some of
those new employees that were on public assistance are now homeowners
and doing very well for themselves, earning – living with the support
of their families. And it’s a wonderful opportunity for them.
Not only has this project given my company this opportunity to work
with them at high-speed rail, it’s also given us the opportunity
to work outside the high-speed rail. We’ve grown to a level to
where we can actually work on other projects of significance.
We’re currently building police stations and fire stations. To
sum it up, this project does more than just build a train, which
I’m in favor of, it helps lives and it keeps – it’ll keep
outside opportunities going also. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021ChuckRiojas I’m calling in to support the proposed Business Plan. This
project has been a vehicle to move underserved communities into the
middle class by way of apprenticeship and construction jobs. We in the
Central Valley stand ready to continue and finish the work we started.
Please allow us the the opportunity. Thank you very much.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021IanGriffiths I’m calling to strongly express my support and our
organization’s support for the Business Plan and moving forward
with using the Proposition 1A funds for the initial operating segment
in the Central Valley per the Business Plan. It’s really
important that we proceed with this project in the most expedient way
possible if we have any hope of keeping the public’s ongoing
support for the project and to fund future phases. We must proceed
with the Business Plan as planned. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021SimonTan Just wanted to voice my support for the high-speed rail project. I
strongly believe in the promise of California high-speed rail, a
frequent and fast connection between the jobs in the Bay Area and the
residents of Central Valley, with the *muffled*(should bring?)
opportunity to historically disadvantaged communities. In addition, it
would also help address the housing crisis across the state, as it
would enable people to live in areas with lower land value yet still
be connected to jobs centers within a reasonable commute time. So
please do everything in your power to keep this project on track.
Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021JasonBaker Two of the top priorities for our members are housing and
transportation. Allowing high-speed rail to continue forward in the
process gets us closer to usually explored on these critical and
related priorities. This moment, with renewed energy at the federal
level, is the time for California to step up, not step aside and allow
other countries to continue to surpass us in infrastructure and
concede the potential federal funding to other states who are willing
to step up. Thank you for your time and for your service to the state.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021SteveCruz I’m calling to register support for the Business Plan and
specifically, appropriation of the remaining funding to complete the
construction and electrify the corridor in the Central Valley and
advance the necessary stages to connect the Central Valley to Silicon
Valley. The appropriation of these funds, as you know, will support
key regional and state priorities, including enhancing connections to
major job centers in Silicon Valley and the Bay Area, and finally
bringing high-speed rail to Diridon Station in San Jose will improve
connections to a dozen different public and private rail and bus
systems that converge at the transit hub, a fact related – reflected
rather – in the MTC’s plan area 2050 blueprint. So, for these
reasons we support the updated plan. Appreciate the time. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021Lee AnnEager I’m calling to voice my support for the Revised 2020 Business
Plan and to complete the delivery of the Central Valley Merced to
Bakersfield segment. I think as most of you have heard, the Central
Valley has really been left behind for many, many years. The promise
of high-speed rail that we have been promising folks for the last 10,
12 years is finally coming to fruition here. We see the jobs out on
the freeways, we see what’s happening across the Central Valley
with high unemployment and high poverty and unacceptable air quality
here in the Valley. This has been promised as a game-changer and we
certainly see it as such. Having high-speed rail connect to the Bay
Area and then eventually to Los Angeles will bring the Central Valley
on equal footing with the rest of the state. This will be what we have
promised, it’s that people will be able to work and transfer
from Fresno to San Francisco to Los Angeles and do the kind of work we
have promised folks. Thank you so much for your support of the Central
Valley, thank you so much for your support of high-speed rail,
we’re depending on you. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021GlennHendricks I’m here today in my capacity as the VTA chair to express
support for the direction laid out in the California High-Speed Rail
Authority Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan. VTA regularly has partners
on the local, state, and federal levels as we work to innovate
mobility solutions for Silicon Valley. Because of that experience, we
wholeheartedly support the building of the nation’s first truly
high-speed rail system, linking one of our nation’s most
important economic engines, the Silicon Valley and the Bay Area, with
Southern California. VTA stands as a transportation partner in the Bay
Area to accomplish the objectives laid out in the Revised 2020
Business Plan. And we support asking the California Legislature to
appropriate the remaining $4 billion in Proposition 1A funds to
complete construction and electrify the corridor in the Central
Valley. Thank you very much for your consideration. This is a really
important project for our state and economy.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021JoeCruz The labors have worked hard to pass high-speed rail bond in 2008. We
remain steadfast support of the project and view it as an integral
part of California’s effort to address air quality and mobility
issues that will continue to pose a threat to our health, economy, and
overall quality of life. We are pleased to see the progress that the
California High-Speed Rail Authority has made over the past year in
advancing high-speed rail in the San Joaquin Valley as well as to the
Revised Business Plan. As you all know, every major infrastructure
project in California’s rich history has had its fair share of
challenges and critics. Many said the Bay Area was far-fetched – the
Bay Bridge, I’m sorry, was far-fetched – the state water project
would never happen. But thankfully our grandparents had the ingenuity
and wherewithal to build the perceived impossible. Now, more than
ever, it’s time for California leaders to recognize the
importance of continued investment in high-speed rail. With the
election of pro-passenger rail President and Vice President,
California is closer to realizing a world-class high-speed rail
system. We believe that high-speed rail project is headed in the right
direction and any efforts to deprive the project of funding when
it’s already creating jobs is short-sighted. I appreciate your
time, your work, and your consideration to continue funding. Thank
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021KeithDunn I would echo the comments made by my colleague, Mr. Cruz and just add
that California is in a unique position to lead the way on President
Biden’s Build Back Better program that we all anticipate coming
forth in the next 6 or 7 months. The California high-speed rail
program has worked diligently to try and make improvements upon their
Business Plan. We support their continued efforts there. We support
the oversight – this project has had more oversight than any major
infrastructure project in modern times. We continue to support that
role of the Legislature and your guidance to provide direction on the
program, but also know that this project is critical to the recovery
of not only California, but our entire nation. We thank you for your
time in providing this hearing and ask for your continued support.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021RyanMcCauley Hi, my name is Ryan McCauley. Thank you for the opportunity to speak.
I’m the government and community affairs specialist, I’m
here on behalf of Caltrain in support of the Authority’s Revised
2020 Draft Business Plan. Caltrain is the seventh largest commuter
rail system in the country connecting Silicon Valley and San
Francisco. Prior to the pandemic, our average ridership was over
63,000 passengers per weekday. Initiating electric high-speed rail in
the Central Valley as proposed in the plan will ensure that the
project is delivered as quickly and efficiently as possible. The
Authority will be a future operator on the Caltrain owned corridor and
is an important partner in the funding and implementation of our
ongoing electrification project. Finishing the segment in the Central
Valley and beginning an interim operation will allow the technology to
be demonstrated as we work with the Authority to upgrade our own
corridor to accommodate increased regional travel and prepare for the
introduction of higher speed service. Recently, Caltrain adopted a
long-range service vision which outlines our system’s
aspirations to grow while reaffirming our commitment to the blended
system, our communities and our shared future with high-speed rail. We
are in agreement with the path proposed by the Authority’s
Revised Business Plan. We look forward to implement planning work that
must be embarked on between Caltrain and the Authority and working
towards making that vision a reality. Thank you.
3/15/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021AndresRamirez Good afternoon Chairs Friedman, Bloom and members of the respective
committees. This is Andres Ramirez on behalf of the Transbay Joint
Powers Authority which oversees the operations of the multimodal
Salesforce Transit Center in downtown San Francisco, here to support,
uh, the California High-Speed Rail Authority’s 2020 Draft
Business Plan. In addition to the environmental clearance and
completion of the Central Valley portion of the project, which we
support and commend, the Draft Business Plan sets forward a path to
get electrified high-speed trains running as soon as possible while
continuing to advance the entire high-speed rail system from San
Francisco to the Los Angeles Basin. As such, we’re enthusiastic
about the emphasis on advancing construction on the bookend projects
in the Bay Area and Los Angeles, of which the transit center would be
the northern terminus. Thank you very much.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021LauraTolkoff Good morning Chair Friedman, Chair Bloom and committee members, my
name is Laura Tolkoff, Transportation Policy Director for SPUR.
Through research, education and advocacy, SPUR works to make the Bay
Area an equitable, sustainable and prosperous region. We have been
engaged with, and commenting on, high-speed rail for more than a
decade, and we strongly support the Revised Business Plan and
encourage the state to continue, uh, to release the remainder of Prop
1A funds for the Central Valley and complete the entire Phase 1 of the
project. This is a promising time for high-speed rail and we support
advancing the project. Thank you for the opportunity to speak before
you and your leadership.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021RickSolis Hello, may name is Rick Solis and I’m with Carpenters Union
Local 405 in San Jose and representing Santa Clara and San Benito
Counties, and we stand with the State Building Trades and their strong
support of the continuation of the high-speed rail project. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021LucioSanchez Hello? Can you hear me? Thank you, my name is Lucio Sanchez. I’m
with the carpenters union in San Francisco, and I just want to, uh,
echo pretty much what everybody has said. We are in support of the
high-speed rail. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021MatthewGaines Good morning. Matthew Gaines, International Union of Operating
Engineers Local Number 12. We stand in solidarity with our brothers
and sisters of the State Building Trades and we are strongly
supporting the completion of the first phase of this high-speed rail
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021RickHarnish Hello, my name is Rick Harnish. I’m the Executive Director of
the High Speed Rail Alliance. We’re a national organization
working for fast, frequent, dependable trains of many different kinds,
uh, linking entire regions. Um, we have nearly a hundred members in
California, and we’ve recently, uh, submitted a petition to you,
um, signed by, uh, 711 Californians asking you to move forward with
the plan as proposed by the Authority. In your position as the leader
in green transportation, uh, for many decades, uh, by committing to
this project, you can help ensure that Congress does, in fact,
continue to fund these, um, and you can play a strong leadership role
in bringing high-speed rail to the country, and so we urge you to
continue forward with California High-Speed Rail Authority’s,
uh, proposed business plan.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021AugieBeltran Good afternoon, my name’s Augie Beltran. I’m the
Government Affairs Director for the Northern California Carpenters
Regional Council representing the 46 northern counties. We stand, we
are in strong support of the High-Speed Rail Authority’s Revised
Business Plan. Thank You.
3/15/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021SeanJeans-Gail Morning, uh, my name is Sean Jeans-Gail and I’m with the Rail
Passengers Association and we are calling in today to endorse the
Authority’s Revised Business Plan, not just on behalf of our
thousands of California members, but also thirty million plus
Americans, uh, currently using the intercity rail network. Commend
California’s leadership in pushing ahead with this project over
the past decade in the absence of meaningful federal support. The, uh,
lack of predictable dedicated funding has resulted in delays and
increased cost but the ability of the State of California to advance
this project will have a meaningful impact on the shape of the final
infrastructure bill that is currently being developed, uh, in
Washington. The upshot is also that California will be extremely well
positioned to benefit from a future federal passenger rail funding
program, um, that is kept on life support through local investments.
Uh, thank you for your time today, and I would also urge you to
approve, uh, the remaining voter-approved funds for the high-speed
rail project. Thank you.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021RickSmiles Good morning committee members. My name is Rick Smiles with the
Southern California District Council of Laborers. On behalf of John
Preciado and our thirty-thousand plus members, we stand in support of
the project, the high-speed rail. Thank you very much.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021BenitoRobles Good morning. My name’s Benito Robles, I’m a field
representative for the Southern California District Council of
Laborers, and we’re calling in to join the State Building Trades
in their strong support of the high-speed rail project. Thank you very
much for the opportunity.
3/10/2021Legislative Hearing - 3/10/2021SteveRoberts Good morning. My name is Steve Roberts and I am President of Rail PAC,
the Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada. Rail PAC is
an all-volunteer statewide organization founded in 1978 and in strong
advocates of comprehensive public transportation network. I wanted to
emphasize our members’ strong support of the revised 2020
California high-speed rail Business Plan. Rail PAC also recommends the
appropriation of the remaining Proposition 1A funds to reduce risk and
provide a secure financial foundation for completion of the core
119-mile Central Valley segment. Also, Rail PAC feels the continued
focus on completing the rail line Merced to Bakersfield and initiating
the interim Central Valley operating plan is the best strategy
forward. It creates a entire California-wide, uh, passenger network.
Thank you.
3/15/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021StephanieDietz Good morning. My name is Stephanie Dietz. I’m the City Manager
for the City of Merced representing Mayor Serratto. The City of Merced
supports Governor Newsom’s vision and plan for high-speed rail
in California, particularly the important infrastructure investments
and transportation in the heart of California, the Central Valley.
High-speed rail will provide a commitment to clean low and no carbon
transportation strategies that help reduce pollution in the Central
Valley, home to some of the nation's worst air quality and highest
asthma rates.The City's commitment includes continued strong support
for the Draft 2020 Business Plan, for the High-Speed Rail Project,
which includes pursuing Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield Interim Service with
stops at Kings/Tulare and Madera. Merced, Fresno and Bakersfield are
home to nearly 1 million Californians. And the respective counties,
Merced, Fresno and Kern, have a population in excess of two million
people. Governor Newsom's commitment and vision for high-speed rail is
memorialized in the Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan with the
inclusion of a Central Valley Segment that cuts travel time in half
between cities in the Valley compared to today's rail service or
traveling by car. The Plan frames a high-speed rail line that provides
connections in Merced to the Altamont Corridor Express or ACE train
service, and the San Joaquin service to Oakland and Sacramento in the
north and Central Valley, and Los Angeles in the south. While the
project is transformative for the Central Valley, it maintains
important targeted investments adopted by the High-Speed Rail
Authority in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. This is key to opening up
Valley to Valley access to provide opportunities for companies to
expand to the Central Valley and offering affordable housing prospects
that align with the Governor's overall goals to ensure statewide
coordinated investment. High-speed rail also connects Merced and the
Central Valley to the mega-region efforts from the Bay Area providing
a regional perspective to how we address housing, workforce and
educational issues. This includes leveraging state investments in
dynamic institutions such as UC Merced. The City of Merced has been
and remains supportive of high-speed rail and looks forward to a
continued partnership in doing its part to provide solutions to
California's long-term challenges. Thank you, Chair.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021DanLeavitt Good morning, Chair Richards and Members of the Board. My name is Dan
Leavitt and I represent the Central Valley Rail Working Group, the San
Joaquin Regional Rail Commission and the San Joaquin Joint Powers
Authority. The (indiscernible) agency Central Valley Rail Working
Group includes all of the regional transportation planning agencies,
regional rail operators, counties and major cities in the Sacramento
to Merced Corridor. San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission is the owner
operator of the ACE Commuter Rail Service. And the San Joaquin Joint
Powers Authority is the managing agency of the state-funded San
Joaquins Passenger Rail Service. The Central Valley Rail Working
Group, the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission and the San Joaquin
Joint Powers Authority are strong supporters of the implementation of
the statewide high-speed train system in California and moving forward
with the electrified Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield High-Speed Rail Interim
Service that includes stops at Madera and Kings/Tulare. We are also
strongly support that the remaining 4.2 billion of Prop 1A Bond Funds
being directed to complete the delivery of the 119-mile electrified
Central Valley Segment and environmental review on the San Francisco
to Los Angeles Phase 1 segments. This funding is required to implement
the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield High-Speed Rail Interim Service and to
extend high-speed rail to San Francisco and Southern California in the
future. The Central Valley Rail Working Group, San Joaquin Regional
Rail Commission and the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority are
submitting formal letters of support for the approval of your Revised
Draft 2020 Business Plan, and we look forward to continuing to work
with you to implement electrified high-speed rail in California that
is fully integrated with the ACE and San Joaquin services. Thank you
very much for your time today.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021BradenDuran Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Good morning. My name is Braden Duran and I
am a Planner for the Fresno Council of Governments. On behalf of
Fresno COG, I am here to voice our strong support for the Revised 2020
Draft Business Plan that was released last month. And that includes
pursuing the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield Interim Service with the stops
at Kings/Tulare and Madera. As noted in our letter of support, this
will provide electrified high-speed rail service to Californians at
the earliest possible time. Um, we also support and confirm that the
independent peer review shows that the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield
Corridor including high-speed rail service and improvements in
supporting the ACE and San Joaquins random bus services shows the
highest forecast gaining ridership while doing so at the lowest
increase in cost. This interim operating segment coordinated with
improvements aligned with the State Rail Plan will create significant
benefits. Key benefits include of course the economic and jobs
benefits, reducing travel times, providing a better more frequent and
reliable passenger rail service and reducing air pollutants and
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And last, Fresno COG also strongly
supports the recommendation to use the remaining Prop 1A High-Speed
Rail Bonds to implement the Electrified Central Valley Segment, and
for the environmental review that will allow the service to be
extended to the Bay Area and Southern California in the future. Fresno
COG looks forward to the future of high-speed rail in California, and
thank you for allowing me to make this comment today.
3/15/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021StuartFlashman Good morning, my name is Stuart Flashman, S-t-u-a-r-t F-l-a-s-h-m-a-n.
I’m an attorney in Oakland, California, and I am here
representing my clients in litigation against the Authority, which
includes former Board Chair the Honorable Quentin Kopp. These comments
supplement my prior submitted written comments. I have two comments.
First, the Business Plan assumes that by having the San Joaquin JPA
provide interim high-speed rail service on the Authority's Central
Valley Segment that service will not be subject to Prop 1A's
prohibition against providing an operating subsidy, which the Business
Plan acknowledges will occur. The Authority is mistaken. All
high-speed rail service within California must be authorized by the
High-Speed Rail Authority, thus the prohibition on operating subsidy
contained in Streets and Highways Code Section 2704.08(b)(2)(D)
applies. Any subsidy to that interim service would violate Prop 1A.
Second, my client's court challenge to AB 1889 is still pending in the
Third District Court of Appeals and will be likely heard and decided
this summer. If the court overturns AB 1889, much of the Authority's
bond expenditures, especially those which do not produce a complete
segment that is suitable and ready for high-speed rail operations,
were illegal. Those expenditures will have to be reimbursed to the
High-Speed Rail Bond Fund from the state's General Fund. The Authority
Board needs to take care of how we’re going to spend
(indiscernible) bond funds. Thank you.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021CindyParra Good morning. Good morning, my name is Cindy Parra and I am the Board
Chair of Golden Empire Transit District in Bakersfield. The District
CEO Karen King has addressed this Board several times in the past to
appeal to your sense of urgency to acquire the Bakersfield's segment
of right-of-way, which includes Golden Empire Transit District's
maintenance and operations facility at the planned Bakersfield station
site. We are disappointed that the Updated Business Plan Draft has
taken out the reference to the acquisition of our property and feel it
would be beneficial to both parties to begin the relocation process of
our facility now. We understand that infrastructure funding, including
high-speed rail, is a priority of the Biden-Harris Administration. We
are hopeful that this will translate into funding support of the
California High-Speed Rail Project. As you know, we at Golden Empire
Transit have an urgency for you to move forward with investigating in
Kern, investing in Kern County including the acquisition of our
property. In March, GET will begin receiving its first order of zero
emission buses. These new buses will be hydrogen fuel cell buses and
will require the District to make extensive infrastructure
improvements at our present facility. These new buses will require us
to build a new maintenance base and to build energy supply
infrastructure to power the vehicles. GET’s Board of Directors
is reluctant to make these investments in our facility, understanding
that your acquisition of our property may be imminent. We are hesitant
to make multi-million-dollar investments in a facility that will have
to be abandoned and believe it is not in the best interests of our
constituents to spend precious tax dollars to make these potentially
short-term improvements. Therefore, I ask that you direct your staff
to expedite the processing of the acquisition of Golden Empire
Transit's property. We are poised and ready to cooperate with
High-Speed Rail to accomplish this important right-of-way acquisition.
Thank you.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021ChuckRiojas Good morning, Chairman Richards, thank you. My name is Chuck Riojas,
R-i-o-j-a-s. I am the CEO of the Fresno/Madera/Tulare/Kings Building
Trades Council. My comments are to support the Revised Business Plan,
and I urge you to finish the Central Valley Segment. The reasons are
numerous. I can go on for a lot longer than two minutes on it, but let
me suffice to say that the Central Valley economic impact during this
build-out has been immeasurable. I have multiple stories of
construction workers whose impact the project has had on their lives
are numerous. This project has saved houses. It has sustained families
during this pandemic and it has given families hope with
apprenticeship opportunities. I've spoken to you before about our
apprenticeship opportunities, how they are definitely transformative.
We have to date just by numbers of between 500 and 800 apprenticeship
opportunities that were derived from this project in the Central
Valley during the build-out. So, I urge you to continue to finish the
Central Valley Segment. Allow us to complete the work that we were
challenged to do that, you know, the challenge was met, and to accept
the Revised Business Plan. Thank you.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021PaulKhatchadorian Can you hear me? Great. My name is Paul Katchadourian. I’m the
owner of Katch Environmental. We're currently providing demolition and
hazardous remediation services on the high-speed rail. I wanted to
give you a little bit of background. Thank you for the opportunity
first of all to address everybody. I'm a small disabled veteran-owned
business, and I fully support the new business plan. I voted for the
high-speed rail even before I knew it was coming to Fresno, so I've
been a supporter from the very beginning. It’s always, Fresno
has always been underserved when compared to L.A. or the Bay Area when
it comes to large public works projects and having high-speed rails
start in Fresno not only was smart due to its demography and the long
length of track, it was going to allow it, it was a great project to
bring world-class employment. This also will help the Bay Area as was
previously stated by allowing affordable housing. If you live in say
San Jose 30 miles away from your commute it's going to give you about
the same commute time from Fresno as it would when traffic is
considered. And it's also helped Fresno modernize and remove some of
the neglected areas. I've been a big part of that and, and allowing
for Fresno to update and clean up some of the areas that were
underserved, and it’s been, that's been immeasurable. And we
started out before this project with five employees. We currently have
38 employees, 85 percent of my labor force came from public
assistance. Those people had no jobs at all. Now, those, a lot of
those employees are homeowners. They have good benefits, good wages.
They're learning good trades and they're able to support their
families even through this pandemic. It's really been a blessing for
them. Thank you and also finally, I just want to tell you not only is
this project beneficial for our company as far as giving us a boost,
but we're moving on to do other work. We're building currently police
stations and fire stations. So, not only are we going to be weaned off
this work, because we're based in Fresno it's given us the opportunity
to expand our scope of work and it's just been a great project and a
great benefit for Fresno and my company.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021SeanJeans-Gail Good morning, and I appreciate you holding this hearing. I am speaking
on behalf of the Rail Passengers Association in support of the
Authority’s Revised Business Plan. Our association supports the
work, is supported by the work of 28,000 members nationally, over
3,400 of whom live in California. I know there's a lot of speakers
today, so I’ll try to be brief. We commend the Authority’s
perseverance in advancing this project in the face of an absence of
any meaningful federal support over the last, well a little bit over a
decade and at times outright hostility. I can tell you from my
conversations on Capitol Hill, that policymakers right now are looking
to the California project to guide future investment and the ability
of the Authority to continue forward in the face of an absence of a
federal stream of investment it is going to do really positive things
for the Interstate Passenger Rail Program generally. So, with the
Biden Administration's recent interests I think California has a
really important role to play in advancing high-speed rail in America.
Finally, we would encourage the Authority to continue the goal of
pursuing strong connections to the existing National Inner City Rail
Network, which will be key to a viable interstate rail program. Thank
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021StephenRoberts Good morning, Chair Richards and Board Members my name is Steve
Roberts and I am the President of the Rail Passenger Associations of
California and Nevada. RailPAC is an all-volunteer statewide
organization and is a strong advocate for an expanded and
comprehensive public transportation network. We've reviewed the
Revised 2020 California High-Speed Rail Business Plan and the
Association recommends the Board adopt the Revised 2020 Business Plan
and including the re-phasing of the remaining Proposition 1A funds to
complete the core 119-mile Central Valley Segment. RailPAC also
supports the continued focus on completing the rail line Merced to
Bakersfield and initiating the Interim Central Valley Operating Plan
as the best strategy forward. The Interim Operating Plan brings true
high-speed rail service to California sooner than any other
alternative option. It demonstrates the potential of high-speed rail
while facilitating an improved and expanded ACE San Joaquin, a
high-speed rail network reaching all of California and generating
substantial synergies beyond the current individual systems. Thank you
very much.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021TomWilliams I’m here, Chair, can you hear me now? Good morning, Chair and
again my name is Tom Williams, City Manager at the City of Millbrae.
Millbrae is the location of California High-Speed Rail’s only
proposed station in San Mateo County and it will also serve San
Francisco International Airport. Unfortunately, the Business Plan does
fail to adequately address the rail alignment and station design
consistent with our adopted Millbrae Station Area Specific Plan that
was adopted back in 1998. And also, what the voters approved when they
envisioned high-speed rail in California. The proposed rail alignment
and station eliminates 1,100 housing units of which 488 are approved,
and of this 480 approved, 73 are low-income. And the High-Speed Rail
Plan again eliminates this much-needed housing and is consistent with
the State of California and the Governor's Emergency Housing Crisis
Declaration as stated in SB 330. We request that the Board direct
staff to redesign the, not only the rail alignment, but the station
underground, not only the rail, but the station, consistent with what
has always been envisioned since 2008 when voters approved the bill
for high-speed rail to save much needed affordable housing and
development at a transit-oriented development that implements infill
and smart growth best businesses practice that not only high-speed
rail, but transit agencies throughout California have adopted. So,
again our request is that you direct staff to look at a redesign of
the rail alignment to be underground, as well as the station, and
unfortunately the Business Plan fails to adequately address any of the
impacts or issues in at the Millbrae Station. And with that I look
forward to working in a spirit of cooperation with High-Speed Rail
Authority and staff to actually do it right. Since SFO is, will be
served by this, I think that we can do a much better job in welcoming
the world to the Bay Area when they look for public transportation
alternatives as they exit San Francisco International Airport.I think
we can do a much, much better job.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021BrianYanity Hello, Chair Richards and the Board Members, can you hear me? Oh, yes,
thank you. Thank you for this opportunity to provide comments today. I
am the Vice President South of the Rail Passenger Association of
California and Nevada, RailPAC. I just want to echo what my President
Steve Roberts said a few minutes ago, that RailPAC supports the
Central Valley Initial Operating Plan and supports adoption of the
Business Plan and the allocation of Prop 1A funds. And I do want to
make a comment on the Business Plan. Something that's touched on
briefly, but it is kind of becoming, I think, a political risk to the
project here in Southern California, and the Business Plan should
address a little bit better or have more explanation and that is on
the L.A. to Anaheim EIR process the Colton Intermodal Yard proposed
for BNSF, but as part of the California High-Speed Rail Authority's
environmental studies, because of impacts on freight movement between
L.A. and Fullerton. That is generating a bit of opposition in the
Inland Empire and political leaders in the Inland Empire and
communities are, you know, kind of raising a ruckus about it and
saying the Authority has not really consulted them. They see it as,
there's a perception out there among many community activists and
environmental activists that the High-Speed Rail Authority is dumping
a diesel, you know, a bunch of diesel truck traffic and a new diesel
locomotive yard in a community that's already heavily polluted. And
that should be addressed in the risk management section, chapter. Yes,
and I just would like to push the question of electrification of that
intermodal yard as part of the EIR process including trains and
trucks, so thank you.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021MikeBehen Good morning Mister Chair, can you hear me? Apologies for any
technical difficulties, uh, Mike Behen, Deputy City Manager, City of
Palmdale. Mister Chair, members of the Board, thank you for the
opportunity to speak. I think you know, uh, we’ve been a
long-time supporter of the California high-speed rail. We support the
Business Plan, uh, I think the three things I’m going to say,
uh, are led by stay the course, uh, let’s, let's keep, continue
to focus on an electrified system that will help develop the state's
goals of improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Uh, let's stay the course on completing the environmental process for
all of the segments so that we can move forward to the next phases
including right-of-way acquisition, design and construction. Let's
stay the course and finish the initial 119 miles and quite frankly,
uh, move from the Bakersfield segment to Palmdale because we are ready
and, uh, we are eager to have high-speed rail here in Palmdale. Uh,
we've been planning on the arrival of the California high-speed rail
system for over 25 years and Palmdale will be the first true
interstate high-speed rail hub joining California high-speed rail,
Brightline West, Metrolink, Amtrak, Greyhound and our local transit
authority all here in Palmdale. As you know we just approved a
transit-oriented development specific plan and EIR that surround our
future multimodal high-speed rail station and again we'd like to thank
the Authority for the grant funds that help us do this plan, and, and
I wanted to announce today that, you know, even though we're dealing
with fiscally difficult times right nowour city manager and city
council just authorized five million dollars from our general fund
that we will put towards assembling land outside of the California
high-speed right-of-way so we can be ready for the arrival of the
California high-speed rail system. We are committed to this project.
This is an amazing project and we support you. Thank you.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021AnnSchneider This is Ann Schneider, Mayor, City of Millbrae. Thank you. Uh, as I
said, Ann Schneider, Mayor, City of Millbrae. We, you heard our City
Manager earlier. We’d just like to add to our comments, in terms
of equity of funding that, right now, the plans, which are not in this
revised draft plan, are very devastating to the city of Millbrae, and
if indeed you have allocated almost three billion dollars to Fresno,
the same consideration should be given to Millbrae. We are right next
to SFO. We are impacted by every transportation agency. We are the
largest multi-modal station west of the Mississippi, and we are the
gateway for everyone coming in to California via SFO. We should be,
our visitors and our business community should be recognized as such,
and the city of Millbrae should be treated with the same respect in
terms of a proper station and the undergrounding of rail lines.
We’ve already spoken about housing but the current, the old
business plan plans were absolutely devastating to my community, to my
residents, and to our business community. So, we ask for equal care
that you give to all the other stations along the line, and we look
forward to working with you. It has been frustrating, over the last
couple of years. It was frustrating in that there was not one Millbrae
representative on the stakeholders’ group for the design of the
San Francisco San Jose reach, so our issues were completely not
addressed in the business plan. So, uh, we look forward to working
with you. We are the largest multi-modal station, but we deserve to be
better than treated as if we are a third world country, which is how
you are treating us. Thank you.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021TomWilliams Chair Richard, again, it’s Tom Williams, City Manager, and, and
thank you for allowing me to speak. I would just offer, um, you as the
Chair and the California High-Speed Rail Board to come to the city of
Millbrae to tour the location and look at the site so, so we could
adequately brief you and you have knowledge of what’s happening
here in the city of Millbrae. So that’s a request I have as
well. Thank you for letting me, uh, ask that question of you, and I
appreciate the time.
3/2/2021Public Hearing - 3/02/2021GeneSteinhauer Good morning Mister Chairman. Uh, Gene Steinhauer from the company
AEGIS Rail. We provide engineering consultant services for railways,
mainly on high-speed experiences in Europe and in North America, and I
would like to ask you the question if there will be a more detailed
program of the expected coming RFQs and RFPs for, uh, in line with
the, with the second edition of this business plan for the California
high-speed rail. The question would be just to understand if next to
the Business Plan there will be an additional document with the
program procedures to procure some of the contracts that are expected
to be procured by CARS.
3/16/2021EmailPhillipWashington View complete letter.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021DavidCameronWe strongly support the Authority’s Draft 2020 Business Plan and Funding Plan. California’s building not just a 21st transportation system connecting California to Los Angeles, it’s building the system that will tie the Central Valley to the economic engines north and south. Now is not the time to lose heart. For the past four years we’ve dealt with an administration that was hostile to this project. We now have a President, and I had the honor of serving on the transition team, who is committed to sparking the next great passenger rail revolution in this country. And the Authority and the Senate and the Assembly should stay the course and approve this plan and approve the funding. Thank you very much.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021RickHarnishCalifornia has been a tremendous leader in developing passenger rail and transit nationwide for the last three decades. We’re excited about the progress you’re making on high-speed rail and we’d like to encourage you to continue with the strong commitment to building high-speed rail and we welcome helping – working with you to gain additional federal program in order to expedite the program. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021ChrisHannonOur 48 affiliates representing over 140,000 of the best trained men and women in the construction industry stand in full support of the State Building and Construction Trades Council, continue support of construction and the complete build-out of the high-speed rail system. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021DanLeavittThe Central Valley Rail Working Group, the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission, and the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority have submitted formal letters strongly supporting High-Speed Rail Authority’s Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan and forward these letters to your committee along with other letters from many other Central Valley agencies, organizations, and elected officials. Thank you for your help.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021JesseTaylorI am pleased to speak on behalf of the city and county of San Francisco this morning. San Francisco is working in close partnership with the High-Speed Rail Authority and the Transbay Joint Powers Authority to develop the downtown rail extension project to the Salesforce Transit Center, the northern terminus of Phase 1 of the California High-Speed Rail system. San Francisco would like to express our strong support for the High-Speed Rail Authority’s Revised Business Plan and its request for bond funds to complete the Central Valley segment and develop links to the rest of California. Connecting the Central Valley to Silicon Valley via high-speed rail will provide a critical, low-carbon connection for interregional connectivity while maintaining and creating thousands of jobs. As Congress takes up infrastructure investment, we also have a once in a generation opportunity to bring regional, state, and federal funding together for the recovery and development of California. We look forward to renewing our partnership to advance the California High-Speed Rail program in the coming months and years. Thank you for the opportunity to speak this morning.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021DaveSnodgrassWe stand in strong support of this project because we believe it will not only provide much needed work for our members, but members of – men and women of all trades. Bringing good paying jobs to disadvantaged communities throughout the state. Appreciate the opportunity of being heard today. Thank you very much.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021JeremySpenceWe believe that California leaders need to stay the course and recognize the importance of a continued investment in high-speed rail, particularly the investment in the Central Valley. With a revitalized partnership between the state and the Biden administration, we believe California is closer than ever towards realizing a world-class high-speed rail system. Recently Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg reiterated that President Biden is a big believer in passenger rail and that the United States should be leading the world when it comes to high-speed rail. Given these comments and others, proving the Biden administration’s willingness to support high-speed rail, California’s goal of connecting communities, creating good union jobs, and addressing climate change is well within sight. Despite the pandemic and recession, High-Speed Rail continues to be a truly once in a generation economic stimulus generator. The project has created over 5,200 high-paid jobs with 77% of those workers coming from 8 counties in the Central Valley. For these reasons and many more, we support the Business Plan and final Prop 1A fund appropriation and ask you to stand with our members and support the Governor’s continued investment in high-speed rail. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021BenitoRoblesI’m calling in and joining the State Building Trades in their strong support of the High-Speed Rail project. We’re joined a strong yes on this. Thank you and have a great day.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021JeanetOwensGood morning Madam Chair Gonzalez, Chair Durazo and Senators of Transportation Committee and Budget Subcommittee No. 5; My name is Jeanet Owens, Senior Executive Officer of Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro). On behalf of LA Metro’s Chief Executive Officer Phil Washington and Chief Program Management Officer Richard Clarke, thank you for honor to speak with you this morning and provide you an update on two of the highest priority regional rail projects in Southern California As the public transportation planner, coordinator, designer, builder, and operator serving approximately 10 million people, in Los Angeles County with a fleet of 2,308 Metro buses, four (4) light rail systems, and two (2) subway systems, LA Metro values and appreciate the partnership we have with the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) spanning over a decade in making strategic concurrent infrastructure investments totaling $500 million for the Rosecrans/Marquardt Grade Separation Project and the Link Union Station Project. These two projects enhance both our intercity and commuter rail systems today…. which linked together over time accommodates the future highspeed rail system.
The CHSRA is investing $76.7 million of Prop 1A funds towards the state’s highest priority grade crossing that will enhance safety and facilitate the increase of the passenger rail services for the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego. The Rosecrans Marquardt Grade Separation project has already received over $20 million (of the $76.7 million) of Prop 1A funds for property acquisitions. This project will be construction in early 2022. Last year in February 2020, the CAHSR Board financially committed the remaining $423.3 million of Prop 1A funds towards the first phase of the Link US project, Phase A. The Link US Project will transform how our intercity and commuter rail systems operate in Southern California with run-through capability at Los Angeles Union Station that will provide one-seat rides from San Luis Obispo to San Diego, whereby increasing regional rail services by up to 60 percent as well accommodate the future high speed rail system. The Link Union Station Project compromises of two phases, Phase A and Phase B, estimated at $3.5 billion that will also covert the largest multi-modal rail/transit hub in Southern California to a world class terminal station.
With the upcoming national and international events coming to Los Angeles in the next seven (7) years starting with Super Bowl LVI (52) in 2022, the World Cup in 2026, and the Summer Olympics and Paralympic Games in 2028… and coupled with a growing population in an already densely populated Southern California region of 24 million people (more than 50% of the state population), more critical regional rail transportation infrastructure investments are needed in Southern California today. One such example is the High Desert Corridor intercity high-speed rail project that will connect Las Vegas to Southern California in the City of Palmdale via Brightline West. With the potential for new federal and state investments in high speed rail, LA Metro supports the CHSRA 2020 Draft Business Plan with the addition of more regional rail infrastructure investments in Los Angeles County and Southern California such the $2.5 billion Link Union Station Phase B, $1.5 billion High Desert Corridor Project and Metrolink’s Southern California Optimized Rail Expansion Program. These projects provide immediate benefits that can be used today and yet lay the foundation for future high-speed rail operation, should additional federal and state funding be available.
If you have some time, I would like to end my presentation with video clips of the Rosecrans Marquardt Grade Separation Project and the Link Union Station project. [PLAY VIDEOS] Thank you again for the honor to speak to with you this morning.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021AndresRamirezChair Gonzalez, Chair Durazo and members of the respective committees, Andres Ramirez on behalf of the Transbay Joint Powers Authority which oversees the operations of the multimodal Salesforce Transit Center in downtown San Francisco
here to voice support for the California High-Speed Rail Authority's 2020 Draft Business Plan. The TJPA commends and strongly supports the environmental clearance and completion of the Central Valley portion of the project. Additionally, the draft plan sets forth a path to electrification as soon as possible while continuing to advance the entire high-speed rail system from San Francisco to the Los Angeles Basin. As such, we remain committed to supporting the vital Central Valley segment, but are also enthusiastic about the emphasis on advancing construction on the bookend projects in the Bay Area and Los Angeles Basin, of which the Transit Center would be the northern terminus. Thank you very much.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021DavidSchonbrunnUh, good morning. I'm David Schonbrunn with the trans, Train Riders Association of California. We're rail advocates. We do not see a business in the so-called Business
Plan. The Authority has spent seven billion dollars and not improved rail service one iota so far. We could have specified projects for that amount that would dramatically increase trail ridership. We are confident that investing in the
LOS-SAN Corridor between San Diego and, say, Ventura or so, would make it faster
than driving on I-5 and that would be far more productive than the Central Valley line. We believe the question the senate should be asking is what level funding can realistically be expected from the federal government. Without 18 billion dollars
this project can't connect to the Bay Area. We can't imagine California being given
funds on that scale. Without that level of contribution, we don't see any feasibility of this project ever going beyond the Valley. We think that this project was designed to be far too expensive to be built. For that reason, we suggest you listen to the LAO and severely (audio cuts out) the track and systems contract. Thank you. (comment cut short due to time)
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021RolandLebrunGood morning, Senators. My, my name is Roland Lebron. I was born in Europe and moved to San Jose 35 years ago. The most effective way to achieve greenhouse gas reduction is to transition passenger rail and freight off fossil fuels starting with densely populated urban areas. Every high-speed rail country in the world started with rail electrification over half a century before building their first high-speed
line. As an example, the French high-speed rail network consists of over ten thousand miles of electrified track served by high-speed trains, only fifteen hundred miles of dedicated high-speed lines, most of which bypass it is entirely. Please stop the High-Speed Rail Authority from putting the high-speed railcar off before the electrification horse. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021KeithDunnYeah, hi Madam Chair. This is Keith Dunn on behalf of the District Council of Ironworkers and also today for Joe Cruz with the Laborers, who got pulled into
another meeting. We'd just like to continue to state our support for investing in the Central Valley. I'll point out to the panelists that the Central Valley does have some of the most congested areas as far as traffic in the state of California. This investment will help ease that congestion improving not only our environment, but
also quality of lives for millions of people who live in the Central Valley. This investment has been a lifeline to both the iron workers and the laborers, providing jobs. We’d like to support President Biden “Build Back Better”. We believe that this high-speed rail project is the perfect opportunity to provide a baseline for high-speed rail in the United States and we continue to support the investment in the Central Valley. Thank you very much.
3/17/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021BrianYanityGood morning, uh, my name is Brian Yanity. I am the Vice President South of the Rail Passengers Association of California and Nevada or RailPAC. Uh, we're an all-volunteer organization, um, it's been around since 1978, and we've been supporting high-speed rail in California since 1978 and I would like to encourage the legislature to adopt the California High-Speed Rail Authority's Business Plan and we strongly support the allocation of the 4.1 billion dollars of remaining Prop 1A funds to go to the Central Valley and the electrified operating segment, and as a Southern Californian, I live within walking distance of a major Metrolink station at LOS-SAN Station, and that's Fullerton. Um, and, but I strongly support the effort in the Central Valley. I don't want one penny of funding for the Central Valley Segment to be diverted to the Southern California rail project. (thank you) Um, we already have 31 billion in committed funding in Southern
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021EdEvansGood morning Madam Chairwoman and Senators. My name is Ed Evans of Carpenters Local 217 representing San Mateo County, and our membership stands in strong support of the high-speed rail project. Thank you and good morning.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021RobertPhippsThank you, madam chair, this is Robert Phipps, Deputy Director with Fresno Council of Governments. We strongly support the High-Speed Rail Authority’s Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan. As you know, an independent peer review has confirmed that the Merced Fresno Bakersfield corridor and improvements in supporting the Altamont Corridor Express and San Joaquin Rail and Bus services attains the highest forecast gain in ridership and does so at the lowest increase in cost. The Fresno COG also strongly supports the Revised 2020 Business Plan recommendation that the 4.1 billion in remaining Prop 1A funds be directed to complete delivery of the 119 mile electrified Central Valley Segment and that the remaining 100 million in bond funds be used for early design and completing environmental review on the San Francisco to Los Angeles Phase 1 segments. It is imperative that we move forward and complete the interim operating segment as many valley communities are under construction with existing high-speed rail work efforts. Delivering a state-of-the-art passenger transportation system will have a lasting and positive economic impact to the San Joaquin Valley and benefit all of California. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021TimothyReyffHello? Can you hear me? Timothy Reyff, Field Rep, Carpenters Local 22 in San Francisco. We fully support the building of high-speed rail in the state of California. Thank you very much.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021MichaelBehenGood morning madam chair, committee members, my name is Mike Behen, I’m the Deputy City Manager for the City of Palmdale. The City of Palmdale supports high-speed rail, and we support the draft updated business plan. We appreciate the strong partnership with the Authority. We believe that it’s important to complete the 119 miles of electrified rail infrastructure currently under construction and to continue electrification throughout the entire system, to complete the environmental work and finalize the RODs for the remaining segments, to allow the release of the requested bonds, and at the right time extend high-speed rail to Palmdale. We are standing ready. I will close with, the Authority has found its footing and is making great progress. Please stay committed to the project, and as Senator Min said, don’t give up. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021JaimeBricenoGood morning madam chair and Senators, my name is Jaime Briceno with the Cement Masons in Southern California Local 600, and alongside the State Building Construction Trades Council in strong support of the high-speed rail project. Thank you very much for this morning’s meeting.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021EugeneMorrisGood morning madam chair and senators, my name is Eugene Morris with the Carpenters Local 152 in Merced. I’m calling in strong support of the high-speed rail Revised Draft 2020 Business Plan. Thank you for your time and have a good day.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021RickSolisHello, my name is Rick Solis, I’m a representative with Carpenters Local 405 in San Jose, representing Santa Clara and San Benito Counties, and I would like to express our continued support for the high-speed rail project. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021KenHuntGood morning madam chair and senators, my name is Ken Hunt. I’m with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 12. This project generates hundreds of middle-class jobs for our members, helping to stabilize the state and local economies. Local 12 stands with the State Building Construction Trades Council in strong support of the high-speed rail, and we urge the Senate Transportation Committee along with the Senate Budget Committee to support this project. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021AugieBeltranGood morning madam chair and legislators. My name is Augie Beltran with the Northern California Carpenters Regional Council and we stand in strong support of high-speed rail and the Authority’s business plan. High-speed rail has provided hundreds of jobs for our members in the Central Valley, put plenty of people into apprenticeship programs and kept members from driving over into the Bay Area. So, we thank you and we're in strong support. Thanks.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021MikeLeonardoGood morning committee members. I'm Mike Leonardo, Executive Director for the
Fresno County Transportation Authority and part of the Fresno Works Coalition.
We're supportive of the business plan proposal to complete the Merced to Bakersfield high-speed rail operating segment. I am concerned about the single-track proposal and hope that as additional funds are identified the double-track system can be fully restored. However, this concern does not diminish my support for the 2020 Business Plan, and I recommend that it be approved. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021PaulKatchadourianHi, my name is Paul Katchadourian. I'm the owner of Katch Environmental
in Fresno. We're part of the high-speed rail, one of the subcontractors, and prior to the high-speed rail, my company had six employees and since then we've grown to 38 employees and utilizing the targeted employees search, we've been able to hire 85 percent of our labor force from people coming off public assistance and those new employees have done very well for themselves. They've gotten themselves off public help and they have now full-time jobs with benefits and some of them become homeowners. The high-speed rail has been able to help them out and also seed my company. We currently are still working on it, but it has allowed us to grow and now we're currently able to, uh, work on other projects that we wouldn't be able to prior to the high-speed rail such as building police stations and fire stations. So, the high-speed rail has not only helped Fresno, helped my company grow, helped our employees, but it's helping the future of our company and its employees to move on to other things including the high-speed rail. So, we're very grateful for the opportunity. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021AngieMonettiGood morning madam chair and members. Angie Monetti here on behalf of Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer, representing the fifth largest city in the state. We're in strong support of the Authority’s Draft 2020 Business Plan, Revised 2020 Business Plan. Many investments have already been made in our city and in the Central Valley and we have a strong interest to see those coming to completion. There are many steps to get to the finished project and this revised business plan is a big part of that. It will help attract more investments for statewide connectivity and numerous economic benefits for years to come. We urge the state to continue funding this project through the remaining Prop 1A bond funds for the Central Valley Segment and early design and environmental review for the San Francisco and LA Phase 1 segment. We believe this will help reach our goals and give it its best chance at success and finish what we started. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021SteveRobertsMy name is Steve Roberts and I'm President of Rail PAC, the Rail Passenger Association of California and Nevada. Rail PAC is an all-volunteer statewide organization founded in 1978 and is a strong advocate for expanded and comprehensive public transportation network. I wanted to emphasize our members’ strong support for the Revised 2020 California High-Speed Rail Business Plan. The Rail PAC also recommends the appropriation of remaining Proposition 1A funds to reduce risk and provide a secure financial foundation for the completion of the core 119-mile Central Valley Segment. Rail PAC feels a continued focus on completing the rail line Merced to Bakersfield on initiating the interim central valley operating plan as the best strategy forward. It facilitates an improved and expanded ACE San Joaquin network reaching all of California while laying the foundation and positioning California's high-speed rail project as the strongest candidate for additional federal funds. Thank you.
3/16/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021ChuckRiojasYeah, thank you very much. This is Chuck Riojas representing the Building Trades
in the Central Valley, Fresno, Madera, Tulare and Kings. I'm calling to support the business plan as is. Please allow us to finish the work that we started a few years ago. We have since had over 4,000 dispatches, over 200 apprentices on site. This, that it doesn't need to be said, that this particular project is a game changer for the Central Valley, especially for the past year with the COVID restrictions. So, I would call with, uh, strong support from every member that I represent in the Central Valley for the, uh, business plan as is. Thank you.
3/17/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021JimHartnettThank you very much chairs and committee members. It's a pleasure to appear before a joint committee again in our regular reports. It's a pleasure, uh, to be here for a number of reasons, uh, as you know I represent the Caltrain line, which runs from San Francisco to San Jose, uh, on right-of-way that we own. And we also operate on UP line from San Jose to Gilroy. Um our line is a very old line, uh it started out when Abraham Lincoln was in office, and being an old line it comes with tremendous challenges. But what is really important about it is it runs through one of the most important economic regions in the world and its importance has only increased over time. We purchased the line in the 1990s from San Francisco to San Jose, and on that line we have been running an old diesel fleet. Now that old diesel fleet has served as well because we have, over time, built our service up to being the seventh largest commuter rail service in the country and one of the most efficiently run. But its time has come and gone, and it is now time for the future for the Caltrain line, and due to the partnership with the state and high-speed rail and with the federal government and being the northern bookend for high-speed rail, we are now in a new era. We are in the midst of our electrification project. We are building the infrastructure, putting in the power systems, putting in signal systems and we are having our electric vehicles manufactured such that we will be up and running in an electrified service in a blended service with high-speed rail when it comes our way.

This would not have been possible without the investment of the high-speed rail funds into our system and other funds, but high-speed rail is a tremendous partner for us. Senator Dodd talked about high-speed rail being for the next generation being built for the next generation. Well, I hope it's still for my generation. I'm looking forward to seeing it, but I will tell you that the investment in the bookend in
Northern California is clearly an investment for this generation. It will provide cleaner service, more frequent service [and] reliable service through the heart of Silicon Valley, one of the most important regions in the world.

We support our partnership with high-speed rail. We are gratified to have it. We work regularly with them and we support the approach of high-speed rail in the Central Valley as well. While the bookends always will want more investment and we will always want more investment as part of that, the Central Valley is an important part of high-speed rail [it’s] the spine of it. And without that spine there is no system. And so, while there are difficulties to overcome, we think it is the right thing to do while the investments have continued, uh in the in the bookends and particularly in Northern California. We have submitted written materials for your reference as well, a brief PowerPoint. But we just wanted to uh give you a brief uh highlight of where we are right in the midst of our electrification and in our partnership with high-speed rail. So, thank you very much for the opportunity to briefly address you today.
3/17/2021Legislative Hearing – 3/16/2021StaceyMortensenThank you both esteemed chairs and members of the committee. I can appreciate the mental gymnastics
you have to go through to keep this all in perspective. Throughout this last difficult year, our Valley Rail program has been moving along and it's been keeping our spirits high as we embark on new improvements and rail connections in Northern California.

For orientation, Valley Rail are the green and purple lines you see sort of in the central part of California, there. Those lines come out of Merced, which we've been talking about, and they branch off into Oakland, San Jose and then the Natomas area near the Sacramento airport.

We're also in charge of the Thruway bus program for California which you see in those dashed green lines that go to the far reaches of the state, and also allow us to connect with our partners, the Pacific
Surfliners, in Southern California. But, I think more importantly as a passenger our network connects
people to many different services to Caltrain, VTA, BART, Capital Corridor, the future Valley Link service
and the Sacramento Airport. And the San Joaquins, while they currently operate out of Bakersfield, both ACE and the San Joaquin will operate in the future out of Merced as they meet the terminus of the high-speed rail program.

And a recent big, big boost to our program is called the Stockton Diamond Grade Separation. I'll just sort
of point you to where it is on the map, where all of the green and purple converge there in Stockton. We have something similar to Colton crossing, down in Southern California. [It’s a] big, big bottleneck, terrible problem for freight congestion, community obstructions, etc. But when you look at it from the plan view that you see here, you know, seemingly it looks like no man's land. But it really is one of the biggest
issues that the city of Stockton has been facing.

This gives you a scenario of Union Pacific, in the middle there going up and over the Burlington Northern
Santa Fe. And while in this view, from this perspective, you can see how, not only was it choking out all trains running at that crossing, it certainly will be blocking all [the] city of Stockton downtown intersections and intersects with the major, two major highways. So, this project for us is very exciting. We got a federal build grant recently, one of the only rail grants like that in the country and then it boosted an additional hundred million dollars in state funding. So, this project is really building some momentum and we've had a lot of support, even statewide.

Since ACE and San Joaquins both operate on the freight lines, the cooperation of Burlington Northern
Santa Fe and Union Pacific are critical. And over the last two decades, we've developed good relationships with them. So that now we're at a point when we're getting ready to undertake this
very massive expansion program for us. They've worked with us on a series of phased improvements to
let us start service which is, can be unusual. A lot of times the freight railroads want all of the
improvements up front before any service can start. And so, I think even as high-speed rail is looking at a phased approach, we are thankful we can look at a phased approach and get some service to the passengers sooner. So, we're looking at about four waves of service, all of them happening really in the time frame of 2023 to 2026. And then each section that I’m going to talk about, it generally includes new double track sections sightings where they're single track bridge widenings along with stations and layover facilities.

I'm going to start with Wave 2 only because I'd like to start in the north. Really Waves 1 and 2 that I’ll talk about are going to go simultaneously. But this route is focused from Sacramento down to Stockton. The purple and green line that you see, with uh it's kind of a magenta and green, that is going to be the new rail route of the future. This is a route that will allow us to add many more train frequencies. This is a Union Pacific segment they've offered that we could negotiate with them to go up to 110 miles an hour but given the spacing probably 90 to 95 is more likely, but that's faster than we run today. And then these, this alignment gives us better service to the Sacramento Airport which we would not have on the former line and it also allows us to work with Butte County for potential expansions up to Yuba City and Marysville, which the current line does not do, so from a future standpoint this rail line, while it's not used now, will open up service to a lot more parts of the state and more connections to be made. Our Wave 2, this in yellow, you see the ACE existing service, at the Lathrop area we branch off and go south. So, our Wave 1 of construction is the dotted green line that takes us down to Ceres, [and] that's about 25 mile extension. And then our Wave 3 is the purple section, from Ceres down to Merced. You can see that that's longer it's got river crossings, so that is going to be a little bit of a bigger lift. But it gets us to our initial service to Merced. And the primary stations. Our Phase 4 which will be after 2026 will uh build in all of the planned stations which is 14 and the infrastructure to have six trains down to Merced.

So you see the little uh intersection, down the bottom of the slide, Merced looks very simple um but of course it isn't. As you've heard earlier there's a lot of complications when you build rail. When uh the BNSF, which is where the San Joaquins run and the UP which is where ACE will run, when those two
lines come down to Merced they are not at the same location. So, you see in the slide here, it's called out where the Merced station will be for high-speed rail on the UP line. There is a gap from the BNSF where we need to close the gap for the San Joaquins and it's about four thousand feet. So this is this is one of our big lifts, right here, how to figure out making this connection. It's a little too soon to give a final cost estimate and figure out, you know, how well-funded we are and what our gap is, because we need to know if high-speed rail will come in at grade, elevated or in a trench.

And so, as Brian was talking about doing this additional work to get to the end points, that helps us a lot figure out what our final phase of the project will be to make this really important connection. So back, just in summary, we have, um, 1.3 billion dollars in hand to date and we estimate we need about 1.8 but
like I said we're still working with that number. So that is a lot to just get rolling with. We do have six new locomotives and 21 rail cars on order. So we're ready for that expansion in 2023. The Stockton Diamond, which really, I love this project, I like to build things, and so this one's going to be terrific. The NEPA will be concluded this fall and the final engineering will start early next year. And then our construction Waves 1 and 2 will be beginning in early 2022. So, for a lady that likes to build stuff, a lot of things will be in action a little less than a year from now. So, we're excited about all that's going on in our neighborhood. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have about our program or the coordinated work that we're doing with Brian and his folks at high-speed rail. And thank you for the time.
3/9/2021EmailAprilChanView complete letter.
3/10/2021EmailMikeLeonardoView complete letter.