Track & Systems

Industry Awareness Day Event – Upcoming Rail Procurements

For questions that are not answered at the event, the Authority will make its best efforts to respond to them in writing. All written questions regarding the Industry Awareness Day should be submitted by November 22, 2023 to Richard Yost at capitalprocurement@

Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) Information

The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) issued a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) to request Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified entities (Responders) interested and able (currently or in the future) to provide UIC60 rail, manufactured and tested in the United States of America, and in accordance with the European Standard EN 13674-1. Issuing this RFEI does not commence a procurement or obligate the Authority to commence a procurement or award a contract. EOIs received from Responders will not be scored but will be used to identify potential sources of UIC60 rail. Entities are not required to respond to this RFEI to participate in future procurements, but information provided through EOIs may impact the Authority’s future planning for procurement of rail.

The anticipated schedule for this RFEI is as follows:

The RFEI is available to download from the California State Contracts Register (CSCR).

Questions regarding this RFEI may be submitted to Rachael Wong at TS1@ or (916) 324-1541.

Notice of Industry Feedback Sought for Track, Systems, and Trainset Procurement Options

The California High-Speed Rail Authority (the Authority) is excited to seek industry feedback from experienced market participants on its revised procurement approach for the track, rail systems and trainsets procurement(s). The Authority has identified multiple potential packaging and procurement approaches for rail system elements including track, systems, overhead contact systems (OCS), trainsets, operations, and maintenance facilities for the Merced to Bakersfield Segment.

Materials on the revised procurement approach will be available upon written request to TS1@ beginning March 2, 2023.

The industry feedback period will commence March 2, 2023, and conclude by April 6, 2023. Industry feedback is sought via the following two methods (firms may participate in one or both):

  • The Authority seeks written feedback on the procurement options from qualified rail delivery entities in the areas of design and delivery of track, signaling, power supply, OCS, communications, trainsets, operations control center and maintenance facilities. Submissions will be subject to public disclosure pursuant the California Public Records Act. Any trade secret or proprietary information submitted must be marked as such for the Authority to consider whether such items may remain confidential. Do not submit marketing or promotional materials.
  • In addition, firms meeting the following criteria may submit a request to the Authority to meet virtually during the industry feedback period.
    Experience as a prime team member or first-tier subcontractor on a contract for one or more of the following:
    • High-speed rail track design and installation [i.e., 300 kph operating speed, or experience in track (FRA Class 7 track or greater) installation in the U.S.]
    • High-speed rail OCS (i.e., 300 kph operating speed) and/or power supply
    • High-speed rail signaling and telecommunications (i.e., ETCS Level II or equivalent)
    • Rail maintenance facilities
    • Rail operation centers
    • High-speed rail trainsets (i.e., 300 kph operating speed)

    Please submit the request for a meeting and/or materials, including a brief explanation of your firm’s qualifications, to: TS1@ by March 15, 2023.

Please note that on October 26, 2022, the Authority released a news release on the restructuring of the Track and Systems procurement.

The California High-Speed Rail Authority makes every effort to ensure the website and its contents meet mandated ADA requirements as per the California State mandated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA standard. If you are looking for a particular document not located on the California High-Speed Rail Authority website, you may make a request for the document under the Public Records Act through the Public Records Act page. If you have any questions about the website or its contents, please contact the Authority at info@