Highlights from Chapter 1:

Updates and Highlights

With federal and state funding sources beginning to open up, we are updating our funding strategies to move the high-speed rail project forward. New, more stable funding provides the opportunity for:

    • Eliminating consideration of a single-track option on service between Merced, Fresno and Bakersfield;
    • Advancing design statewide after each project section is environmentally cleared, preparing the sections for future construction funding; and
    • Making targeted investments statewide to provide early benefits and advance future connectivity, particularly in shared corridors.

COVID-19 affected the timing and cadence of our business plans. Given that the 2020 Business Plan was submitted to the Legislature in April 2021, the 2022 Business Plan provides an update on only what has transpired since then, such as important progress being made to environmentally clear the full 500-mile system. It also provides limited adjustments to the capital cost estimates for the full system, with a more comprehensive analysis to come in the 2023 Project Update Report.

Key Facts

  • Our Mission: To initiate the construction of a high-speed train system that utilizes an alignment and technology capable of sustained speeds of 200 miles per hour or greater.
  • Three principles guide our decisions.
    • Initiate high-speed rail service in California as soon as possible.
    • Make strategic, concurrent investments that will be linked over time and provide mobility, economic and environmental benefits at the earliest possible time.
    • Position ourselves to construct additional segments as funding becomes available.

map of high-speed rail alignment showing Phase 1 and Phase 2

Text description of statewide map


This map shows the planned California high-speed rail 500-mile system between San Francisco and Anaheim (Phase 1) and well as the extensions to Sacramento and San Diego (Phase 2). 

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