
News Releases

February 9, 2024

NEWS RELEASE: High-Speed Rail Authority Issues Draft 2024 Business Plan for Public Review and Comment

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Today, the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) issued its draft 2024 Business Plan for public review and comment. The draft 2024 Business Plan reaffirms the Authority’s goal of advancing a clean, electrified high-speed rail in California and expands on what the recently awarded $3.1 billion in federal funding will provide for the project.

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January 18, 2024

NEWS RELEASE: California High-Speed Rail Sparks Billions in Economic Benefit

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – New data released today by the California High-Speed Rail Authority shows investments in this first-in-the-nation project are continuing to provide billions in economic benefit to the state. The Authority’s 2023 Economic Impact Analysis Report shows the California high-speed rail project continues to be a proven job creator that bolsters the local economy, particularly disadvantaged communities.

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January 5, 2024

NEWS RELEASE: High-Speed Rail Authority Releases Shortlist of Potential Suppliers for Electrified High-Speed Trains in California

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – On the heels of the nearly $3.1 billion historic federal investment for California’s high-speed rail project, which includes funding for new electric trains, the California High-Speed Rail Authority today released its shortlist of qualified bidders for its high-speed trainsets. The identification of the shortlisted teams is an important step toward the release of the Request for Proposals and procurement of state-of-the-art electrified high-speed trainsets capable of operating at speeds up to 220 mph.

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December 29, 2023

PHOTO RELEASE: High-Speed Rail Authority Recognizes 11th Cohort to Complete Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program

SELMA, Calif. – The California High-Speed Rail Authority is ending the year by recognizing 25 students who have completed the Central Valley Training Center’s 12-week, pre-apprenticeship program located in the city of Selma. This is the second largest cohort to graduate from the program, with a total of 176 students completing the program to date.

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December 27, 2023

VIDEO RELEASE: Making a List: 2023’s Top 10 Moments for California High-Speed Rail

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Narrowing down top moments for California high-speed rail is tough in 2023, a year of momentous progress for the nation’s first 220 mph, clean, electrified train system. Today’s video release by the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) makes the hard choices for you, featuring 10 milestones from an incredibly busy year of progress.

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Speakers Bureau

The California High-Speed Rail Authority Speakers Bureau is managed by the Communications Office and provides informational presentations on the High-Speed Rail Program.

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