Glossary & Acronyms

The California High-Speed Rail program has definitions of language specific to the California High-Speed Rail program, as presented below. Questions regarding terminology may be addressed to Office of Communications.

Acronyms (A-D)

  • AA – Alternatives Analysis
  • AB – Assembly Bill
  • ACE – Altamont Corridor Express
  • Acela Express – Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor higher-speed rail
  • AP – Associated Press
  • APN – Assessor’s Parcel Number
  • APTA – American Public Transportation Association
  • ARRA – American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Federal)
  • ARTIC – Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center
  • ATC – Alternative Technical Concept
  • Authority – California High-Speed Rail Authority
  • BAC – Business Advisory Council
  • BART – Bay Area Rapid Transit
  • BCA – Benefit-Cost Analysis
  • BNSF – BNFS is the name of this company (no longer an acronym)
  • CalSTA – California State Transportation Agency
  • CBA – Community Benefits Agreement
  • CALTRANS – California Department of Transportation
  • CARB – California Air Resources Board
  • CEO – Chief Executive Officer
  • CEQA – California Environmental Quality Act
  • CFR – Code of Federal Regulations
  • CO2 – Carbon Dioxide
  • COG – Council of Governments
  • CP – Construction Package
  • CP 1 – Construction Package 1
  • CP 2-3 – Construction Package 2-3
  • CP 4 – Construction Package 4
  • CPUC – California Public Utilities Commission
  • CWG – Community Working Group
  • dB – Decibel (s)
  • DB – Design-Build
  • DBE – Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
  • DOF – Department of Finance
  • DOT IG – Department of Transportation Inspector General
  • DVBE – Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise
  • DEIR – Draft Environmental Impact Report
  • DEIS – Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Acronyms (E-N)

  • EEDS – Early Earthquake Detection System
  • EIR – Environmental Impact Report
  • EIS – Environmental Impact Statement
  • EJ – Environmental Justice
  • F&A Committee – Finance & Audit Committee
  • FCS – First Construction Segment
  • FHWA – Federal Highway Administration
  • FTA – Federal Transit Administration
  • FY – Fiscal Year
  • GAO – Government Accountability Office
  • GDP – Gross Domestic Product
  • GHG – Greenhouse Gases
  • GGRF – Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
  • HMF – Heavy Maintenance Facility
  • HR – Human Resources
  • IOS – Initial Operating Section
  • LAX – Los Angeles International Airport
  • LEP – Limited English Proficiency
  • LGA – Locally Generated Alternative
  • LMF – Light Maintenance Facility
  • MAP-21 – Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century
  • MB – Micro-Business
  • MMTCO2e – Metric Tons Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
  • MOM – Month Over Month
  • MOU – Memorandum of Understanding
  • NEC – Northeast Corridor
  • NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act
  • NOD – Notice of Decision

Acronyms (O-Y)

  • O&M – Operations and Maintenance
  • OCC – Operations Control Center
  • P3 – Public-Private Partnerships
  • PCM – Project and Construction Management
  • PMT – Program Management Team (discontinued term)
  • PPA – Preliminary Preferred Alternative
  • PRA – Public Records Act
  • PRG – Peer Review Group
  • PTC – Positive Train Control
  • PTE – Permit to Enter
  • PMT – Project Management Team
  • RDP – Rail Delivery Partner
  • REOI – Request for Expressions of Interest
  • RFI – Request for Information
  • RFP – Request for Proposals
  • RFQ – Request for Qualification or Request for Quotation
  • RMP – Risk Managment Plan
  • ROD – Record of Decision
  • ROW – Right-of-Way
  • RTAP – Ridership Technical Advisory Panel
  • SAA – Supplemental Alternatives Analysis
  • SB – Senate Bill
  • SBA – Small Business Administration
  • SCRIP – Sourthern California Regional Interconnection Project
  • SFO – San Fransisco International Airport
  • SHPO – State Historic Preservation Office
  • SPWB – State Public Works Board
  • STB – Surface Transportation Board
  • TOD – Transit-Oriented Development
  • TPZP – Tutor Perini/Zachry Parsons
  • TWG – Technical Working Group
  • UIC – International Union of Railways
  • USDOT – U.S. Department of Transportation
  • USACE – United States Army Corps of Engineers
  • USEPA – United Stated Environmental Protection Agency
  • UPRR – Union Pacific Railroad
  • VERA – Voluntary Emissions Reduction Agreement
  • VMT – Vehicle Miles Traveled
  • YOE – Year-of-Expenditure
  • YOY – Year-Over-Year



Alignment refers to the route the high-speed rail system will run through a particular area. An alignment is not considered final until a Record of Decision has been selected for a project section as part of the environmental review process.


Bookend Projects

Bookend Projects refers to projects in the Bay Area and the Los Angeles area that were allocated funding by Senate Bill 1029 as part of the high-speed rail system. These projects will be located at the ‘ends’ of the line for the Phase 1 system, and they will be funded through a mix of federal, state (Proposition 1A) and local funds. There are two items that are considered Bookend Projects.

  1. Caltrain Modernization Program
  2. Southern California Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) *Southern California MOU projects will be selected by local transit agencies, in conjunction with the Authority.

Business Advisory Council

The mission of the Business Advisory Council (BAC) is to cultivate a partnership between the Authority and its Small Business and contracting community. The BAC will serve as a forum to provide essential input and advisement to the Authority in implementing its policies and practices that affect and/or impact Small Business utilization and participation in all of the Authority’s contracting programs. The collaboration and insight will serve to advance the Authority’s success in meeting its 30% Small Business Goal on this historic infrastructure project.

Business Plan

The Public Utilities Code 185033 requires the Authority to prepare, publish, adopt and submit a business plan to the California Legislature every two years. The business plan is an over- arching policy document used to inform the Legislature, the public and stakeholders of the project’s implementation, and assist the Legislature in making policy decisions regarding the project. The business plan must include the following items:

  • The type of service that is anticipated to be developed;
  • A description of system benefits;
  • Project milestones;
  • Forecasts of ridership levels, operation and maintenance costs and capital costs; and,
  • Estimate of anticipated funding sources.


California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA)

CalSTA is a cabinet-level agency focused solely on addressing the state’s transportation issues. The Authority is located within CalSTA.

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Legislation enacted in 1970 to protect the quality of the environment for the people of California by requiring public agencies and decision-makers to document and consider the environmental consequences of their actions. CEQA is the state equivalent of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

California Public Records Act

The California Constitution and the California Public Records Act (CPRA) (Government Code §6250 et. seq.) stipulate that members of the public have a right to inspect records maintained by state government, including the California High-Speed Rail Authority. Under the CPRA, the public has the right to inspect or obtain a copy of any public record, except those records that are legally exempt from public disclosure (Gov. Code § 6253).


The Cap-and-Trade Program is a key element of California’s climate plan in which the state sets a limit, or cap, on statewide sources that are responsible for 85 percent of California’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Cap-andTrade is a market-based policy in which the state sets a cap on emissions and then creates a financial market in which companies can purchase or trade permits or “allowances” to emit those gases. The program establishes a price signal needed to drive long-term investment in cleaner fuels and more efficient use of energy, spurring technological innovation and investments in clean energy. The California Air Resources Control Board (ARB) administers the program and the proceeds generated through the Cap-and-Trade. In 2014, with the passage of Senate Bill 862, the Legislature approved an annual appropriation of 25 percent of the annual Cap-and-Trade proceeds on a continuous basis to fund high-speed rail, beginning in FY15/16.

Central Valley Wye

The Central Valley Wye serves as the backbone of the High-Speed Rail system connecting the San Francisco Bay Area to Southern California. The Merced to Fresno project section, where the Central Valley Wye is located, generally parallels State Route 99 through the northern stretch of the San Joaquin Valley from the city of Merced to the city of Fresno. The Central Valley Wye is located near the City of Chowchilla and will serve as the junction for the high-speed rail system connecting San Jose to Fresno, San Jose to Merced, and Merced to Fresno.

Civil Works

Civil works generally refers to the portions of the high-speed rail system that are not directly related to rail operations i.e., bridges, viaducts, grade separations, roads, etc. Civil work represents the majority of the work taking place within the program today in the Central Valley.

Community Benefits Agreement (CBA)

The Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) is designed to assist small businesses and job seekers in finding or obtaining construction contracts, jobs and training opportunities for residents who live in economically disadvantaged areas. The CBA supports employment of individuals who reside in disadvantaged areas and those designated as Disadvantaged Workers, including veterans. It also helps remove potential barriers to Small Businesses to participate on the program. The CBA is a cooperative partnership and commitment between the Authority, skilled craft unions and contractors. All construction contracts have a CBA. CBA is a cooperative partnership and commitment between the Authority, skilled craft unions and contractors. It is based on the Community Benefit Policy (Policy), which promotes employment and business opportunities during the construction of the high-speed rail project. The Policy was approved by the Authority’s Board of Directors and signed by the Authority’s Chief Executive Officer in December 2012.

Connectivity Projects

Connectivity projects refer to rail systems throughout the state that will be upgraded to enable them to connect with the high-speed rail system. These projects were allocated funding by Senate Bill 1029. They will be funded through a mix of federal, state (Proposition 1A) and local funds. These funds will strengthen and improve existing rail networks, while also connecting them with California’s future high-speed rail system. Senate Bill (SB) 1029, passed by the California Legislature and signed by Governor Brown in July 2012, invests almost $2 billion from the Safe, Reliable, High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century (Proposition 1A) into transit, commuter, and intercity rail projects across the state. This funding leverages approximately $5 billion in additional funding for these projects.

  • SF Muni – Central Subway
  • Caltrans – Capitol Corridor (Amtrak), Oakland to San Jose
  • Caltrain – Advanced Signaling System (Positive Train Control)
  • Caltrans – San Joaquin Corridor (Amtrak), Merced to Le Grand
  • Sacramento Regional Transit (RT) – Sacramento Intermodal Facility Improvements
  • Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA) – Caltrain Advanced Signaling System (Positive Train Control)
  • Southern California Memorandum of Understanding
  • Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (METRO) – Regional Rail Connector
  • Southern California Regional Rail Authority (METROLINK) – New or Improved Locomotives/Cars
  • San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (Trolley) – Blue Line Light Rail Improvements
  • San Diego North County Transit District (Coaster) – Advanced Signalizing System (Positive Train Control)

Construction Package 1 (CP 1)

Construction Package 1 (CP 1) is an approximately 32-mile stretch of the project between Avenue 19 in Madera to East American Avenue in Fresno. Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons (TPZP), a Joint Venture, is the design-build contractor for Construction Package 1 and Wong+Harris is the Project and Construction Manager (PCM).

Construction Package 2-3 (CP 2-3)

Construction Package 2-3 (CP 2-3) is an approximate 65-mile stretch of the project, which runs from East American Avenue in Fresno (the terminus of CP 1) to one mile north of the Kern/Tulare County line. Dragados-Flatiron (DF), a Joint Venture is the design-build contractor and Arcadis, Inc. is the Program and Construction Manager.

Construction Package 4 (CP 4)

Construction Package 4 (CP 4) is approximately 22 miles from the terminus of CP 2-3 to Poplar Avenue north of Bakersfield. California Rail Builders is the design-build contractor and HNTB is the Project and Construction Manager. California Rail Builders is a special purpose entity of Ferrovial Agroman US Corp and Euroestudios.


Design-Build Contract

The design-build method provides authorization to procure contracts. Under this method, the contract is awarded to the firm that provides the ‘best value’ based on multiple factors in addition to the technical and price proposal. The advantage of using design-build method is that the best innovation is realized because the contractor knows the industry the best as this is their specialty. This method also reduces the potential of change-orders and cost and time overruns. The three construction packages currently underway are de-signbuild contracts.

Disadvantaged Worker

A Disadvantaged Worker is a federal designation, based on the National Targeted Hiring Initiative, for an individual who, prior to commencing work on the high-speed rail project, meets the income requirements of a Targeted Worker and faces at least one of the following barriers to employment:

  • Being a veteran;
  • Being a custodial single parent;
  • Receiving public assistance;
  • Lacking a GED or high school diploma;
  • Having a criminal record or other involvement with the criminal justice system;
  • Suffering from chronic unemployment;
  • Emancipated from the foster care system;
  • Being homeless; or
  • Being an apprentice with less than 15 percent of the required graduating apprenticeship hours in a program. SEE ALSO Community Benefits Agreement


Early Earthquake Detection System (EEDS)

An Early Earthquake Detection System (EEDS) is a system that helps detect the initial waves from a seismic event to halt high-speed rail systems immediately. EEDS has been implemented on several high-speed rail systems around the world and will be in place on California’s high-speed rail system.

Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

Documentation of the detailed analysis of a project’s potential significant effects upon the natural, cultural, and community resources, measures to mitigate significant adverse impacts to a less-than-significant level, and reasonable alternatives to avoid significant effects. The EIR is prepared as part of the CEQA environmental review process that is intended to disclose the potential consequences of a proposed project to the public and provide decision-makers with analytical information and public reactions in advance of a final decision on a proposed project.

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Documentation required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for certain actions “significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.” An EIS is a decision-making tool that presents detailed analysis of a proposed action and alternatives to the proposed action. The EIS presents the projects potential effects—both beneficial and adverse—and any mitigation measures to reduce adverse effects.

Environmental Justice

Identifying and addressing the potential for disproportionately high and adverse effects of programs, policies and activities on minority and low income populations. SEE ALSO Title VI



The temporary wooden forms used to support spanning or arched structures, holding a section in place until its construction is advanced enough to support itself. For example, falsework would be constructed in a particular shape in preparation for pouring concrete.

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation that administers financial assistance and grant programs and regulates the operation and safety of freight and passenger rail throughout the United States. FRA is the federal lead agency under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the high-speed rail program.

Finance and Audit Committee

The Finance and Audit Committee is a subcommittee of the Board of Directors. Its meetings are generally held prior to Board of Director meetings once a month. Materials from the meetings are available on the website. There is no live streaming or official transcripts for these meetings, but they are open to the public.

First Construction Section (FCS)

The first construction section refers to construction within the Central Valley comprised of the first three design-build construction packages.



The steel or concrete support beam that provides structural support for other elements, such as a bridge deck.

Grade Crossings

A grade crossing is where a roadway meets the rail line. It is one of the most frequent spots for accidents between cars, pedestrians and trains.

Grade Separations

A grade separation is when a roadway is re-aligned over or under the rail way, eliminating potential hazards. Our goal is to ensure that high-speed rail is eventually 100 percent grade-separated.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF)

The proceeds generated by the Cap-and-Trade Program are deposited into the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. The proceeds generated by the Cap-and-Trade Program are deposited into the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.


Heavy Maintenance Facility (HMF)

A maintenance facility that typically supports delivery, testing and commissioning of high-speed rail trains, plus train storage, inspection, maintenance, retrofitting and overhaul on a completed segment of a high-speed rail system.

High-Speed Rail Trains

The term for the trainsets used to operate high-speed rail in California.



#IWillRide is a hashtag our supporters use to show their support of the program on social media and at events.

Initial Operating Section (IOS)

The 2012 Business Plan used Initial Operating Section (IOS) as a reference to the 300-mile section of the project between Merced and the San Fernando Valley. The 2012 and 2014 Business Plans identified that section as the first section for operating high-speed passenger rail service of the Phase 1 System. The 2016 Business Plan modified this and identified the section between San Jose and north of Bakersfield as the initial line for passenger rail service known as the Silicon to Central Valley Line. SEE ALSO Silicon Valley to Central Valley Line

Intrusion Barrier

At some locations along the high-speed rail alignment, high-speed rail trains will operate adjacent to, in close proximity, or within a right-of-way with other transportation systems including passenger railroads, freight railroads or highways/roadways. Intrusion barriers are designed to prevent other rail vehicles, automobiles or pedestrians from inadvertently intruding into the high-speed rail system.


Light Maintenance Facility (LMF)

A facility for the minor maintenance and inspection of high-speed trains along with storage and cleaning.

Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

A term that refers to a person who is not fluent in the English language, often because it is not their native language, and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English. Federal laws particularly applicable to language access include Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), Title VI implementing regulations, and Executive Order 13166 which pertain to requirements that LEP persons have meaningful access to information about services and programs and are provided with language assistance and services. SEE ALSO Title VI


Maintenance of Infrastructure Facility

A location for the delivery of all activities associated with the maintenance, inspection, provisioning, cleanup, repair, or replacement of high-speed rail infrastructure assets such as track, train control, electrification, stations, communications and structures.

Maintenance of Way Facility

A location used for the transient storage of rail mounted infrastructure plant and machinery and other maintenance equipment; not normally a permanently staffed location.


Action or measure undertaken to minimize, reduce, eliminate, or rectify the adverse impacts of a project, practice, action, or activity. SEE ALSO National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)


Mode-Shift refers to the change in transportation modes, (i.e., people stop taking cars for a certain trip example Los Angeles to the Bay area – and use high-speed rail instead.) The high-speed rail program in California will result in a mode shift as more people opt to take the train instead of planes or cars for travel.


National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Federal legislation that establishes national policies and goals for the protection of the environment and requires federal agencies to consider the environmental impacts of major federal projects or decisions, to share information with the public, to identify and assess reasonable alternatives, to identify appropriate measures to mitigate potential impacts, and to coordinate efforts with other planning and environmental reviews taking place.


Operations Control Center (OCC)

A facility for the real time management and monitoring of high-speed rail operations providing central supervision over train and power dispatch, incident management and response, passenger information; serves as the hub for safety and security functions, collects and records data and controls access across the high-speed network.


Permit to Enter (PTE)

Experts are sent into the field to collect information and conduct the necessary studies as part of the highspeed rail program. To gain access to privately-held properties, we issue a Permit to Enter (PTE) form is issued requesting access to the property. Once the PTE form is signed and returned, the Authority or its representatives contact the property owner to arrange access. The permit to enter refers to the form that the property owner has signed permitting access. It does not refer to the letter or any other accompanying materials.

Phase 1

Phase 1 refers to the 520 mile San Francisco/Merced to Los Angeles/Anaheim section of the program which was approved by California voters in Proposition 1A in 2008. The 2016 Business Plan anticipates high-speed rail service on this line by 2029.

Phase 2

Phase 2 refers to future program extensions from Merced to Sacramento and from Los Angeles to San Diego via the Inland Empire that would complete 800 miles of the high-speed rail system. There is no current projected timeline and funding source identified for these project sections.

Preliminary Preferred Alternative (PPA)

The Authority, along with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), will identify a preliminary preferred alternative in the Draft EIS/EIR and will seek comments on that preliminary preferred alternative — as well as on the other alternatives being evaluated in the Draft EIR/EIS. This approach represents a change in process for the Authority; in the past the preferred alternative after the Draft EIS/EIR was issued and public comments on the Draft EIR/EIS were received, but before issuance of the Final EIR/EIS.

Project Sections

There are ten project sections of the high-speed rail program. See corresponding definitions.

Phase 1

  • San Francisco to San Jose
  • San Jose to Merced
  • Merced to Fresno
  • Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye
  • Fresno to Bakersfield
  • Fresno to Bakersfield: Locally Generated Alternative
  • Bakersfield to Palmdale
  • Palmdale to Burbank
  • Burbank to Los Angeles
  • Los Angeles to Anaheim

Phase 2

  • Merced to Sacramento
  • Los Angeles to San Diego

Positive Train Control (PTC)

Positive Train Control is a state of the art system that monitors speed and regulates the distances between trains and can automatically slow trains down and even prevent collisions. It will be installed on the entire length of the high-speed rail system.

Proposition 1A

Proposition 1A is the proposition passed by California voters in 2008 approving a high-speed rail system connecting the Bay Area to the Los Angeles Basin and authorizing $9.95 billion in funding for high-speed rail and transit connectivity projects.


Quad Gates

Quad Gates are safety measures that will be implemented in blended corridors. They block all lanes of traffic on both sides of track and have a gate delay on the exit side for traffic to move off of the tracks.


The California QuickMap web page presents several types of real-time traffic information layered on a Google Map. The information includes traffic speed, lane and road closures due to construction and maintenance activities, incident reports, Changeable Message Sign (CMS) content, camera snapshots, and active chain control requirements. Traffic speed is indicated by color-coded lines overlaying the roadway. The location of information content for the remaining layers is identified by markers (icon images) on the map. Clicking on a marker displays the information details in an info window pop-up. The Authority’s road closures and construction work are represented on this map.


Rail Delivery Partner (RDP)

The Rail Delivery Partner (RDP) is the main contractor responsible for assisting with the delivery of the highspeed rail program. The RDP is made of a consortium of Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc., and Network Rail Consulting, Inc., and several other firms.


‘Right-of-Way’ refers to the land area the high-speed rail system will need for construction projects and eventual operation.



A facility where passengers can access the high-speed rail system, purchase tickets and make connections to other transportation services.



Senate Bill (SB) 1029

Senate Bill 1029 refers to legislation passed in July 2012 that appropriates $3.3 billion of federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) grant funds and $4.7 billion of Proposition 1A funds to begin the construction of the high-speed rail system. This covers the initial work and construction of the high-speed rail project in the Central Valley, and the connectivity and bookend projects as part of the high-speed rail system. SEE ALSO Bookend Projects and Connectivity Projects



Silicon Valley to Central Valley Line

Refers to the high-speed rail section from San Jose to north of Bakersfield identified in the 2016 Business Plan as being the first line to be developed for passenger service, with service projected to begin in 2025.



Small Business Program

The Authority is committed to small businesses playing a major role in building the statewide high-speed rail project. The Small Business Program has an aggressive 30 percent small business participation goal for contracts awarded by the Authority inclusive of 10 percent for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and 3 percent for Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE).



Station Stop

A station stop is a facility whose function is to provide passenger boarding access and egress from the highspeed rail system and which has fewer (or no) amenities associated with a more fully-developed high-speed rail station.



Surface Transportation Board (STB)

The Surface Transportation Board (STB) is a bipartisan, independent regulatory body within the U.S. Department of Transportation. The STB has jurisdiction over the construction and operation of new rail lines, including California High-Speed Rail.




The term sustainability is often defined as the capacity to endure. The practical application of sustainable thinking recognizes how current decisions affect the capacity of current and future generations to lead healthy and rewarding lives. In developing the high-speed rail system, a comprehensive approach is taken to the sustainable design, construction and operation of the system which is embodied in the Authority’s Sustainability Policy. Our policy framework includes commitments to net-zero greenhouse gas and criteria pollution emissions in construction, net-zero energy facilities and, planning for climate change adaptation. The Authority has developed and will continue to implement sustainability practices that inform and affect the planning, siting, designing, construction, mitigation, operation and maintenance of the high-speed rail system.


Targeted Worker

This is a federal designation for an individual whose primary place of residence is within an Economically Disadvantaged Area or an Extremely Economically Disadvantaged Area in the United States.



Third-Party Agreements

Third-Party agreements refer to the California High-Speed Rail Authority agreements with third parties such as railroads, utilities and other local partners.



Tier 4

A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designation for off-road construction equipment required by the Authority for use on construction sites. Tier 4 refers to the most stringent EPA engine standards for non-road heavy-duty diesel engines. A Tier 4 designation is achieved via different methods such as clean and efficient exhaust systems, electronically controlled engines, and selective catalytic reductions to significantly reduce the levels of harmful pollutants such as particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxide (NOx ). By 2030, the annual benefits throughout the U.S. from using Tier 4 engines are estimated to reduce NOx, PM2.5, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) by 82 percent, 90 percent, and 99.7 percent, respectively



Title VI

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. The rights of women, the elderly and the disabled are protected under related statutes. We are committed to ensuring that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity in the design, construction and operation of the high-speed rail system. Title VI encompasses environmental justice provisions which mean identifying and addressing disproportionately high and adverse effects of the agency’s programs, policies, and activities on minority and low-income populations to achieve an equitable distribution of benefits and burdens. This includes the full and fair participation by all potentially affected communities in the transportation decision-making process and the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures and income with respect to the development, adoption, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws and policies. Title VI also encompasses Limited English Proficiency (LEP) which describes individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English. SEE ALSO Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and Environmental Justice (EJ)



Track and Systems

Those elements which enable the continuous, safe operation of high-speed rail trains and typically includes the track itself, traction power substations, the overhead catenary system (which distributes power to the trains), an automatic train control system and an operations control center.



Train Speed

Because the train will operate at different speeds depending on where it is along the system, and to be consistent with the train speeds specified in Proposition 1A, the speed of the train should be described as follows:



Transit and Land Use Committee

The Transportation and Land Use Committee is a subcommittee of the Board of Directors.




A long, narrow excavation or cut in the ground. On the high-speed rail project, trenches will allow the highspeed rail lines to be built below grade and cross under existing roadways or rail lines.



Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)

Transit-Oriented Development refers to the development of compact, walkable, mixed-use communities centered on multi-modal transportation centers (i.e., high-speed rail, bus, bike, walking, etc.). It is one of the main goals for the high-speed rail station communities.


Value Engineering

Value engineering provides an independent assessment to identify increased efficiencies and reduction in total cost without sacrificing functionality. It is a systematic process to capture additional benefits to the Owner through innovation and value judgments and is done early in project development and in later phases of implementation. It provides for program and design adjustments to fit better with budget realities. For example, replacing viaduct sections with less costly “fill embankments” does not change functionality but does significantly reduce costs.




A long bridge or series of bridges that are connected to one another or structurally supported by arches or platforms between two end towers or abutments.



Voluntary Emissions Reduction Agreement (VERA)

A Voluntary Emissions Agreement (VERA) is an agreement between the California High-Speed Rail Authority and the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District that commits the Authority to offset its construction criteria pollutant emissions and commits the District to source, procure and secure the offsets on behalf of the Authority. This includes replacing aging farm and other equipment, including replacing school bus engines and irrigation pumps.



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For TTY/TTD assistance, call (800) 881-5799 or the California Relay Service at 711.


Communications and Media Relations
(916) 322-1422

Privacy Officer
(916) 324-1541

The California High-Speed Rail Authority makes every effort to ensure the website and its contents meet mandated ADA requirements as per the California State mandated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA standard. If you are looking for a particular document not located on the California High-Speed Rail Authority website, you may make a request for the document under the Public Records Act through the Public Records Act page. If you have any questions about the website or its contents, please contact the Authority at info@