CEO Report

Brian P. Kelly, CEO
April 27, 2022

Overview | Program Update | Upcoming Future Board Meeting | UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies Poll | Relevant Materials


  • Program Update
  • Update on Future Board Meetings
  • UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies Poll


Program Update – CP 1

  • Utility Work
    • Justification: Increase the “provisional sums account” for necessary utility work in Construction Package 1 (CP 1). This change is estimated to complete all known utility work on CP 1. The change is needed to make sure the work is completed.
    • Cost: $31,000,000
  • McKinley Avenue
    • Justification: McKinley Avenue modifications requested by City of Fresno and Caltrans between 2015 and 2018 to align with new Northbound 99 onramp alignment and allow for utility relocation. These relocations are a major component of the HSR footprint in the area of McKinley Avenue, and the executed settlement allows the work to be completed.
    • Cost: $78,608,851.93

Program Update – 2/3

  • Intrusion Protection Barrier (IPB)
    • Justification: Resolves 1 of 4 major contract disputes with Dragados/Flat Iron Joint Venture and allows for work to construct an IPB adjacent to track owned and operated by BNSF Railway. This action avoids further delays and resolves the IPB dispute with the contractor.
    • Cost: $144,949,345
  • Extend the PCM Contract until 12/31/22
    • Justification: A budget amendment and contract time extension to cover Project and Construction Management Services (PCM) scope of work from April 30, 2022, to December 31, 2022.
    • Cost: $27,878,266.10

Program Update – CP 4

  • Time Impact Resolution
    • Justification: This time impact compensates California Rail Builders (CP 4 contractor) for delay claims associated with past right-of-way acquisition issues and the lack of an agreement in place with Semitropic Water District. Agreement is now in place and project is now on set schedule toward completion.
    • Cost: $21,005,179



  • May Board Meeting (in person)
    • Thursday, May 19
    • Location: East End Complex, 1500 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento
  • June Board Meeting (in person)
    • Thursday, June 16
    • Location: TBD (opportunity for the meeting to be in Fresno, and tour construction sites)
  • July Board Meeting (cancelled)
    • Not unusual for one of our summer meetings to be cancelled given summer conflicts.
  • August Board Meeting (in person)
    • Wednesday/Thursday, August 17/18
    • Location: Bay Area (specific site TBD)


    • Recent IGS Poll shows growing support for high-speed rail
      • I want to highlight the poll question because it is a very accurate rendering of the status of the project: “In 2008 California voters approved bonds to begin designing and building a high-speed rail system. The original plan called for service to run from San Diego through the Central Valley and up to Sacramento as soon as 2030. But cost estimates for the project have risen since 2008 and officials are now working under a longer timeline, with trains operating only from Bakersfield to Merced in the Central Valley by 2030, and the next ending service to the San Francisco Bay Area by 2033. Do you favor or oppose the state continuing to build the high-speed rail project?”
      • By a five-to-three margin, 56% to 35% of CA voters support continuing to build high-speed rail
        • 59% of Los Angeles County voters
        • 65% of SF/Bay Area voters
        • 48% of Central Valley voters
      • Future riders overwhelmingly support high-speed rail progress
        • 65% of voters aged 18-40
      • Voters see how high-speed rail can create more equitable mobility for all Californians
        • 63% of those making less than $20,000 support the project’s progress
      • High-speed rail support strong amongst historically disadvantaged demographics
        • 70% of Black voters
        • 63% of Latino voters
      • Men and women share similar amount of support for the project
        • 54% of male voters
        • 57% of female voters
      • You have that poll’s summary and the cross tabs in front of you.
      • The bond bill passed with 53% voter approval in 2008, so we’ve grown from that.


Board of directors

Board Resolutions

View the Board Resolutions


Board of Directors Secretary
(916) 324-1541

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