Industry Awareness Day – Upcoming Rail Procurements
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
1:30 p.m.
California Department of Health Care Services Auditorium
1500 Capitol Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95814
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is hosting an Industry Awareness Day on November 15, 2023, 1:30 p.m. (PT) at the California Department of Health Care Services Auditorium, 1500 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95814 (or via Zoom, link provided upon registration).
The purpose of this Industry Awareness Day is to provide information on the current and upcoming procurements aimed at delivering the first 171-mile operational segment of the California High-Speed Rail project. The Authority seeks to raise awareness about the California High-Speed Rail project throughout the global high-speed rail industry while facilitating collaboration, and cultivating a competitive procurement process.
An overview will be presented of the current and upcoming procurements, including scope, packaging, delivery method, scale, and timelines. In addition, an overview of project requirements will be provided. We will discuss domestic material production and goals for small businesses.
The procurement packages will include scopes of work for:
- trainsets;
- the design for trackwork and overhead contact system;
- the construction for trackwork and overhead contact system;
- the design and construction for signaling and train control system, communications system, traction power supply, system and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system;
- independent safety assessor;
- independent cost estimator;
- integration support services;
- facilities design services;
- facilities construction services;
- construction management for track and OCS; and
- construction management for maintenance facilities.
All Authority responses to questions will be posted on the Track and Systems page, along with all materials from the presentation within a few weeks of the event.
Questions regarding the Industry Awareness Day should be submitted to Richard Yost at or (916) 324-1541.

For consultation and/or translation support, call (916) 324-1541 or email
For TTY/TTD assistance, call (800) 881-5799 or the California Relay Service at 711.
Communications and Media Relations
(916) 322-1422
Privacy Officer
(916) 324-1541
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