2023 Project Update Report
The 2023 Project Update Report was issued March 1, 2023. It fulfills the Authority’s biennial requirement to update the California Legislature on the development and implementation of intercity high-speed rail service. It also fulfills commitments made in our 2022 Business Plan to provide the following updates:
- Baseline budget and schedule
- Capital cost estimates
- Funding strategy
- Ridership forecasts
- Environmental clearance
- Steps to advance design on extensions to Merced and Bakersfield and Central Valley stations
For questions, please contact us at info@hsr.ca.gov
Chapter Highlights
Message From the CEO
- Projected ridership is still robust, and the San Francisco to Los Angeles/Anaheim service would be the most-traveled intercity passenger service in the nation.
- The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on global supply chains and the resulting market instability and inflation have been incorporated into the resetting of our unit prices and in our escalation rates going forward.
- Although we maintain our goal to become operational by the end of 2030, we recognize that stabilized funding dedicated to that objective is required to make it so.

Important Accomplishments in 2022
- Environmental work cleared for all segments between San Francisco and Palmdale (LA County) and for Burbank to Los Angeles — 422 miles
- Contracts awarded to begin advance design work for the Bakersfield and Merced extensions
- Contract was awarded to begin design work on the four Central Valley stations delivered by the Authority – Merced, Fresno, Kings/Tulare and Bakersfield
- 71% of all utility relocations completed by end of 2022
- 96% of right-of-way for the Central Valley construction segment delivered
- All design packages (163) completed for the structures on the Central Valley construction segment
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant agreement amended to align our current schedule with federal partner’s expectations

Text description of Central Valley Construction Dashboard
The dashboard shows a comparison of progress in the Central Valley from 2022 to projected progress in 2023. Authority Approved Design is at 100% completed. Right-Of-Way parcels delivered to contractors are at 96% in 2022, projected 98% in 2023. Utility relocation complete/in progress is at 71% in 2022, projected 83% for 2023. Structures complete/in progress are at 74% for 2022, projected 86% in 2023. Miles of guideway complete/in progress is at 74% in 2022, projected 81% in 2023. Overall contract is at 66% in 2022, projected 72% in 2023.
Upcoming Milestones in 2023
- 10,000 jobs created since construction began in the Central Valley
- First construction package (CP 4) will reach substantial completion in summer 2023
- Palmdale to Burbank environmental document to be certified in November 2023
- Design for Bakersfield and Merced extensions to reach configuration footprint (30%) by fourth quarter – right-of-way acquisition plan, utility relocation plan and third-party agreements included
- Track and Systems strategy completed and RFQs before the Board in 2023

Goals Beyond 2023
- By 2025, complete all environmental documents for the entire 500-mile system connecting San Francisco and Anaheim
- By 2028, complete design and begin train testing on the first 119-mile, double-tracked, electrified high-speed rail test track between Madera and Poplar Avenue
- Between 2030 and 2033, begin high-speed passenger service between Merced, Fresno and Bakersfield
- By 2030, advance Northern and Southern California sections to 30% design so that construction can continue to progress under new, stabilized funding

Text description of 2023 Environmental Status Map
This map shows the high-speed rail alignment throughout Calfornia. It indicates 422 miles environmentally cleared from San Francisco to Palmdale, and Burbank to Los Angeles. It also indicates 72 miles projected to be environmentally cleared in 2023/2025 that includes Palmdale to Burbank and Los Angeles to Anaheim.
Board of Directors
Thomas Richards, Chair
Nancy Miller, Vice Chair
Emily Cohen
Martha M. Escutia
James C. Ghielmetti
Margaret Peña
Henry Perea
Lynn Schenk
Anthony C. Williams
Chief Executive Officer
Brian P. Kelly
Ex Officio Board Members
Honorable Dr. Joaquin Arambula
Honorable Lena Gonzalez
California High-Speed Rail Authority
770 L Street, Suite 620
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 324-1541 info@hsr.ca.gov
The California High-Speed Rail Authority prepares a biennial report to the California State Legislature on the status of the program. The requirements for submission of a biennial Project Update Report were updated in June 2015 (AB 95) and require that on or before March 1, 2015, and every two years thereafter, HSRA provide a project update report, approved by the Secretary of Transportation, to the budget committees and the appropriate policy committees of both houses of the Legislature, on the development and implementation of intercity high-speed train service pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 185030. The report, at a minimum, shall include a program wide summary, as well as details by project section, with all information necessary to clearly describe the status of the project. Project Update Reports are published in odd-numbered years, and the next report will be issued in 2025.
The California High-Speed Rail Authority makes every effort to ensure the website and its contents meet mandated ADA requirements as per the California State mandated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA standard. If you are looking for a particular document not located on the California High-Speed Rail Authority website, you may make a request for the document under the Public Records Act through the Public Records Act page. If you have any questions about the website or its contents, please contact the Authority at info@hsr.ca.gov.