
The challenges of funding a transportation project of the complexity and magnitude of the California high-speed rail system are not new to this program or other large-scale transportation and infrastructure programs across the country and around the world.

Although the Authority has secured significant funds from both state and federal sources, the biggest challenge the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) has faced is securing full funding for delivering the entire high-speed rail system.

Our funding sources include Cap-and-Trade funding, Proposition 1A, as well as federal grants. For a more in-depth look you can read our latest Project Update Report, which is published in spring of odd numbered years and includes a program wide summary, as well as details by project section, with all information necessary to clearly describe the status of the project. Or you can read the latest Business Plan, which comes out on even numbered years and is an overarching policy document used to inform the Legislature, the public, and stakeholders of the project’s implementation, and to assist the Legislature in making policy decisions regarding the project.

For the latest financial reporting, visit the Finance & Audit Committee webpage. Learn more about our awarded and pending grants on our Grants webpage.

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